Saturday, January 31, 2009

Neglected. Haha.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Some pictures from POP. More to come. So much to talk about...

Dad, Mom and lovely Grandma.

Shanyuan. Ah Poon! (Yew Hao)

JS ("Darling"in camp, haha)
Sai Lam
Chu Xiang, Daniel

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Last book-in in about 2 hours time.
24 km away from the finishing point.
Excited about block leave.
Dread leaving my bunk mates.
3 months, i acquire way beyond my expectations.

Friday, November 14, 2008

It's been a while since i last updated this space and over the past month, life has been very eventful i must say. Enlisted for slightly over 2 months now and NS is definitely an eye-opener for country bumpkins like me. During this period, i get to do lots of stuff i would never in a million years thought i would be doing and i learn a lot about myself, people, life and military. It's just so many things that i can't just phrase it into a paragraph or two. But to sum things up, i would describe my NS life thus far in the following way.

  • Get to know characters of all kind.
  • Bond with my bunk mates as well as some platoon mates
  • Become Platoon IC for a week
  • Just came back from an unforgettable field camp which rained all 6 days we're there
  • First time sleeping in basha, cowboy style as well as trench
  • And many other interesting, funny, tiring experience which i seriously don't know how to pen it down.

Like i said, just came back from field camp on thursday where we rushed back to company line in the afternoon to wash up and booked out in late noon. Was super exhausted because no one caught any glimpse of sleep the previous night due to the super heavy downpour. Ate like a glutton for the past 2 days and went out with my section mates last night for dinner at Earle's Swensen as well as chillin at the open area after that till midnight. It was our section's first outing and i had tons of fun!


Section 4

Me (Bed 1), Kelvin (Bed 3) and Arif (Bed 2). The three who don't sleep after lights out and would gather around each other's bed, talk nonsense till late in the night, wake up the next day looking like zombie and dozing off everywhere we go.

JS and Me. This is my "darling" in camp. Haha. It all started as a stupid game within our section and end up being known throughout the whole platoon. But it's all for fun, so no harm. Haha.

People crowding around the biggest eater. Haha.

Me and my buddy.

JS and I beside Sai Lam, who is super cute. Don't underestimate this little fella just because of his petite size. He is not only very fit physically, he got the willpower stronger than anyone i've ever met.
No matter how much you pressurize him, there's no way he would act cute.
Keep still there.

JS, my shitting buddy ChuXiang and Me.
We saw this guy in Harry's and he is super tall! His company has this party or something and you can see lots of caucasians dressed up as movie characters. Very cool and this guy definitely stood out because of his height and super cool costume! Haha. He say he is dressed up as some guy in 007 but i've no idea who. Haha.

Lastly, i would like to also add that field camp make me miss my friends and family like nuts!! I'm glad it's all over now and i get to see my friends! Haha.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's been a while and so far, army life isn't that bad. Trainings are getting more exhausting, but that's pretty much expected. Being in the army and spending 24/7 with all boys is really an eye-opening experience and i get to meet all kind of people. And i really mean it when i say that. People of ALL kind. Thus far, my bunk mates, or even the platoon mates, aren't that bad. One month plus down, around two more to go! Being away from the civilian world made me miss the friends a lot. There are times where i would sit on my bed looking at pictures of friends and family i pasted on the cabinet, and think about how much i'm miss them and how i'm not able to be there for them and it's just really depressing. But everyone has been really sweet and supportive, taking time to talk to me, sending sweet smses and all the little gesture to make the whole "being away from them" a lot more easier. Like yesterday, i get to meet cousin for breakfast at Delifrance. She prepared lychee jelly for me as well as a hand made card. The former didn't taste exactly how she expected but it's still really sweet of her and thank you for that cousin! Then at night, while at a wedding dinner, i received an unexpected call from Diana, all the way from the Philippines! I miss her like crap and it's so good to hear from her again. I really really really really miss this dear friend like shit and talking to her just remind me of all the good times we had. Anyhow, thank you once again everyone for being so accomodating and patient and sweet. I really appreciate all that everyone has done and am really thankful for their existence in my life. Lastly, my "Kellie Pickler"album finally arrived last week and i'm having a blast listening to all the new materials from my idol!! Haha.

Monday, September 29, 2008

16 days of confinement is finally over and the long awaited book out is finally here. The march to the jetty, the ferry ride back to Singapore and the bus to Pasir Ris interchange was filled with lots of anticipation and joy and excitement. The feelings are so overwhelming, i can't find a word to put it across. The two weeks has been an eye opener and also during that period, i felt blessed. Every one, every single person whom i genuinely care for, have been nothing but supportive. It really made the 16 days so much easier. I'm really at a loss for words but all i can say is, thank you to each and every single one of you. Anyhow, i've not done much since book out other than junking on food. My appetite has somehow doubled itself and i find myself constantly looking for something to sink my teeth on. Met the usuals yesterday where they bought me drink from Starbucks, yummy mee goreng made from nazi and her very sweet mom, yas and her home made cookies and apple drink from yas' dad. Had a great time with all 3 of them, even though Meow's only there for a short while due to project. After which, dinner with Xiao Huang 2 (Liyi) and Da Jie at Swensen's. Again, tons of catching up and sharing my army tales with them. Hahaha. Then today, met WeiQi for brunch and again, had a fantastic time. I'm still very sorry that i only informed you about my enlistment one day before. Haha. Honestly, i haven't had this much fun in a long while and i really appreciate everyone for taking time off their schedule to meet me. It really means a lot to me. A few more meet ups to go and i can't wait!! Oh yes, today's the release of Kellie Pickler's self-titled sophomore album! Can't wait for my copy to be shipped from the States!!!