Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Exhausted is probably the only word that can describe my feeling right now. Project meeting this morning, followed by revision lecture for SM and then Cocktail Party for IBS. Cocktail party was just, weird? It's so funny trying to act like we're in this cocktail party, networking with people and stuff like that. Of course, most importantly we must introduce ourselves to the tutor and strike a conversation before breaking away. Can you believe we're actully judged on that? It's kinda fun but at the same time, it's so fake! Well, at least we learn something. Haha. After everything was done, YongMing, Eugene and I head down to town for Chinese New Year shopping. Nothing really catches the eyes today and only end up getting a pair of jeans from Topman. We definitely display the "kiasu" spirit over there because we're able to get a membership card if we spent more than $150 on a single receipt. So the three of us were busy looking for stuff to top that amount. Actually, all our stuffs add up to $145, so we're scrambling around trying to find something small to reach that quota. I tell you, that 5 bucks actually made us running around that shop for approximately 20 minutes before YongMing finally settled for a ring. And the friends, being nice as they normally are, gave me the card! Hahaha. King of Cheap i definitely am! On the other hand, i'm so stressed! I haven't gotten ANYTHING done for Chinese New Year! All i gotten so far is a pair of jeans and i don't know when is the next time i'm free to shop cause there's project meeting EVERYDAY until next week! And i don't really want to shop during that few days before the big day cause i'll have little time to consider and simply buy on impulse, which will end up in getting crappy shit which i would dump aside after a while. Oh man! Hahahaha. Never mind, will try to squeeze in some time in between projects for some shopping. Hopefully! Anyway, following the shopping trip, i rushed home cause the family was waiting for me to go out for dinner. Managed to reach on time, thank goodness, and had a really filling meal. Now, after i click on the "Publish" button, i'll have to go back to doing report. How exciting.
Oh yes, before i forgot. I finally managed to clear Sidney Poitier's autobiography on Sunday and honestly, i didn't really feel as inspired as i wished to, after all the buzz about it. Maybe my expectations are too high, or because my command of English is REALLY bad. I just don't really get some of the points he want to point out. But i did learn something from the book. It may not be a lot, but i still think it's worth it. Nobody say we must be "enlightened" after reading this book right? Hahaha. I think it's not about being all "i need to behave like an angel now", but rather, whether or not i learn something which will benefit me for a long time. This book surely made me respect this man, even with his flaws. Perspective towards certain issues were also broadened, which i hope is a good thing. Lastly, WISP tutor showed us a mini documentary last thursday and i think it's really an eye-opener. That few minute clip definitely taught me A LOT about our world, with regards to Globalization. It's called "Shift Happens". Really educating.

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