Monday, June 18, 2007

Virgin post for this blog shall be on a very special day - 14 June 2007. A day that celebrates the friendship between four people, which obviously includes me since i'm blogging about it. I don't know whose idea was it to come up with this date but i'm not complaining though! These people have stood by me ever since we became close back in secondary school and i don't know if they know about it but i really thank god for this friendship. Not that i'm implying that they are the only people whose friendship i treasure more compared to others. No. But this entry is about the day that signifies my friendship with the three particular person i'm going to talk about. I'm not a person who really express my affections and emotions in words but i'll give it a try, for i want them to know how much i value this special bond we share. Memories of how i get to be a part of their clique are vague and definitely serve no purpose in remembering it now but that one day we became friends definitely change my life. Everyone knows that life is a roller coaster, full of ups and downs. Taking the ride alone is never fun. You're lonely, terrified and scared out of wits at what's to come. However, having someone, especially three, makes the ride so much better. They're there to hold your hands and calm you down, take your fears away and be your companion throughout the ride. Of course, we've had our shares of bickering and fights but it doesn't matter, for the love we have for each other outweighs the pinch of anger we felt at the moment of heat. I confess, i'm a talker. Expressing my angers and opinions are something i do to destress myself, and they're always willing to hear me out. I haven't said this to them but, they hearing my frequent complaining without judging, means a lot to me. So i want to thank all the three wonderful people i'm talking about - Yas, Nazi and Meow. The simple dinner was great but the company was awesome. I don't mind having celery for dinner as long as it's spend with great company and that day sure is. Alright, enough of those talk cause i can't really be serious for long. I need to puke.
Us! You wouldn't want to know where we took the pictures at.

Nazirah the Great, as how she would like to be addressed. Joker of the group and the person whom i team with to bully Yas. Naive and big hearted, that's what we like about her. She never bear grudges against anyone, which is really respectable though i'm not planning on loving everyone i hate anytime soon. Thoughtful and caring. She never refuse any call for donation when we're out while i, on the other hand, would be the one refusing.

Meow, pet cat of the group. She got so used to the name that no one hardly knows that her name is HuiTing. She's supposed to look dumb but instead, she give that intellectual look, making me the only dumb one. She's my ice-cream sponsor. Everytime i frustrated over something, meet her after school and she'll buy me a 50cents ice cream from McDonald's. The listener of the group and the biggest pushover i've ever seen for she has hardly any temper. Word, HARDLY.

Yas! Brain and mama of the group. Meow is more like sister and Yas is like mother. The caregiver with a very smart brain i must say. She's the Aunt Agony of the group and takes real good care of us with her words of wisdom. I would say that she could be the Singapore version of Oprah or MayLee but nah, Oprah holds too high a place in my heart to be replaced by some unknown chic, haha. And the best thing about her is, she lives at the end of the block! Haha. Alright, that's all i can squeeze out of my brain juice for now. A'dios.


Ting said...

Lol... dont dare me 2 show my tempe then. haha.. u goin 2 put a tagboard?

Ting said...

n blog.. though i hardly update de. haha..

50cents ice-cream provider changing job to touhuay le .. =)