Sunday, May 25, 2008

It has been a while since i logged in and blog. Not that i don't want to, but there's really nothing much to talk about other than China, which is depressing, and work, which is as interesting as watching monkeys picking fleas off each other. In other word, it's boring! Lately, i'm having my fair share of nasty customers, and never once did i not feel like throwing a dagger on their face. I'm speaking in terms that hypothetically, throwing a dagger on a person is not a crime. But obviously, it isn't going to be legalized anytime soon and thus, it's just plain daydreaming on my part. Anyhow, i realized that i'm getting more and more violent after working here. Of course, not physically, but mentally. At least it has given me an eye opening with regards to handling customers. Trust me, i'm really really bad at it. Once, this old grandpa was throwing his tantrum and about to burst a blood vessel while complaining about the company to me and all i did was to keep laughing. I didn't meant to agitate him but you should have seen how he's trying so hard to hold back from saying the word "bastard", before bursting out "basket". Gosh. People, funny! And, to make things even worse, as though having nasty customer alone isn't enough, i'm eating at unearthly hour for lunch. And when i say unearthly, it's at 11. Maybe it's not that crazy as i hope it sound, but 11 for lunch is really insane. When you're back by 12 and there's 5 plus more hours to go, you're bound to go bonkers. Time passes as fast as watching a snail crawl a hundred metres. It sure fly by in a blink of the eyes! Well, this is what the work life is made of, and i sure can't agree more to lyrics from Dolly Parton's classic "9 to 5". And now, let's talk about China. I am really really concern about the situation there and it has affected me t0 a certain degree. Not saying that i've become angelic all of a sudden (which i hope it would), but you just treasure life more. I think we're really a fortunate bunch of people and that we should really treasure each moment that we get to spend with the family and friends. Or even strangers. This sudden change in me may be temporary or permanent, i don't know and care, because all that matter now is the people over there would get through this ordeal. It's a long way to go, but i'm sure they would walk about of this dark hole one day. On a brighter note, something uplifting that came out from this is how people are coming together and help. You can see the effort, everyone putting down everything that they are in their normal life, coming together, and genuinely wants to help. It's sad that only on such incidents that people are willing to set aside their indifference and unite as one, but it's still encouraging nonetheless. It's also good to see how people around me are also trying their best to help. I strongly believe that it's not entirely impossible for the world to be one, where there's no discrimination, no social indifference, no war and no more conflict. Because what we see from the China incident is that people are willing to put in the effort when needed. So there's hope. Maybe it'll take a hundred more years to happen, or even a thousand, but at least there'll be heaven on earth one day. Let's pray the every word in John Lennon's song "Imagine" will become a reality in the near future, preferably. Haha. I think i'm dreaming too much.

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