Thursday, August 9, 2007

So i was told that i got tagged and have to write some weird stuff about me. The rule is as follow: People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. Following that i must tag another several people, asking them to do the same thing and this cycle will go on forever till, well, the day Martha Stewart decides to run for President. Or the day Hilary Clinton decides to drop out of election and runs a cooking show. I know! Not funny! Anyway, here are some things about me and honestly, i have a hard time thinking what i should write since i don't really have much that my friends doesn't know about.
1) I'm a country music junkie and i listen to country music 24/7. I LOVE the Southern accent, the country twang and the YEE-HAW.
2) People who sees me often would think that i bite my nails. But the thing is, i don't. I just rest my nail on the teeth as a sign that i'm focusing and deep in thoughts. I think it's disgusting to be biting my nails because god knows what's underneath those thing!
3) I don't think Jay Chow is cool and instead, i think Oprah is the coolest. You see, cool holds a different meaning to me. Being cool doesn't mean that i need snobbish attitude or that i shouldn't open my mouth when i talk. Cool is being approachable, unjudgemental and having an open heart. I know people are going to hate me for it but seriously, even the president doesn't get 100% support from him people.
4) I fart a lot and i usually tells the person next to me a few seconds after i fart so that it'll be too late if they try to avoid smelling it. I think fart is something normal so there's no point in being discrete about it.
5) People knows i love watching TV and i am deeply in love with Oprah. But what they don't know is that the only show that makes me cry every episode is "The Biggest Loser". It's weird. I just shed tears of happiness whenever i see the end results of the contestants. The expression on their faces after knowing that their life just changed for the better and that their efforts are rewarded never fails to trigger-off the tear glands. I think it's because of low-life judgemental twats that we're now living in a world where being different in terms of size or look is a crime.
6) I always lipsynch to the songs i'm listening to. I don't singalong, i lipsynch. This is because i feel that by singing along to the songs, i will be ruining it. Haha.
7) I have my "mood" anthem. I listen to certain songs according to my mood. For example, whenever i'm feeling like crap, i would listen to "I'm On My Way" by Kellie Pickler or "So Small" by Carrie Underwood. The latter was just released but it's just so inspiring that i listen to it everyday. Or when i depressed or sad, i would listen to "Irvine" by Kelly Clarkson. Happy? All kind of upbeat songs. Those are my mood anthem!
8) I hate exercising. And even though i starts jogging with my brother occasionally now, i dread it everytime. The only thing that keeps me going on is the mindset i instilled in my brain. Whenever i jog, the thing that keeps me moving is by telling myself that i will lose the pound i gained from the snacks i consumed.
9) Most of the shows that i watch, i usually don't like the main characters. I'm usually the fan of the supporting casts.
10) I seriously think that Oprah is the most drop dead gorgeous woman in this world even though she's old enough to be my grandma. Go figure that out.
I still have some unknown facts but i think i'll keep those in the backpocket for the time-being. Anyway, i'm not going to pass this on to other people because i'm doing it for the sake of updating my blog and well, doing what i was told to as a form of respect.

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