Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I have been neglecting this thing of mine for the longest time so it’s time for some touching up before the dust catches on. Let’s start with the Prince’ birthday celebration, which took place last Sunday. The day before was spent making the hade-made gifts for him. So on the day itself, the four of us – namely HuiYing, Weiqi, Liyi and I – met up first to do some last minute work for the presents as well as lunch before proceeding to meet the birthday boy at Plaza Singapura. Well, being in a group that can never come up with a decision, we end up watching movie. That is the best way to kill time, for us that is, cause all we know is to eat. That’s right, other than eating, you can bet on your money that we will be standing somewhere brainstorming on what to do. Haha.
Since there’s some time before the show starts, we made our way to The Cathay for ice creams and drinks at Ben & Jerry. That’s when we gave the royal his first present – a cap – which he already knew beforehand. Bummer. But that’s okay, since that’s not the highlight.
So after chilling there for a while (well, not chilling actually, since there’s kids running around and being a nuisance but that’s the only word I can think of right now), we went back to PS for our show. But that is after we made a quick stop at Cold Storage for drinks. So the show that we caught was “X-Files – I Want To Believe”. It’s kinda cool to see Agent Mulder and Scully back in action again, but I don’t really think the movie was great. It’s good, but not great. There’s no climax to the movie. It’s just like another episode of the series, just that it’s half an hour longer. Haha.

After the movie ended, we then went to Clarke Quay, or whatever quay it is. We first have dinner at the Bah Kut Teh shop opposite Central, which I frequent quite a lot over the past year. I really love their soup. Sidetracking a little, I really don’t think I should be blogging now, since I’m so sour right now. But I want to, since I’ve been leaving this thing of mine unattended for a week. Okay, I shall now continue. So after dinner, we shopped around the mall, caught some people trapped in a ball being propelled into the air before finally settling down at Paisley & Cream for dessert. Yes, it’s all about the food. So we ordered what we wanted and it’s time for the presents! It’s a box overflowing with love. Okay, that sentence sounds wrong, and it’s nauseating me.

So I hand it over the the prince, and first, when he saw the 6 cards with his pictures on it, he gave this really dead look. Well, you can’t blame him cause it’s mostly pictures you wish you were never in. But once he opened it and read the contents, the once foul-mouthed prince got real sensitive and shed a few tears. Prince, you should know that I’m being real nice here by claiming that you only “shed some tears”. Haha. I know I’m being real mean by saying this, but during those moments, I can’t stop laughing. It’s hysterical. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that he likes the gift so much, but that is definitely not the expression I expected. It’s much much more that I would have imagined. So it’s all good.

We then hand him his third present, which is a tee from Stussy. After which, we asked him to close his eyes while we took out the last gift of the night. For those we knew him, would know that he is a fan of this Chinese pop band called Lollipop. So our final gift was this 6 big lollipop we got from Candy Empire. On one side, there’s pictures of each of the member in that group with words like “I LOVE LOLLIPOP” jumping out. On the flip side, it’s picture of the 6 of us involved – Shandy, HuiYing, WeiQi, Liyi, YongSheng and I. And the best part? The birthday boy got real sensitive again. Hahahaha. Kinda freak me out a little to see such soft side of YongSheng actually. Haha. But it’s a good expression. I wish I could cry whenever I’m touched, but I’m too cold blooded to ever pull that off. I might want to add that the Prince shed some more tears around 5 minutes after that, so it’s a total of three times in a night! And his way of showing how much he love our gift? “You bitches!” Well, you are very welcome. Hahahaha. Well, it’s really funny. Trust me. My stomach and jaw hurt like mad after all the chaos settled down. The entire place was filled with our noise. It’s a good night. And I’m glad he liked our gift so much. Haha.

The following day, a Monday, met Meow and we went to catch “The Dark Knight” at Marina Square. This is the first time I initiated watching a movie since I can’t remember when. Well, part of the reason is that it’s the incredible Heath Ledger’s last, so I though I shouldn’t give it a miss, especially since it’s generating buzz all over the world. Not much of a surprise, I LOVE the movie. Heath Ledger’s acting was real good. He brought the Joker to life. My eyes never left the screen during that two and a half hour. He’s incredible. I’m sure all the papers and reviewers out there have already gushed about how great he is, so I shall leave it as that. Before the show starts, Meow and I had lunch at Kenny Roger’s Roaster, a place I’ve been wanting to eat for quite a while. Finally tried their macaroni and cheese and it shouts sinful with a capital S. The chicken was really dry though.

We also had drink at Maui Wowi (or something like that, can’t remember the name) after the show. Ordered their Black Lava Beach and it’s really refreshing. I’m not an expert in this, but I think they use fresh fruits in their drinks, and you can actually taste the freshness of it all! Yeap, so that’s all. Overall, it’s a great lazy day!

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