Thursday, May 29, 2008

Yesterday was the long awaited graduation ceremony. I have been anticipating this day for a long time not because i get to go onstage, but the fact that not only do i get to take a day off work, i can catch up with the friends! And, DIANA's BACK!!! This definitely calls for a celebration! Haha. Well, Diana had something to settle this week, so we'll push the meet up till next week but i'm still glad that i managed to see her and talk to her, even if it's just that couple of hours. Going up onstage was such a dread, with that weird attire clinging onto you, having to crack an awkward smile and a camera focusing on your face to be displayed onto the projector screen. But it's such a bittersweet experience, looking at each of the familiar faces going up to collect their cert, and thinking how every single one has created such an impact in my life. I'm not sure i would trade any experience i had with them for any "what if". I think the Poly life has been a great and fufilling one, and there's nothing much to complain about. I went into this school expecting nothing much, but came out with overflowing memories that'll be remembered for a long time. Everyone played a role in this, and i'm humble to say that it has been an honour to be their friend. Not only the friends. Even the classmates, common enemies, lecturers and just other students whom i don't know. Without them, my stay at Ngee Ann wouldn't be complete. The skipping of lectures, having lunch together, KFC, PROJECTS, allocating nicknames to people and all the silly jokes. It's all good memories. Not saying that there are no bad memories, there are, but the good definitely outweighs the bad. And the bad memories are just redundant. They should just be treated as joke and then chucked aside. After the ceremony was the reception, which was chaotic. It's people EVERYWHERE, taking photos and catching up. I had such a hard time finding the friends. Everyone was calling each other, trying to locate each other. The parents didn't stay long though, as Dad has to work. So took two pictures with them and they were off. When i finally manage to locate Yong Ming, i was immediately whisked away by Mrs Tit and she HELD my hand like a lost child and brought me to the guy who sponsored my award. You know, the Career Consultant Prize. Well, he is the CEO of the company, and i was left to mingle with him in the VIP area. That was nerve-wrecking. But as soon as we started talking, it wasn't that bad actually, other than my few weird laughter. You know, those when you try to laugh heartily but came off really weird. We talked for a good half an hour about everything. I hope i left a good impression, but i think i talked too much. HAhahahahaha. Well, he asked so many personal questions and it's easy to answer those! I've been really truthful in all my answers and i'm actually surprised at that, because i thought i would have to lie somewhere in the middle of the conversation. But no, i just answer honestly, and it felt great. But it's kinda scary at the same time how i can just relay so much personal information to some unknown guy. We talked about country music, Oprah (sorry, Oprah's love! i had to bring her up), my perspective on certain issues and my hobbies. I told ya he asked me a lot of personal info! I hope i impress him with my little knowledge on broadway, when we both happen to share some passion for it. Thank god for idol, as i managed to get some knowledge on the theatre field. In between the conversations, i really wanted to go search for the friends, but don't really know if it's a good idea to breakaway. Afterall, he's there to look for me. But thankfully, Mrs Tit came back half an hour later to save me! Hahaha. Well, the CEO is a really nice guy actually, and i had a great time talking to him. Oh well, it's a great experience and i'm really thankful for it - the opportunity to speak to a CEO as well as getting the award. We exchanged details and he said that i could visit his office any time soon. Hahaha. Maybe i will.When i was finally let free, rejoined the friends and it's camwhoring time. Flashes everywhere. At last, my stay at Ngee Ann Polytechnic has come to a complete close, celebrated with friends whom i've met since the very first year, or even the very first day.
Thank you all for the memories! Of course, there's more people that i want to thank, but didn't really get to see all of them.
After returning the attire and the whatsnot, Jade, Vanessa and I headed to Holland V for dinner. Snacked at Cold Rock first before proceeding to Sushi Tei. I didn't know that we can seat at the second storey! The decor and ambience on the second storey was so much better than the first. Since we haven't met in a while, we literally ordered everything that we wanted to eat, not sparing any thought for our wallet. Bad move, but i really haven't seen them for a long time. We stayed there for 3 good hours, full of chatting, gossiping, laughing, reminiscing and eating. The food there is REALLY REALLY good. I had such a good day and i am looking forward to the next already! Haha. I spent the whole day laughing and talking, i was so exhausted at work the next day! Who knew laughing could be so taxing?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

It has been a while since i logged in and blog. Not that i don't want to, but there's really nothing much to talk about other than China, which is depressing, and work, which is as interesting as watching monkeys picking fleas off each other. In other word, it's boring! Lately, i'm having my fair share of nasty customers, and never once did i not feel like throwing a dagger on their face. I'm speaking in terms that hypothetically, throwing a dagger on a person is not a crime. But obviously, it isn't going to be legalized anytime soon and thus, it's just plain daydreaming on my part. Anyhow, i realized that i'm getting more and more violent after working here. Of course, not physically, but mentally. At least it has given me an eye opening with regards to handling customers. Trust me, i'm really really bad at it. Once, this old grandpa was throwing his tantrum and about to burst a blood vessel while complaining about the company to me and all i did was to keep laughing. I didn't meant to agitate him but you should have seen how he's trying so hard to hold back from saying the word "bastard", before bursting out "basket". Gosh. People, funny! And, to make things even worse, as though having nasty customer alone isn't enough, i'm eating at unearthly hour for lunch. And when i say unearthly, it's at 11. Maybe it's not that crazy as i hope it sound, but 11 for lunch is really insane. When you're back by 12 and there's 5 plus more hours to go, you're bound to go bonkers. Time passes as fast as watching a snail crawl a hundred metres. It sure fly by in a blink of the eyes! Well, this is what the work life is made of, and i sure can't agree more to lyrics from Dolly Parton's classic "9 to 5". And now, let's talk about China. I am really really concern about the situation there and it has affected me t0 a certain degree. Not saying that i've become angelic all of a sudden (which i hope it would), but you just treasure life more. I think we're really a fortunate bunch of people and that we should really treasure each moment that we get to spend with the family and friends. Or even strangers. This sudden change in me may be temporary or permanent, i don't know and care, because all that matter now is the people over there would get through this ordeal. It's a long way to go, but i'm sure they would walk about of this dark hole one day. On a brighter note, something uplifting that came out from this is how people are coming together and help. You can see the effort, everyone putting down everything that they are in their normal life, coming together, and genuinely wants to help. It's sad that only on such incidents that people are willing to set aside their indifference and unite as one, but it's still encouraging nonetheless. It's also good to see how people around me are also trying their best to help. I strongly believe that it's not entirely impossible for the world to be one, where there's no discrimination, no social indifference, no war and no more conflict. Because what we see from the China incident is that people are willing to put in the effort when needed. So there's hope. Maybe it'll take a hundred more years to happen, or even a thousand, but at least there'll be heaven on earth one day. Let's pray the every word in John Lennon's song "Imagine" will become a reality in the near future, preferably. Haha. I think i'm dreaming too much.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

David Archuleta - Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me

This performance is freaking amazing! It gives me chills, and he's only 17! Phenomenal. I love this season's finale, with the two Davids battling it out. I thought David Cook would win, but David Archuleta is giving him a run for the title. This is awesome. But i still wish Brooke was in the Top 2 though, but never mind. This top 2 is still arguably one of the best finale ever.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Everyday's an effort in making decision.
Today, i chose to give.
$50 for Myanmar.
Another $50 for China this Thursday,
when the charity box is up in all UOB branches.
Not a lot to be honest.
But that's the best i can,
with last month's pay $250.
I hope to give more when this month's pay is in.
It's a small sacrifice for a greater cause.
One less Zara top,
One less Starbucks,
One less Swensen's meal,
all in exchange for
A few bottles of clean drinking water,
A few blankets to keep the victims warm,
A vaccine to boost their immunity,
A life.
We never know how much our contribution would help,
but it does matter a lot.
Myanmar and China needs our help.
And one small sacrifice from everyone won't hurt.
$1, $10 or even a million bucks,
It doesn't matter.
Every single cent counts.
We complain about not having enough clothes,
not having the latest gadgets,
not eating at the most fancy restaurant,
not having enough of everything but in actual fact,
we are sufficient.
They, are the one who needs it more than us.
I really hope that more money would be raised.
It's a sad sad situation,
So we gotta help in any ways we can,
To show that we care.
Not matter the race, the gender, the country.
We all are equal in all aspect.
This two incidents,
Have affected me more than i thought and hope it would.
I really pray that everyone would get through this ordeal.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's heart-wrenching to watch the news lately, and the footages are just hard to digest. My heart goes out to those affected by the Myanmar's cyclone and Sichuan's quake. It's horrible, what had happen, and i hope and pray that these people manage to pull through this ordeal. I hope they keep the faith and hang in there.
Picture Post
*Mother's Day*

Monday's outing with the friends.

Junking on junk.

The weather's warm and humid. Plus, it ain't fun carrying that big ugly plastic bag everywhere.

Love the friends!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

This year, Mummy's day fall on 11 of May and thus, the family went out for a little meal. My brother, his girlfriend and i chipped in money and brought the family to River City Restaurant for their dim sum buffet. I know it's not something fanciful or grand but we don't really have that much fund to splurge on and also because mummy doesn't like us spending too much, thus we settled for what we had, which was rather reasonably priced. The food was just a-okay but we definitely had a great time. I hope Mummy, and even everyone, enjoyed themselves and i really appreciate everything that they've done for me, and the family all these years. Happy Mother's Day! I love mommy, grandma (both), aunties and all the wonderful mommies in the world because they are half the reason we're here today. Of course, the other half comes from the dad, haha.
Today, took leave from work and went down to Ngee Ann to collect my graduation attire with Nazi and Meow. Taking bus 75 and walking around canteen 1 is really nostalgic. It brings back all the fond (and bad) memories during the past 3 years, slaving ourselves off for projects and tests and exams. Of course, i went to Canteen 2 for my favourite Tom Yum fried fish as well as Canteen 3's Ching Teng! How i miss those cheap-o nice canteen food. Can i just say that the graduation attire looks horrible. My brother say i looked like that wizard from Harry Potter (not sure what his name is, cause i don't watch that movie. But i think it's dumbledore if i'm not wrong). Such a turn off, seriously. Hahaha. Then after that, we proceed to West Mall to accompany Meow look out for formal wear, but couldn't find anything that catches the eye. Left empty handed and went to Greenridge to get some snacks, meet up with Yassy and head to Nazi's place to slackkkkkk. How come it's not a surprise that we're there? Hahaha. Her place is just too nice to chill at. We watched some lame cartoons, MTV, Ellen Show, read magazine, munch on junk and camwhore in the graduation attire with weird poses. Overall, it's a fantastic day with wonderful company. I can't ask for more. Well, maybe more of such days would be greatly appreciated. Hahahaha.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Nazi's birthday mini meet up.

Happy Birthday you two girlies! Haha. Happy 20th, and we'll outcast Meow soon. Hahahaha.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I think i'm as huge as a whale.
It's so depressing.
Today's supposedly a tuesday, but the feeling of Monday blues were hitting me harder than the actual day itself. I was feeling restless for the entire day and was already counting down to the end of work immediately as i stepped foot in the office. Saw Ms Tan Sock Eng (YES!!! HER!!!) this morning while walking to the interchange. I spotted her first and was walking towards her when she saw me, and gave me that i-taught-you-before-but-i-cant-remember-the-face look and she took a few seconds before blurping out "Eugene" as my name. Hey, at least she got the E right. Hahaha. So she was asking me how i was doing and stuff, so i told her that i'm working temp at SGX. She was amazed, and i immediately knew that she thought i'm some stockbroker or something. I clarify that i'm just a temp staff and that though i learn a lot, my job scope is really peanut. But she doesn't seem to get that, and wanted me to provide her my number so that she can call and invite me back to the school to have a talk with the students. I immediately refuse, like obviously, since she really gotten the wrong idea about me and i doubt any students would want to listen to me. Hahahahaha. Please, students nowadays are hard to preach. I think they would throw tomatoes on me for wasting their time instead. Hahahaha. I doubt she would really call and i hope we'll leave it at that. Hahaha. Finally met up with some of my favourite people today. Lunch with LeeLian was awesome, and it was followed by msn in the office with her. Hahaha. Then afer work, met Nazi, Yas and Meow to hand Nazi her birthday present (which is money, according to our group's custom) and also, bought Missy Muffins from Amoy for them, courtesy of Meow and I. Very very short meet up, but enough to perk me up for the day.
Recently, i am so hooked on this Beatles classic, "Let It Be". It's such a beautiful song that has a very meaningful message behind. I learnt about this song when my favourite contestant on this year's idol, Brooke White, sang it during Top 12 week (Lennon and McCartney song book). I love how she has got this vulnerability in her tone and she sang this song with so much emotion and conviction. Her slightly husky and lower voice makes her stand out among all the female contestants and it's sad that she's voted out last week, placing her at a respectable fifth place. But at least she did have many wonderful standout performances.

The Beatles - Let It Be

When I find myself in times of trouble

Mother Mary comes to me

Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

And in my hour of darkness

She is standing right in front of me

Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

Let it be, let it be, Let it be.

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

And when the broken hearted people

Living in the world agree that there will be an answer, let it be.

For though they may be parted there is

Still a chance that they will see

There will be an answer, let it be.

Let it be, let it be, Let it be.


There will be an answer, let it be.

And when the night is cloudy,

There is still a light that shines on me,

Shine until tomorrow, let it be.

I wake up to the sound of music,

Mother Mary comes to me,

Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

Let it be, let it be, let it be.

There will be an answer, let it be.

Let it be, let it be, let it be,

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

Let it be, let it be, let it be,

There will be an answer, let it be.

Friday, May 2, 2008

1) "It's the weekend today"
I just can't get this jingle outta my head the moment the clock strikes 5.20pm. Friday's the day with cranky customers with prissy attitude. They think that just because they have some stinky money, they have the rights to throw their weights around. Of course, none of them gives me trouble today and instead, vent it on my colleagues. Well, i'm sure my day will come and i've no idea how i'll react if i have a customer implying that i'm ignorant or that i'm dumb. Oh well, it's inevitable in this line of industry and i'll just have to take the goods and the bads. But it wouldn't hurt if there's more "nice" aunties! Hahaha.
2)And i'm burning a big hole in my wallet just from having lunch with my so called "khakis". It's like, every alternate days, we would dine at a place that cost around ten bucks, and my account is pretty dried up at the moment, with the first week's pay still in the processing stage. I am utterly broke. But that's the least of my problems right now, as on the top of the list is the fact that i'm missing my friends like nuts. This always happen when i'm working, as sickening as it may be. I do miss them when i'm unemployed but as the schedule is tight right now, chances of meeting them are very much lower, and the saying of distance making the heart fonder definitely holds true right there.
3)One realization that i've learnt about myself recently is that i tend to curse in my heart recetly, and i don't usually do that cause i'm over the stage of using the "soothing" words like "fuck" or even "chee bye" to express my anger because first of all, the word "chee bye" sounds so weird coming out of my mouth. It's just weird. And secondly, those words are obscene. I'm not implying that i'm all innocent and saint that i'll cover my ears and scream "hear no evil" when someone uses that word but more in a sense that it doesn't carry well on a person. Any person. It just seems degrading on my part if i were to use it, but i'm totally fine with other people using cause that's their business and ain't mine. Okay, i'm getting a little off track. Ya, so in substitute of my constant need to curse, due to my explosion of inner "violent" ever since starting work, i use the word "bloody". I'm sure it's sufficient to bring my point across if i ever use it in any sentence. This sudden outburst of violent may also be due to the weather, as everyone knows that i'm cranky when i'm feeling hot. And these couple of days, i'm constantly perspiring like a dog. So my current favourite catchphrase would be "i'm bloody bored", "i'm bloody pissed" or "i'm bloody hot". Hot, as in temperature, just in case people think i'm some shameless shithead. Alright, in conclusion, i miss the friends and the rest of this entry is just plain rambling.