Friday, November 14, 2008

It's been a while since i last updated this space and over the past month, life has been very eventful i must say. Enlisted for slightly over 2 months now and NS is definitely an eye-opener for country bumpkins like me. During this period, i get to do lots of stuff i would never in a million years thought i would be doing and i learn a lot about myself, people, life and military. It's just so many things that i can't just phrase it into a paragraph or two. But to sum things up, i would describe my NS life thus far in the following way.

  • Get to know characters of all kind.
  • Bond with my bunk mates as well as some platoon mates
  • Become Platoon IC for a week
  • Just came back from an unforgettable field camp which rained all 6 days we're there
  • First time sleeping in basha, cowboy style as well as trench
  • And many other interesting, funny, tiring experience which i seriously don't know how to pen it down.

Like i said, just came back from field camp on thursday where we rushed back to company line in the afternoon to wash up and booked out in late noon. Was super exhausted because no one caught any glimpse of sleep the previous night due to the super heavy downpour. Ate like a glutton for the past 2 days and went out with my section mates last night for dinner at Earle's Swensen as well as chillin at the open area after that till midnight. It was our section's first outing and i had tons of fun!


Section 4

Me (Bed 1), Kelvin (Bed 3) and Arif (Bed 2). The three who don't sleep after lights out and would gather around each other's bed, talk nonsense till late in the night, wake up the next day looking like zombie and dozing off everywhere we go.

JS and Me. This is my "darling" in camp. Haha. It all started as a stupid game within our section and end up being known throughout the whole platoon. But it's all for fun, so no harm. Haha.

People crowding around the biggest eater. Haha.

Me and my buddy.

JS and I beside Sai Lam, who is super cute. Don't underestimate this little fella just because of his petite size. He is not only very fit physically, he got the willpower stronger than anyone i've ever met.
No matter how much you pressurize him, there's no way he would act cute.
Keep still there.

JS, my shitting buddy ChuXiang and Me.
We saw this guy in Harry's and he is super tall! His company has this party or something and you can see lots of caucasians dressed up as movie characters. Very cool and this guy definitely stood out because of his height and super cool costume! Haha. He say he is dressed up as some guy in 007 but i've no idea who. Haha.

Lastly, i would like to also add that field camp make me miss my friends and family like nuts!! I'm glad it's all over now and i get to see my friends! Haha.