Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I always have bad luck with Animal Planet, seriously. Was flipping through the channels just now and finally settled for Animal Planet, only to be shown a video of a deer giving birth. And i'm dumb, and numb, to watch the entire process of that little creature popping out of its mother's back. I use the word "back" because i can't tell if it's their butthole or vah-jay-jay, and i don't really want to know. Let me get this straight first, i know human babies are delivered from the vah-jay-jay, but i don't really know if the same applies for animals. Look, the world is WEIRD, so i wouldn't know! But my main point is, it is the most horrifying thing ever. I swear, i'd rather watch The Exorcist a million times than to catch an animal in labor again, even if it's only on TV. And to think that some guys even went in to videotape their wife giving birth? I would be scarred for life. Thank god my parents aren't IT savvy, and rich, enough to cultivate such habit. Ew ew ew ew ew. I can't shake that image off my mind. No offence to animal lovers, i do respect them and love them. Just that, you know, those thing scares me a little. I know this doesn't help in my already not-so-musculine image but come on! Like i've said many times, let those animals have some privacy. Actually, i'm partly at fault as well cause i should have known better. Never mind. I think i need to meditate for a couple of days now.

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