Thursday, May 29, 2008

Yesterday was the long awaited graduation ceremony. I have been anticipating this day for a long time not because i get to go onstage, but the fact that not only do i get to take a day off work, i can catch up with the friends! And, DIANA's BACK!!! This definitely calls for a celebration! Haha. Well, Diana had something to settle this week, so we'll push the meet up till next week but i'm still glad that i managed to see her and talk to her, even if it's just that couple of hours. Going up onstage was such a dread, with that weird attire clinging onto you, having to crack an awkward smile and a camera focusing on your face to be displayed onto the projector screen. But it's such a bittersweet experience, looking at each of the familiar faces going up to collect their cert, and thinking how every single one has created such an impact in my life. I'm not sure i would trade any experience i had with them for any "what if". I think the Poly life has been a great and fufilling one, and there's nothing much to complain about. I went into this school expecting nothing much, but came out with overflowing memories that'll be remembered for a long time. Everyone played a role in this, and i'm humble to say that it has been an honour to be their friend. Not only the friends. Even the classmates, common enemies, lecturers and just other students whom i don't know. Without them, my stay at Ngee Ann wouldn't be complete. The skipping of lectures, having lunch together, KFC, PROJECTS, allocating nicknames to people and all the silly jokes. It's all good memories. Not saying that there are no bad memories, there are, but the good definitely outweighs the bad. And the bad memories are just redundant. They should just be treated as joke and then chucked aside. After the ceremony was the reception, which was chaotic. It's people EVERYWHERE, taking photos and catching up. I had such a hard time finding the friends. Everyone was calling each other, trying to locate each other. The parents didn't stay long though, as Dad has to work. So took two pictures with them and they were off. When i finally manage to locate Yong Ming, i was immediately whisked away by Mrs Tit and she HELD my hand like a lost child and brought me to the guy who sponsored my award. You know, the Career Consultant Prize. Well, he is the CEO of the company, and i was left to mingle with him in the VIP area. That was nerve-wrecking. But as soon as we started talking, it wasn't that bad actually, other than my few weird laughter. You know, those when you try to laugh heartily but came off really weird. We talked for a good half an hour about everything. I hope i left a good impression, but i think i talked too much. HAhahahahaha. Well, he asked so many personal questions and it's easy to answer those! I've been really truthful in all my answers and i'm actually surprised at that, because i thought i would have to lie somewhere in the middle of the conversation. But no, i just answer honestly, and it felt great. But it's kinda scary at the same time how i can just relay so much personal information to some unknown guy. We talked about country music, Oprah (sorry, Oprah's love! i had to bring her up), my perspective on certain issues and my hobbies. I told ya he asked me a lot of personal info! I hope i impress him with my little knowledge on broadway, when we both happen to share some passion for it. Thank god for idol, as i managed to get some knowledge on the theatre field. In between the conversations, i really wanted to go search for the friends, but don't really know if it's a good idea to breakaway. Afterall, he's there to look for me. But thankfully, Mrs Tit came back half an hour later to save me! Hahaha. Well, the CEO is a really nice guy actually, and i had a great time talking to him. Oh well, it's a great experience and i'm really thankful for it - the opportunity to speak to a CEO as well as getting the award. We exchanged details and he said that i could visit his office any time soon. Hahaha. Maybe i will.When i was finally let free, rejoined the friends and it's camwhoring time. Flashes everywhere. At last, my stay at Ngee Ann Polytechnic has come to a complete close, celebrated with friends whom i've met since the very first year, or even the very first day.
Thank you all for the memories! Of course, there's more people that i want to thank, but didn't really get to see all of them.
After returning the attire and the whatsnot, Jade, Vanessa and I headed to Holland V for dinner. Snacked at Cold Rock first before proceeding to Sushi Tei. I didn't know that we can seat at the second storey! The decor and ambience on the second storey was so much better than the first. Since we haven't met in a while, we literally ordered everything that we wanted to eat, not sparing any thought for our wallet. Bad move, but i really haven't seen them for a long time. We stayed there for 3 good hours, full of chatting, gossiping, laughing, reminiscing and eating. The food there is REALLY REALLY good. I had such a good day and i am looking forward to the next already! Haha. I spent the whole day laughing and talking, i was so exhausted at work the next day! Who knew laughing could be so taxing?

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