Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My December

It's out y'all! The album that i've been waiting for is finally released, on the same day as the US. Went to Plaza with Yas yesterday to run some errand so i thought i'll go to the CD retail shop and give it a shot. Upon entering the shop, i was browsing through the alphabets for "K" and my eyes immediately beamed with the sight of a very familiar cover with the words, "Kelly Clarkson - My December". Without much hesitation, i grabbed the album and headed for the cashier.

I gave it a listen last night and again this morning and it is simply amazing. If you're looking for songs like those of her previous album, Breakaway, this is definitely not the album for you. This is, in my opinion, so much more better. Like many have said, the artistry in this album is spectacular. I was under the impression that it would be full of angst and hatred and rock judging from the first single, Never Again, but i was proved wrong. The songs are all so diverse and each of them is distinctive in their own way. What set this album apart from the previous two is that all the songs in it are written or co-written by Miss Clarkson herself, which is incredible.

Of course, when you purchase an album, there bound to be a few tracks that standout more than the others. One of my favourite would be the second single, Sober. Something so unique and special about this song is the music. It is so quiet and simple that you would be drawn involuntary to Kelly Clarkson's voice. She sang is so beautifully. The first half of the song was done slowly and clean. And towards the middle-end, the pace slowly picks up with the introduction of the bass and drum, but not overly done to overshadow the singer's voice. It gets more tensed and an expectation of something great forms in the mind and then bam! Out came the belting of the last chorus, which is so haunting and chilling it raises the hair on the back of your neck. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L.

Another track which i really love would be Irvine, a song she written during the darkest period of her life. The lyrics seems like she is singing all her fears and doubt to the person up there - God. I was laying on my bed last night, before i sleep, and listening to this song. I was so drawn into her voice i got lost in it. No belting and shouting, just a simple melody to showcase her vocals. The song is so sad and haunting yet mesmerizing at the same time. We've never seen this side of Kelly Clarkson and that's what i love about this album. Definitely a collectibles for fans. Every song is really really amazing and Kelly has got impeccable taste when it comes to music.

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