Wednesday, July 16, 2008

10 July, Thursday
Met up with Eugene and Yong Ming for lunch and movie cause the former's enlisting the next day. It has been a while since i last saw the two of them, so there's definitely a lot to catch up on! Tried to catch up on each other's life as well as the whatsnot. Lunch at Swensen's before catching the 2.20 pm timeslot of The Strangers. This is my first movie since Christmas Eve last year, which is close to 7 months! It was Alvin and the Chipmunks with Liyi and peeps, if i'm not wrong. I'm really not a movie person. In fact, i absolutely hate going for movie. That is probably the last place i would frequent if i had to choose. Plus, i detest popcorns. But i guess it wouldn't hurt to catch one every now and then, if requested by the friends. I'm okay with the idea if someone suggested it, but you'll never hear it coming from my mouth. Unless that is a REALLY REALLY good movie that i want to watch. Anyway, the movie was an absolute waste of money and time, and the storyplot is really weak. I gotta add in that i'm not a fan of sudden loud noise and shrieking, those you find in thrillers, so i'm covering my ears and half-shutting my eyes for almost half the show. After that, we shopped around Plaza Sing before i had to leave to meet up with my ex colleagues from SGX. Was there earlier than the appointed time and have to wait for them to finish closing, before cabbing down to SGH to visit Janet, who just had an op. We stayed for about an hour before going for dinner and heading home. I didn't really talk a lot during the visit cause i'm not all close to everyone and thus, settled for the shy persona. Was dead beat when i reached home, haha.
11 July, Friday
Today's the last day of Yas' ONE-FREAKING-YEAR attachment, so all of us met in Plaza around mid afternoon to just slack around with some drinks and finger food. Chat and bitch and make fun of each other under a block before i had to go home and change, cause i'm meeting AMANDA BOK for dinner. My wife from poly! Hahaha. Haven't seen her in years! I think it's around 2 years since we last sit down for proper conversation. The whole meet up was spurred when we passed each other in Marina Square a couple of weeks ago. We then scheduled a dinner on msn cause we really haven't met for a long while. If only Diana was still in Singapore, we would have more fun. But it's never dull to hang around bok, trust me, she's full of nonsense and her laughter is infectious. It was a great dinner with fantastic company. I sure do miss Amanda a fair bit.
12 July, Saturday
Went swimming with cousin in the morning. Yes, i went swimming. But i didn't have any trunk, so i had to borrow from my brother, hahaha. Seriously, i can't remember the last time i touched water. I wouldn't say i went for a swim either, cause i don't know how to. So i'll just use the word "soak" in water. Then we went for lunch at IMM, plaza for some errands, home to do the necessarry stuff before heading to town for some retail theraphy for cousin. It's a good week actually, cause i get to spend time with people whom i've been able to for quite some time, and i'm really thankful for it. I seriously can't remember the last time cousin and i had the whole day for each other, but i really appreciate every single second of it cause when i'm with cousin, i can literally pour everything out to her. She the best companion one can ever ask for. But again, i was EXHAUSTED by the end of the day.
13 July, Sunday
Went for desserts at Tony Roma's with Liyi and HuiYing. Well, it all started a week ago, where Liyi and I happened to catch the same show at home, which was the repeat of "Sweets for my Sweet", hosted by Michelle Cheong and Jade Seah. A few days later, Liyi was talking to me on msn about how she's having this craving for desserts, and i then told her the same thing. So end up, both of us are having cravings for the same thing!! So there we are, finally being able to satisfy what we've been thinking of for a week. It was finger licking good, but the portion was slightly too filling. Hahahaha.
APPLE CRISP! I love apples, the crumbs, the caramel and the vanilla ice cream! It's the perfect combo.
Skillet Cookie Sundae. Yummilicious!
Potato Skin. This totally won me over. It's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good, just a tad oily. But otherwise, it's heavenly!

I finally finished it! I was damn bloated by then.

I seriously couldn't finish this. The other two have long given up eating.

14 July, Monday
It's the day i've been looking for every single day when all is confirmed, outing with Yas, Nazi and Meow!! We went to Vivo to have lunch first, which was at Secret Recipe. I loveeeee their Tom Yum, simply one of the best. Having nice food is one thing, it's the company that matters most. I had a BLAST with the peeps and we were constantly bickering, laughing, chatting and mocking fun of each other. We then went to camwhore, shopped around the place before going home in the late afternoon. It was really an enjoyable and fufilling day. I can't seem to find a word to express how happy i was this day, cause i really really had a fantastic time with the friends. Upon reaching home, rested a while before going out for dinner cause it's Mummy's birthday!! I love my mummy to bits! Dinner was great, and i was bloated like shit.

Meow is so going to kill me after seeing this picture posted. HAHAHA!



The sun was blinding that day, everyone had such a hard time opening their eyes. EXCEPT ME! Hahahaha. Sorry, it's nothing worth boasting about actually.

So while posing with Yas, they wanted us to act sexy. So i did the following, and it freaked all of them out, hahaha.
And meow was fast enough to capture it. But come on! I'm not really licking her!

15 July, Tuesday
Met Weiqi in town for shopping and dinner. Was late, as usual, my apologies. I'm trying real hard to kick this habit, trust me, and there are some days where i'm early okay! Hahahaha. Seldom am i, but i'm trying! We shopped around, got some stuff and headed to Marina Square for dinner at Waraku. I miss hanging out with this best friend of mine, and we did a lot of catching up and talking. It's a fruitful day and we were both dead beat on our way home that we both fell asleep on the bus. hahaha. But it's all good, i had fun. Can't wait to see her again!
16 July, Wednesday
Today's SLACK day! Went to Nazi's place to chill and have lunch. Her mommy cooked the BEST MEE GORENG in SINGAPORE! Seriously! I always helped myself to extra servings, and i'm not kidding you on that. I seldom eat more than one serving but whenever i'm at her place for lunch, i'm a GLUTTON! Hahahaha. Even Meow was helping herself with more, you should know how great it is! HAhahaha. It's a pretty simple day, with us chilling around, having yoghurt, milk tea made by her mom (which was REALLY GOOD too), watch cable, read magazine, chit chat and looked at frog. Well, the frog was thrown into the fish tank for the fish to eat but after a while, we tried to locate the frog but couldn't. So we thought the fish must have eaten it while we were watching tv, but turns out that it jumped out from the tank and landed on the floor! Amazing. Hahaha. So we placed the frog back into the tank and observe it for the next ten minutes. Again, froggie ( as we call it ) has a really strong willpower, and it did the same thing again by climbing onto the pump, composed itself before taking one big leap towards that small tiny gap very high above it. It tried twice actually, but failed both times. Look at how bored we were! Hahaha. But we had a great time. Nazi's starting work tomorrow, so i guess we wouldn't be meeting each other for the whole day like today and Monday often, but i enjoyed myself tremendously on both days. Alright, it's a long post and i shall end here. To sum it up, it's a great week with lotsa wonderful meet ups, and i'm greedy for more! I really love my friends!


ImpoSsIbLe said...

i onli love the potato skin ok...super yummy...chessy....

Ting said...

that is one stupid photo u posted! is the 2nd time (if i rmb corectly), that u posted a photo of me like that!

apart frm that, i hav to say, u're.. *ahem* a sort of gd candid photographer. =)