Friday, August 3, 2007

Sometimes, you can't help but be amused at how the human mind works. In this case, i'm not talking about myself, but people as a whole. As we all know, after a couple of weeks of the non-stop rainy and misty days, the scorching sun has once again return to what is rightfully a "summer". I know we don't really have seasonal changes here in this tiny island but we do at least have the raining season and such, if i'm not wrong. So you know, being a poly student, i have to say we're spoilt rotten with the utilisation of air-condition every where we go, be it the lecture hall, tutorial classroom and even certain canteens. Of course, it comes along with the price of the school fees. Therefore i believe it's only humane to think that we are entitled to the air-condition everywhere, especially those in our classroom. And with such weather, i think it's pretty much common sense that we should be enjoying the privilege of the air-con in the classroom at say, around 23 degrees celcius. Am i right? I think i am. Yup, so why in this world would anyone, get so "cold" in such condition and turn up the temperature to 28 DEGREES! Like, 28 CRAZILY WARM DEGREES in a class full of people! It's ridiculous. If you're cold for some weird reason or simply because you don't have as much fat as i do, then it's reasonable if you have the temperature at around 24 degrees. It doesn't give you the right to "represent" the class and turn it up to almost the same as normal room temperature! We might as well have lesson at the bus stop, so that we can all reach home earlier and save on the costs of equipping air-condition, which supposedly serves the purpose of cooling us down instead of killing us from the heat. Absolutely absurd. I know i'm like making a mole out of a mole hill but seriously, don't people ever spare a thought for others? That's not the only case. You know, we have lesson in lecture halls, packed with people and body heat? Ya, there're people crazy enough to switch it all off! They are ridiculous. I mean, i know it's cold sometimes but you can't possibly be that ignorant to know that you can turn the temperature up by A BIT ( not to 28 degrees of course! ) or simply, wear more clothes! Get a sweater, jacket, blanket, whatever i don't care but at least be reasonable! You are feeling cold doesn't necessary means that everyone is the same as you. Another tip for those people, stop wearing skimpy clothes, because it doesn't help in keeping you warm in case fashion school didn't teach you that.

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