Thursday, August 30, 2007

Met up with SOCK for lunch cum shopping yesterday. It has been eons since i last met up with her and this get together definitely made up for the few months which we've been MIA in each other's life. 7 years of friendship says it all. We don't sms nor call each other on every other day but the bond we have is there. She has my back and for sure i'll always be there for hers'. Lunch at Terra, as recommended by her, and the baked rice we had was rather good. It's gonna be tougher to meet up once her attachment commence but i'm sure we'll manage another meet up somehow. It's always good to have meet up with the people of my life.

Monday, August 27, 2007

I seriously have absolutely no idea what i want to blog about since life has been pretty much as interesting as watching a turtle crawl. Something i heard a few days ago makes my heart melt. I'm not sure about other people's life but love and affection are seldom heard of in my family, especially the older generation, where they show their care for each other deep in the heart. Life hasn't been particularly fair to grandma as of late but she has got the sweetest brother i got to say. Granduncle visited grandma last week, gave her a hug and told her that he will stood by her and not let anyone bully her. Upon his words, tears rolled down grandma's eyes. He even paid to bring grandma to visit their hometown in China next week. I just feel so happy for Grandma because she's a tough cookie and she totally deserves all the love in this world. I think the relationship between her and granduncle is what we call true siblings love. This story never fails to give me goosebump each time i think about it because this is something very hard to ask for from the older, traditional and conservative generation. I don't particularly like to share about what goes on in the family because it's not at all glamorous to share such stuff publicly but i simply need to share this because it's just so sweet and simple. Don't we all just crave for simplicity, with a little love from the friends and family and not much of complexity to give us a heart attack. I don't really have a clear definition of what simplicity really means but all i know is that life is always good when we were young. We have our neighbours and siblings or even stranger's kids to play with and it doesn't matter what we're playing because it's always fun. But as we grow old and as the society changes, life is all about acceptance. And people change, as do i. In the quest of acceptance and "fame", we have people who would resort to defaming others or betraying themselves by being who they're not. It's sick. I'm not implying that i'm all perfect and naive because i'm not. I grow, i learn from mistakes and i change. People like it and people don't. But at least i am, or think i am, seeking acceptance from people whom i genuinely cares for and i do not step across the line that spells poser with a capital P.

Friday, August 24, 2007

The post exam mood has finally sunk in and i'm prepared to laze off the couch during the weekend. Hahaha, hopefully not much lard would be pile on to the bursting waistline. The last paper was alright i guess but if careless mistake hadn't found me this morning, i could've feel much better now. I told a few friends to study that and i memorized like nuts and i even told myself when i first saw the question that i knew the answer to it. Who knows, silly me, did part one of the question and left that part blank unknowingly. I even have some spare time to double check my work, to make things worse. I didn't realize my mistake until after the papers was collected, when i was relieved that luckily i sent YiShi the mindmap cause it's tested, before it struck me that i actually didn't do that question. Nothing i do now can salvage anything so if there's anyone to blame, it can only be me, my brain and my eyes. Just hope the loss of marks wouldn't really affect the grade. I don't really want to think to all the grades i might be receiving because maybe due to my laziness, the papers are rather tough that i don't even have any motivation of predict what kind of grade to get anymore. On a brighter note, i am free to go out now! I miss the friends terribly.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Yesterday, while on the way to school for the paper, i have the honour of being in the same bus with the biggest inconsiderate asshole in the world. You know how a lot of people like to study for their papers while on the way to school for their paper? And being on bus 75, almost everyone on board is NP students having a paper that morning and almost all are busy looking down at their "bible". So this schmuck board the bus and stood directly in front of me ( i was sitting at the middle seat of the last row ) and coincidentally, his friends were sitting at the seats directly beside him. And he seems to have a voice projector in his vocal cords because it's as loud an out-of-tune trumpet. He goes about yakking how the past year paper is tougher to how great it is to have an open book test and he begins talking about the authors of different chinese books! Well, he and his friends are chinese studies students if i'm not wrong but seriously! CONGRATULATION ON HAVING OPEN BOOK EXAM! WooHoo! Okay, now please shut the trap up and let us study in peace! I know it's public transport but at least have the decency to keep your volume down, as what we're taught! Everytime i try to remember something related to Compensation, his voice could be heard and all i can think of is "Dai AiLing (one of the author)" and her books because he can't freaking stop talking about it.

A couple of weeks ago, Carrie Underwood's debut single off her soon-to-be-released second studio album was released to country radio station all across the US and it breaks a whole lot of record, continuing the success off her mega-selling debut album. "So Small" is a song that sings about how we often waste our time magnifying little issues of our life when there are plenty more to life than that. The lyrics is just simply as inspiring as those of her idol, country diva Martina McBride, and the tune somewhat reminds me of Rascal Flatts. Here are the lyrics!
What you got if you aint got love?
The kind that you just wanna give away
It's okay to open up
Go ahead and let the light shine through
I know it's hard on a rainy day
You wanna shut the world out
And just be left alone
Don't run out on your faith
Sometimes that mountain you've been climbing
Is just a grain of sand
What you've been out there searching for forever,
Is in your hands
When you figure out love is all that matters, after all
It sure makes everything else
Seem so small
It's so easy to get lost inside
A problem that seems so big, at the time
It's like a river that's so wide
It swallows you whole
While you're sittin round thinking about what you can't change
And worryin' about all the wrong things
Time's flying by, moving so fast
You better make it count, cause you can't get it back
Sometimes that mountain you've been climbing
Is just a grain of sand
What you've been out there searchin for forever
Is in your hands
Oh, When you figure out love is all that matters after all
It sure makes everything else
Seem so small
Sometimes that mountain you've been climbing
Is just a grain of sand
What you've been out there searchin for forever
Is in your hands
Oh, When you figure out love is all that matters after all
It sure makes everything else
Oh it sure makes eveyrthing else
Seem so small

Friday, August 17, 2007

The first paper and it already kills quite a lot of the brain cells. The first reaction after the paper was done is "Just shoot me in the head". Definitely not a wonderful start to the exams week but i shalln't falter. One down, four more to go! The word "four" seems so near yet so far, haha. Alright, all the best to everyone who's mugging for the exams! I've realized that my entries lately are getting shorter and shorter but i'm sure i'll have a lot to complain after the exams! Haha.
Life for the past few weeks as well as the coming week can be depicted in 6 pictures.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

These couple of weeks have been spent like a caveman and my only companion is the huge chunk of notes with tons of informations to be filled in my limited-capacity brain. Though i get to sleep longer than i usually does during school days, the eye bag issue is still being a pain in the butt. Have been exceptionally lazy this semester and it takes so much willpower just to focus for half an hour. 4 more days before the exams commence and i got to pull up my socks now or else i'll have to bear the consequences myself. On a light note, i get to meet the friends this week! All 3 of them, after 2 months! It's just a simple lunch at plaza since Yas and I got to study for the exams but it's worth it and definitely a boost in motivation after seeing them. It has been so long since we get to meet altogether and i just miss all of them so much. There's so much to talk in that few hours and i really can't wait for the exams to end so that we can go out again.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

So i was told that i got tagged and have to write some weird stuff about me. The rule is as follow: People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. Following that i must tag another several people, asking them to do the same thing and this cycle will go on forever till, well, the day Martha Stewart decides to run for President. Or the day Hilary Clinton decides to drop out of election and runs a cooking show. I know! Not funny! Anyway, here are some things about me and honestly, i have a hard time thinking what i should write since i don't really have much that my friends doesn't know about.
1) I'm a country music junkie and i listen to country music 24/7. I LOVE the Southern accent, the country twang and the YEE-HAW.
2) People who sees me often would think that i bite my nails. But the thing is, i don't. I just rest my nail on the teeth as a sign that i'm focusing and deep in thoughts. I think it's disgusting to be biting my nails because god knows what's underneath those thing!
3) I don't think Jay Chow is cool and instead, i think Oprah is the coolest. You see, cool holds a different meaning to me. Being cool doesn't mean that i need snobbish attitude or that i shouldn't open my mouth when i talk. Cool is being approachable, unjudgemental and having an open heart. I know people are going to hate me for it but seriously, even the president doesn't get 100% support from him people.
4) I fart a lot and i usually tells the person next to me a few seconds after i fart so that it'll be too late if they try to avoid smelling it. I think fart is something normal so there's no point in being discrete about it.
5) People knows i love watching TV and i am deeply in love with Oprah. But what they don't know is that the only show that makes me cry every episode is "The Biggest Loser". It's weird. I just shed tears of happiness whenever i see the end results of the contestants. The expression on their faces after knowing that their life just changed for the better and that their efforts are rewarded never fails to trigger-off the tear glands. I think it's because of low-life judgemental twats that we're now living in a world where being different in terms of size or look is a crime.
6) I always lipsynch to the songs i'm listening to. I don't singalong, i lipsynch. This is because i feel that by singing along to the songs, i will be ruining it. Haha.
7) I have my "mood" anthem. I listen to certain songs according to my mood. For example, whenever i'm feeling like crap, i would listen to "I'm On My Way" by Kellie Pickler or "So Small" by Carrie Underwood. The latter was just released but it's just so inspiring that i listen to it everyday. Or when i depressed or sad, i would listen to "Irvine" by Kelly Clarkson. Happy? All kind of upbeat songs. Those are my mood anthem!
8) I hate exercising. And even though i starts jogging with my brother occasionally now, i dread it everytime. The only thing that keeps me going on is the mindset i instilled in my brain. Whenever i jog, the thing that keeps me moving is by telling myself that i will lose the pound i gained from the snacks i consumed.
9) Most of the shows that i watch, i usually don't like the main characters. I'm usually the fan of the supporting casts.
10) I seriously think that Oprah is the most drop dead gorgeous woman in this world even though she's old enough to be my grandma. Go figure that out.
I still have some unknown facts but i think i'll keep those in the backpocket for the time-being. Anyway, i'm not going to pass this on to other people because i'm doing it for the sake of updating my blog and well, doing what i was told to as a form of respect.

Monday, August 6, 2007

After watching religiously for 23 weeks, season one of Ugly Betty has finally come to an end. I am just so addicted to this show because it is so hilarious and you can’t help but love all the characters. Yup, even the villains. Sometimes, I laugh so hard to the extent that tears roll out of the eyes, and the same applies to The Ellen Show. There are so many things that happened during the finale and a lot of mystery and suspense were left unspoken for the viewers, like me, and I really can’t wait for the premier of season two to clear all those up!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Met up with Meow on Thursday and went shopping. We had initially wanted to go to this cafe at Haji Lane but it's begin business at 5 pm so we have no choice but to go town. Shall let the pictures do the talking. My mind is so blank, i can't think of anything to write.

*Lunch(The only 2 pictures we took at Town cause it's just too boring there)*

*While waiting for Meow's dental appointment at Plaza*And something happened while we were snapping pictures away...

Hahaha, i'm just kidding. No offence Meow! And below is a special shoutout to the 2 friends missing in the picture.

We misses you guys! Hahaha.

I look so fat in those pictures. I think i need to stop eating now or else the first present i would give myself when i turn 30 is a liposuction or gastric bypass! Hahahaha. Okay, that's all for now. Oh ya, i finally got the sweater i've always wanted though it's not exactly how i had imagine it to be. But i'm still thrilled nonetheless, hahaha.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Sometimes, you can't help but be amused at how the human mind works. In this case, i'm not talking about myself, but people as a whole. As we all know, after a couple of weeks of the non-stop rainy and misty days, the scorching sun has once again return to what is rightfully a "summer". I know we don't really have seasonal changes here in this tiny island but we do at least have the raining season and such, if i'm not wrong. So you know, being a poly student, i have to say we're spoilt rotten with the utilisation of air-condition every where we go, be it the lecture hall, tutorial classroom and even certain canteens. Of course, it comes along with the price of the school fees. Therefore i believe it's only humane to think that we are entitled to the air-condition everywhere, especially those in our classroom. And with such weather, i think it's pretty much common sense that we should be enjoying the privilege of the air-con in the classroom at say, around 23 degrees celcius. Am i right? I think i am. Yup, so why in this world would anyone, get so "cold" in such condition and turn up the temperature to 28 DEGREES! Like, 28 CRAZILY WARM DEGREES in a class full of people! It's ridiculous. If you're cold for some weird reason or simply because you don't have as much fat as i do, then it's reasonable if you have the temperature at around 24 degrees. It doesn't give you the right to "represent" the class and turn it up to almost the same as normal room temperature! We might as well have lesson at the bus stop, so that we can all reach home earlier and save on the costs of equipping air-condition, which supposedly serves the purpose of cooling us down instead of killing us from the heat. Absolutely absurd. I know i'm like making a mole out of a mole hill but seriously, don't people ever spare a thought for others? That's not the only case. You know, we have lesson in lecture halls, packed with people and body heat? Ya, there're people crazy enough to switch it all off! They are ridiculous. I mean, i know it's cold sometimes but you can't possibly be that ignorant to know that you can turn the temperature up by A BIT ( not to 28 degrees of course! ) or simply, wear more clothes! Get a sweater, jacket, blanket, whatever i don't care but at least be reasonable! You are feeling cold doesn't necessary means that everyone is the same as you. Another tip for those people, stop wearing skimpy clothes, because it doesn't help in keeping you warm in case fashion school didn't teach you that.