Monday, May 12, 2008

This year, Mummy's day fall on 11 of May and thus, the family went out for a little meal. My brother, his girlfriend and i chipped in money and brought the family to River City Restaurant for their dim sum buffet. I know it's not something fanciful or grand but we don't really have that much fund to splurge on and also because mummy doesn't like us spending too much, thus we settled for what we had, which was rather reasonably priced. The food was just a-okay but we definitely had a great time. I hope Mummy, and even everyone, enjoyed themselves and i really appreciate everything that they've done for me, and the family all these years. Happy Mother's Day! I love mommy, grandma (both), aunties and all the wonderful mommies in the world because they are half the reason we're here today. Of course, the other half comes from the dad, haha.
Today, took leave from work and went down to Ngee Ann to collect my graduation attire with Nazi and Meow. Taking bus 75 and walking around canteen 1 is really nostalgic. It brings back all the fond (and bad) memories during the past 3 years, slaving ourselves off for projects and tests and exams. Of course, i went to Canteen 2 for my favourite Tom Yum fried fish as well as Canteen 3's Ching Teng! How i miss those cheap-o nice canteen food. Can i just say that the graduation attire looks horrible. My brother say i looked like that wizard from Harry Potter (not sure what his name is, cause i don't watch that movie. But i think it's dumbledore if i'm not wrong). Such a turn off, seriously. Hahaha. Then after that, we proceed to West Mall to accompany Meow look out for formal wear, but couldn't find anything that catches the eye. Left empty handed and went to Greenridge to get some snacks, meet up with Yassy and head to Nazi's place to slackkkkkk. How come it's not a surprise that we're there? Hahaha. Her place is just too nice to chill at. We watched some lame cartoons, MTV, Ellen Show, read magazine, munch on junk and camwhore in the graduation attire with weird poses. Overall, it's a fantastic day with wonderful company. I can't ask for more. Well, maybe more of such days would be greatly appreciated. Hahahaha.

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