Thursday, August 14, 2008

This entry has been done up for a while and i think i'm just gonna post it. Too lazy to edit the parts. And yes, this is the very important pictures. Babe and I with Alicia Keys, plus random people in betweel obviously.

I’ve been trying my best to keep it hush hush lest I jinx it, but it didn’t work. Wonder which part of it did I do wrongly. Anyway, the thing is, I won tickets to Singfest and even got the chance to meet Alicia Keys. Yes, Alicia Keys, multi-Grammy award winner who sold over 30 million album worldwide. But you might also notice that I’m not jumping out of my seat. Well, I was, until the actual day itself. I even imagined over one hundred scenarios on how I’m going to meet her and might even freak out but what happened was something that never crossed my mind. Let’s start with Singfest itself first, and build the story eventually as we go.

So LeeLian and I reached the place around 5 plus, missing the first two acts – Stacie Orrico and Jamie Scott. Well, don’t really care cause I’m not a fan. So we reached there during OneRepublic’s set, but we only stayed for one song cause it’s jam packed and scorching hot. We left for some drink and nachos under a shady area, on a bench near the stage where local bands are performing to a crowd of about 5. They have this huge space to hold the crowd but there’s only about 5 there, and I ain’t kidding. There are more people onstage than off. Haha. So we made our way back to the crowd, found a good spot directly facing the stage before Panic at the Disco made their way to the stage. Well, I might want to add that I am nowhere near the stage, since we’re already so damn late, and I hate moshpits. Hahaha. During their second and third performance, the mic was off, and they didn’t know that. Maybe the people in front can hear them, but not people at the back. So all we saw was the lead singer with his moving lips and all the rock and roll move but no sound. Other than those coming from the drummer of course. So people start getting rowdy and starts shouting and jeering at the band, but they have absolutely no clue what the crowd was jeering at. Poor guys. Some crew member then ran to them and told them what happened after their third song. But they have to keep performing since everything runs on schedule, but thankfully the speaker came back on during their forth song, and the crowd erupted in loud cheers and applause. True rock and roll experience, haha. They did great and got the crowd moving.

After their set, during the intermission, Lee Lian and I made our way to the side, and settled down on the ground under a tree. It’s far from the stage, but it’s cooling and we still get to see the stage. We’re there to enjoy the music, so it doesn’t really matter where we’re sitting. So after ten minutes or so, Jason Mraz came on! He is the reason why I want to attend Singfest so badly and without a doubt, I think he did a fantastic job. He got the loudest cheer from the crowd I think, and everyone was singing to his songs, especially during “I’m Yours”. He is really good at working with the crowd and got everyone involved in a lot of his songs. Nothing to complain about his set. Perfecto! Oh, there were these 2 SPG next to us, with their friends and boyfriends, who were a disgrace in my opinion. They were bloody drunk the moment we sat there, so I presume they were already dead drunk before we even got there around 6. They were hugging the tree bark, screaming for Rick Astley and all over the place. They can’t even stand still. They are wasted, and have no dignity in my opinion. I’ve always think that we should respect people but them, I look down on them. No sense of shamelessness. They were hanging on the branch of the tree, trying to break it. And their swinging was hitting the 3 people in front of them. It’s a big branch mind you. The guy got so pissed off and tell them to watch out, but all they could get out from their wasted mouth was “sorry” before they went on to break the entire branch. They have absolutely no respect for others and they are harming a poor innocent tree, who’s done nothing but provide our dying planet with oxygen. LeeLian was right, I hope they roll down the slope or something. I’m not trying to be all ethical and all that but go get drunk at the right place! There are little kids around, there’s even one beside us, so behave a little. And they have this awful dance move, which only involved shoving their vah-jay-jay in midair. I’m sure that’s how they got their boyfriends! I’ve seldom criticize someone so openly before but I’m just too mad! I think I’m making myself out to be the last person you would invite to a party. Hahahaha.

Anyway, after Jason Mraz, we were forced to watch some lame Levi’s fashion show which is a bloody waste of time, before Rick Astley came on. We only managed to catch one performance before having to meet the person in charge of the meet and greet. So we met her around 9, and were brought outside of the media tent, where we were told to queue and meet Alicia Keys. So we waited, and waited, and waited, and waited. Rick Astley came and went. We missed everything! Only manages to hear his voice, but that’s okay, since his set was pretty boring. Yes, he brought the 80’s dancemove back but he went a little too far by slowing things back to the Elvis-era. So after him was another crowd favorite, The Pussycat Dolls. Babe and I went out to catch two of their performance by the side of the stage, quite a close view, and they were fantastic. Girls sure can shake their booty! Honestly, I’m not a fan of their lyrical contents, but they sure can work the stage! They were amazing onstage, full of energy.

So we went back to the side of the stage, back to the media tent, and wasted our time there. We missed all the other actions from the dolls, which I presume was really good, since the crowd went absolutely nuts for them. All in all, we waited for close to 2 hours. And it’s full of rules. No personal photography, no autograph, only group pictures allow blablablabla. 2 hours! I went from excited to tired to pissed. Well, trust me, LeeLian was way more pissed off. Hahaha. But come on, seriously, I may like your songs and respect all the philanthropy work you’ve done, but being late for 2 hours and no news is absolutely no-no. And so many restrictions? Come on, seriously. I was trying my best to remain positive but everything just went real wrong. You see, during those two hours, we could be having the time of our time watching Rick Astley and The Pussycat Dolls but no, we were waiting outside the tent for her to arrive. I’m not sure who to point the blame at – her crew, herself, the organizer – but that’s just plain disrespect on their part. I’m just mad at the fact that we have to wait 2 hours like a bloody fool to meet some “superstar” for 3 seconds, and have the photos taken by the professional they hired, which also means I’ve no idea where the picture is. Well, at least diva manages to get her act together to smile and shook hands with us. She seemed nice during those 3 seconds, that’s the most positive thing I can say for the entire 2 hours of meet and greet. Also the fact that she is mind-blowingly flawless! Every pore on her body screams GORGEOUSNESS! She’s so beautiful, I thought I’m looking at a wax figure that escaped from Madame Tussad’s Wax Museum! And she’s small, wonder how much weight those TV put on her!! So after that, we went back to the crowd to catch her performance. Yeah, she sounded great but I can’t really enjoy myself after that awful disrespectful treatment. I’m sounding so whiny in this entry and I’m sorry if my negativity is hurting, but I just feel that we weren’t being treated appropriately. We may not be celebrities but that doesn’t mean that our time doesn’t matter. We missed the Pussycat Dolls! When is the next time we’re going to see them? I am definitely not pleased. Hahaha. Since she’s so late, she had to rush through her set but a lot of people were leaving during her performance. Babe and I listened to a few songs before we also made our exit cause it’s getting late. I’ve been looking forward to singfest for so long and in my mind, I had already drafted many copies of how I would gush about the whole thing, but turns out, it’s quite a letdown. The singers and bands all did fantastic, and I am blessed and thankful for it, many people wished they could go and I know I should be thankful that I even get to meet Alicia Keys, but the treatment given and the encounter with those bloody wasted fool made it a rather bad experience. Well, actually, i should see things with an open mind, and i'm absolutely fine with it now. Though i'm still a bit spiteful to be honest. All in all, i can't lie and say i didn't have fun. I did. And Babe constitutes to a lot of it. And Jason Mraz. Gosh, he's a fantastic singer. Hahaha.

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