Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yesterday was spent jogging with cousin in the morning and Ah Mei Kaya Toast at Rail Mall for breakfast. After which, we walked back to her place and, talk. We spent almost the entire morning talking, and i love doing so with cousin because, i don't know, she's just a really good person to talk to. She just like this big sister i never had, and i can trust on her for everything. I feel comfortable whenever i'm around her and i can really tell her anything, so i'm not ashame to say that i really do love cousin a lot. So i got home, took a shower, got dressed and head to meet Prince at Far East. As usual, erm, i'm late. Like, who isn't surprised. I think people might get a massive heart attack if i somehow manage to be punctual. No, i'm just kidding, haha. But i feel really bad every time i'm late, honestly. That is something i gotta work hard at. Anyhow, we had subway, window shopped a little, talked a lot before we find ourselves at Marina Square. We just talked and walked at the same time, stopped at some malls in between the stretch before reaching where we were. It's kinda fun to go out with prince, cause he got this really foul mouth and wicket sense of humour. I think it's the first time i actually talk that much with him, so i guess it's all good. Neat. Because we got nothing to do, we took 75 all the way back, which is a really long journey back home. Then i head for gramp's place for dinner before it was home sweet home. Dozed off in front of the tv for a while, caught some show on tv and it's off to bed. I would say that it's a pretty good day. Nothing significant, nothing interesting, but just as i like it. Simple.

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