Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Oh man, older women are such funny and interesting people! I have such a love-hate relationship for them right now. Of course, this only implies to strangers, not the close one, cause i have big love for my mummy and grandma and aunties. Anyhow, let's talk about why i love them shall we. I was having such a bad day today cause the scorching and humid weather is really pissing me off big time and not only that, time is passing at an extremely slow rate today. So while i was staring at their humongous plasma tv which sadly only shows Channel Newsasia, this aunty walked in. So, being the person at the express counter, i stood up to tend to her.
Me: Hello, how can i help you? *tried my best to fake a smile*
Aunty: I need to update my address.
Me: Okay! Let me give you a queue number, and our officer will assist you later. You may take a seat over there for the time being.
Aunty: Thanks. By the way, you're very handsome.
Me: *blush again* Hahahaha, thank you.
Aunty: This company is not situated here a couple of years back right? How long have they moved here?
Me: I have no idea, haha, cause i just started working here. But all i know is, they've been here for quite a number of years.
Aunty: Oh, okay. You're not local?
Me: Yes, i am. Hahahaha. Don't i look local?
Aunty: No, your complexion very good, like from Hong Kong.
Me: Oh really?!?! Hahahahahaha, thanks. (Personal conversation going through the head at that moment : Thank god she's standing quite far away, if not she'll sure take back her words. )
So finally, her number is called up and she was attended to. So i went back to dreamland and suddenly, i heard "Handsome boy! Handsome boy!" Turns around, and she standing at the end of the hallway, shouting at me, waving bye bye. Everyone's looking at me then, and i had to laugh so badly. So i bid farewell to her, and continue smiling. Oh god, i love nice aunties! Hahahaha. Then the colleagues starts teasing me, saying how i got one admirer per day. And that i'm an "aunty killer". Not bad right! I never get much of this compliments ever, let alone twice in two days! Hahahahahaha. Of course it made my day, come on! I'm human, vain one to be exact, so it's quite flattering. Hahahaha. But it only happens to the older generation, how i don't mind if they tend towards the younger crowd too. Hahahahahahahahahahaha. In my dream. Moving on, let's now talk about my "hate" for older women. I tell you, they can get super cranky. Got scolded by this customer today because SHE didn't make herself clear and give us the wrong answer, and later on points the finger and blame me for wasting her time. Bloody old hag. Hahahahaha. I know, i'm sucha spoilt brat cause i'm very well 20 into life yet this is my firs ttime getting scolded by stranger. But seriously, i feel like yelling back at her and tearing out her hair. She herself keep signing different signature, and i told her that we're very particular about that, afterall it's their shares we're talking about. Then she nags and nags and nags. I am definitely not cut out for the service industry, to be honest. Hahahaha, but since i've already signed the contract, i gotta clench my teeth and bear with it till end of june. Oh well. And speaking about work, the people here ain't that bad. I don't really wanna go into details lest i jinx it and mess up, haha. But i'm not addressed by my name there, as i'm known as "Xiao Di", aka Little boy. Well, not that i mind though, they can call me anything they want, as long as it's not something awful. Hahahaha. And i'm actually the second guy to EVER worked at the counter, with the first stepped down into the back room. But hey, at least now i'm unique right! Hahahaha. As if! Well, i'm getting restless and the weather isn't helping much. I want to live in an igloo now.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My colleague was attending a walk-in customer today and i happen to stand beside her when conversation went like this.

Granny: Ah boy, you very handsome. Must eat more green apples, kiwi and carrot cooked into soup..... *and other beauty tips*
Me: *blush* hahahaha, thanks. But green apples are very sour, i don't like. I only eat red apples.
Granny: It's very good! Red ones are for old people like us.
Me: Hahahahahaha (in my mechanic laughter again). No la, you're not old.
Granny: *points at to while talking to my colleague* Ah boy here very handsome right? Ah boy, you know any dialect?
Me: No, only a little bit of Hokkien
Granny: You're young, better go learn all the different language, so can work as translator for government.
Me: Hahahahahhahahahahahhaha! Okay, i will! But there's so many languages to learn! Hahaha.
Granny: Then pray to god that you get to learn all the language. *and she goes on about her life*
5 minutes later
Granny: Oh ya, also pray to god that you get a good girlfriend. Nowadays, girls are leading very corrupted life. Did you watch English drama? Aiyo! All the girls are sleeping with different guys. Don't be like this okay?
Me: Hahahahahhahaha! I wouldn't.

Nothing meaningful but she's such a doll, isn't she? She gets extra brownie point for complimenting me, like obviously!! Hahahahaha. But she's so adorable. She then proceed to tell us about her evil sister and how there's a lot of people wanting to be her godchildren, then say that she wanted to treat us fish! Hahahahaha. I had such a good laugh man.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

I wanted to blog about work but there's something so much more exciting that happened this week - We Will Rock You the musical! I've been anticipating the arrival of that day ever since last week, when cousin agreed to go watch it with me. Boy, you have no idea how excited i was, up till the very last second before the curtains were draw up. It's slightly a bummer when the big day is also the commencement of work, which means that there's longer hours to pass. When work finally ended, i walked as fast as i could with my short legs to the bus stop. I wanted to take 700, but it doesn't come after waiting for half an hour. I know cousin is held up at work and i can take all the time in the world to travel to Esplanade, which is only a couple of stops from Shenton Way. But the thing is, waiting for the bus in formal wear and humid weather for half an hour isn't really very appealing, isn't it. It is especially so when i'm a sweat bucket. So, irritated and annoyed and pouring sweat and cursing the damn bus, i took a cab there. Bad bad choice. I don't know, the brain doesn't seem to function really well when i'm not thinking straight. Turns out that they closed down the road around esplanade drive or something for the JP Morgan Run (and HuiYing even told me about it, how dumb can i get?) and there's this huge traffic jam around Suntec. So, a normal 2 minutes drive took close to ten and my fare shoot up to ten bucks. Bloody arse. Well, at least that uncle gave me a 70 cents discount, better than nothing. So i shopped around Marina Square aimlessly, dropping by Times to read some book before heading towards City Link to meet cousin. Had a quick bite at Makansutra, which serves overpriced yet disgusting hawker food. But it's not going to dampen our mood, which was overflowing with excitement. Following suit dinner, we proceed to Esplanade Theatre and we received a good news, our seats were upgraded!! So from third storey side seat, we got second floor, centre seat. Oh my god, that has got to be one of the best seat in the house! We got full view of the stage and because each row is seperated by a step, we've no obstruction of view. Fantastic! Being inside the theatre is a great feeling, i love how it's designed and i was so looking forward to seeing The Phantom dropping off from one of the balcony seat and belt out The Music of the Night. Hahahahaha. Wishful thinking! But still, the adrenaline rush is making me feel like a groupie waiting for Hannah Montana. So finally, the lights were dimmed and we what we withnessed for the next 3 hours were simply magical. It's just great, superb, fantastic, phenomenal, mind-blowing, two-thumbs up, bravo and every other word you can find in the thesaurus that means the word "good". The stage was awesome, the lighting perfect and the atmosphere was nothing to complain about. I also have to give credit to the production for blending in some Singapore flavor into this humorous show. I was laughing so hard at times.
Though performed so many times, the cast still give it their all. That's what it seems to me, haha. Maybe that's what makes a real artiste, i don't know. All i know is, they are freaking awesome. The lead character, Galileo, was played by reality show Rockstar INXS second runner up, Mig Ayesa. He has got this huge pipe and he sang each song with so much conviction, cousin fell in love with him. Hahahaha. Everyone has got a good voice and when each song is performed, the audience would erupt in applause and cheers. I especially love it when the cast starts stamping their feet twice and clap their hand once, the audience all know what it meant and followed suit before they belt out We Will Rock You. Immediately after the rock anthem was followed by the triumphant We Are The Champion, with Galileo singing the song in the pitch dark stage with just one light shining down on him. And the part where the song was building momentum to the chorus, which requires the singer to really drive the vocal, got me. I went numb. Wow, i'm more than impress. I'm amazed. Hahahaha. So after the song ended, all the cast came out to give a bow and receive loud cheering and whistling from the crowd. So they gave the audience the impression that it's over, but come on! You can't expect us to believe that you ain't gonna sing Bohemian Rhapsody when the story is about the Bohemians searching for their Rhapsody, and that the characters Galileo and Scaramouche are part of the lyrics. Hahaha. So after they dimmed the stage for a few second, a sentence appeared on the screen asking if we want to hear the song. Of couse, it's accompanied by another loud eruption of screaming and cheering. Hahaha. So Galileo came out first to sing the ballad part, before the others join in during the harmonies. Again, i was numb with goosebump during this performance because it's just too damn good. Everyone left the auditorium with a huge satisfied smile on their face. I gotta say, it's worth every single penny and second and i would never ever regret watching it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Oh my god!!! "We Will Rock You" the musical is, like LeeLian said, fucking fantastic!! It's mind-blowingly good, i'm still in awe right now. I want to watch it again so badly!! Hahaha. It's REALLY REALLY GOOD! And furthermore, we're reliving the music of the legendary QUEEN. All their classics were performed - Radio Ga Ga, Somebody to Love, Killer Queen, Fat Bottomed Girl, Who Wants to Live Forever, Under Pressure, Don't Stop Me Now and i can go on and on. Climax of the show definitely has got to be the last 10 minutes, where they belt out the renowned classics "We Will Rock You", "We Are the Champions" and my favourite "Bohemian Rhapsody". Honestly, i got goosebump during the entire of the last song,. It's an unforgettable musical. Everyone was clapping along, swinging their hand in the air, giving standing ovation and cheering really really loud. Okay, more tomorrow. I need to go to bed now. Cousin, thank you so much for going with me! I know you had a great time too!! Haha.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

For the first time in a long while, i went to the market this morning! Hahaha. Tagged along my parent and precious grandma cause i wanted to treat them breakfast. Didn't managed to foot all the bill cause stubborn grandma don't want me paying for all the food until i get my pay, so we sort of went dutch. Hahahaha. Got some groceries before going home to catch up on my favourite show, Grey's Anatomy. I freaking love this show. It's THE best drama series ever, seriously. Finally finished watching Season 3 and i can't wait to watch Season 4!! In the late afternoon, met up with Nazi at plaza while we wait for the other two to knock off from work. By around 6, with every one in attendance, we went to Long John Silver for their pieeeee. Yas loves it, and we treating her as her miniature birthday cake. We also passed her the money to buy whatever she wants, our custom. Hahaha. The whole group didn't really have many opportunities to gather around so i'm glad we managed to, as short a time interval it may be. It's fun catching up with the group and just talk lots of crap. It's not Yas' birthday today (Saturday to be specific) but since we can't meet on weekends and also to compromise each other's schedule, we met today. Though we're as different as we can be in our own right, i still love the friends a lot. Hahaha. In fact, i love all my friends. That, i don't mind saying. Hahaha.

Yas wanted us to snap a picture further away, so this is how far Nazi and I went.

Happy Birthday in advace, dear fishy!
Work tomorrow, praying for the best.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hallelujah! I've finally secured a job and break free from my "unemployed" status. Looking forward to work is definitely not at the top of my head right now, but i'm glad that at least i'm paid to have a boring life instead of leading an income-less and monotonous life. This, of course, comes with the price of cutting down on social life and adjusting to a healthier sleeping/waking time. I'm not exactly sure how i'm feeling actually. On one hand, it's good to be working and generating some income but at the same time, i can't bear to part with this loose lifestyle i'm leading ever since school ended. I'm spoilt. Well, it is what it is. Too lazy to explain further. Haha. So on Wednesday, i'll be embarking on a new experience with SGX and i just pray for the best. I'm not putting high hope on it being an enjoyable experience but i just sincerely pray that it's not as dreadful as Civil Service College. Oh well, it's outta my hand, so we shall see. Anyhow, my initial plan is to blog about Liyi's birthday outing but instead i ramble on about all the unnecessity. So, first of all, i gotta admit that i am not a good planner. Seriously, i mind too much about other people's opinion that i'm incapable of such duty. Hahaha. All i have in my "repertoire" as an organizer is FOOD. Every activity i can ever think of is somewhat related to food, and i can't help it. Anyway, the day started out with me meeting Yong Sheng to do some last minute touch up on Liyi's handmade gift (present number 1). After which, we met Liyi and WeiQi subsequently. And we're terribly late when we caught up with the latter, and i'm terribly sorry for that. So we first had lunch at Burger King, something i haven't ate in a long while. Subway is my only fastfood outlet currently, haha. Following which, we debated over the next activity for a while before settling down at Anderson's for some fondue. It's back to back food galore. Hahaha.
We talked for quite some time (some meaningless conversation, but fun) before going to the arcade for some cheap thrills. I'm not an arcade person but it's fun to play those stuff once in a blue moon. So HuiYing came immediately after her driving lesson but it's also not too long before Wei Qi had to go attend another of her friend's birthday party. After playing, it's what else but more food! We had dinner at Fish & Co, and i felt like a bloated pufferfish after eating. It's damn filling.
We then went to watch the fountain of wealth, just in time for the little "performance".
It's not long before we're on out feet again, heading towards Clarke Quay for drinks at Harry's. But that's not after we caught some mediacorp filming session and Yong Sheng getting extremely high and agitated over the fact that he saw this friend he hasn't seen in a while. Honestly, i thought he's suffering from some fits or something when he saw her cause his expression was just, plain, erm, star-struck? If i had to choose a word. Hahaha. Maybe he really treaure his friend, i don't know. So, back on track. At Harry's, we each ordered a drink and finger food while basking in the pub singer's fantastic voice. We're lucky to be able to catch her performance because her setlist include Dionne Warwick, Aretha Franklin and Amy Whinehouse! Oh ya, HuiYing ordered this non-alcoholic drink, Virgin Mary, because she's got some problem with the gastric recently and it taste horrible. It's damn blooding disgusting, i tell you that. It's a mixture of tomatoes and chilli. I nearly gagged when i tasted it. And poor girl becomes bummed out for the rest of the night. Hahahaha.
Liyi's governor smile made her smile.
Yong Sheng's Singapore Sling
My jungle juice
Virgin Mary that dampens the mood. Haha
After some chitchatting, (again, nothing concrete, just some meaningless funny conversation) we head on back home. It's a long day, but fun. Hope Liyi liked her gifts - the bottles with messages, Jay's that-basketball-movie-collector's-photo-album and Joanna Wang's Cd. I'm sure she loved the latter cause she had such a sincere reaction that goes somewhat like this "Did i say i like her?". How touching. Hahahahaha. But we love you Liyi! Hahaha.

Friday, April 18, 2008

I was "honored" to be invited to the Prince's (Yong Sheng) "palace" yesterday and made a blunder out of myself. You know how it's common courtesy to go and greet the owner of the house and such, so upon reaching, i followed Yong Sheng to his parent's room and i saw two figures there. So i poked my head in and greeted "Hello Aunty and Uncle". Perfectly normal for a guest to do so right? To my dismay, apparently, it's utterly wrong because after my greeting, it was followed by a dazed look on the male figure in the room as well as hysterical laughter coming from Yong Sheng. Turns out, Uncle is acually his BROTHER. Seriously, i felt sooooo bad after that that i wanted to knock my head on the wall. My god. I sure didn't leave a good impression, did i? I kept apologizing but i think if someone were to call me "Uncle", i probably wouldn't be very forgiving. Anyhow, met up with the Prince and Liyi this past Wednesday, cause it's the latter's birthday! It's a pretty simple day filled with many many gossips over many many meals. In one of my previous entry, i stated that i'll try not to be late again, but i failed myself. Haha. Was really late when i met Liyi and when we reached Far East's Subway, Yong Sheng was already there for quite a while. My bad. I love Subway, i really do. I should open one outlet in my place man, then i can have it everyday! Hahaha. After which, it's followed by aimless shopping around town before heading to Raffles City Shopping Centre for.............. Cedele's CHEESECAKE!! I am hopelessly in love with their cheesecake, it's just so so so good. Anyway, can i just say that Yong Sheng is like, the ultimate camwhore hands down! And he literally poses for you if you were to direct the camera onto him. Like i said to them, i'm gonna collect all his pictures and make them into merchandise - such as mugs or dart boards - so that hater and fans can all get a piece of him. Afterall, he is the "PRINCE". Hahahaha. Spent quite a deal of time there doing plain gossiping and talking, before heading to Marina Sqaure for dinner. Liyi and I are HUGE fan of Tom Yum, and the Secret Recipe's outlet in Vivo and Plaza Sing both serve really really good tom yum, so we thought we could expect the same standard at Marina Square. But boy were we wrong. It taste so weird, i don't know how to put it across. It's just bad, seriously. With our tummy stretched to its limit, we set off to chill at esplanade's roof top. Again, we talked and gossipped before calling it a night. And tomorrow's the outing with them, plus Ying and WeiQi, to celebrate Liyi's birthday, again! Hahahaha. Mango Almond Cheesecake. This is, love.
Yong Sheng's truffle, which is so powdery, he choked on his first bite. Hahahaha.
Aww, the Prince showing a slight "imperfection" to his image. YS is so gonna kill me, hahahaha. Well, that's what he get for laughing at that poor aunty on the bus, we happens to have the need to pick her nose.
There's A LOT more to his portfolio. Really, i don't know what else to say other than camwhore. Hahaha.
Today saw me waking up the earliest i've been in a while - 730 am. I know many people wake up during that time, or even earlier, for school and work but since i'm unemployed now, my daily routine revolves around waking close to noon and sleeping around 2 am. So 730 am is a huge feat for me okay. Hahaha. Took my own sweet time getting ready before heading for my medical checkup at CMPB. I seriously have no idea where is that place, other than verbal information given by my brother as well as vague info from streetdirectory, but i'm still lazy to go there earlier. Hahaha. I'm supposed to transfer from train to bus at Tiong Bahru, but i got a tummyache then. So i searched around the mall for a toilet, from first to fourth floor, and it's all closed for cleaning!! Then there's a sign that says to go to the fifth and sixth floor, but there's no escalator leading there! Was so pissed off man. Even my digested products were annoyed, so they chose to stay indoor first. Hahaha. So i finally reached the place at 10.45 am, for my 9.30 appointment. Hahaha. I know, super late, but no one seems to care anyway. I was really unsure of where to walk in that huge place, and i looked like a lost bird the entire time. Hahaha. And every station, i'm supposed to read the instruction on what to do, but i always forget. So i spent quite a while in each room doing nothing, because i don't know what to do until i heard the people talking. Hahaha. I know they're going to draw blood and i was really terrified, maybe because i watched too much Grey's Anatomy, i don't know. So anyway, i nearly suffered from hyperventilation when i'm about to enter the room. Hahahaha. And it doesn't help to have the guy in front of me whining about how painful it was. I was trying so hard to distract my focus. Hahaha, i know this doesn't bode well with my already not-so-masculine image but i thought they're gonna use really thick needle to poke me! Turns out that it didn't really hurt much, hahaha. PARANOIA! Well, at least the person at the dental station seems quite nice. Hahaha. While standing in queue, he chatted with me about my tee (Mr Silly) and shopping. Hahahaha. Then the rest of the station was done pretty quickly until i reached the alptitude test station. Man! Don't they have a lot of questions to ask? Well, i was too tired to think so most of the time, i just anyhow click on any answer that i think deemed fit for the question. I know i shouldn't have, but i'm really tired. Hahaha. Luckily everything was done pretty quickly, and i was out of that place in 2 hours! The remaining of the day was spent at plaza with nazi and liyi, taking a nap at home, getting a slight headache, granny coming over for dinner and tv on the couch. Pretty boring i must say, but i love it. Hahaha. Lastly, i got an interview scheduled next monday!! Crossing my fingers!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Leona Lewis

UK's top sensation, Leona Lewis, finally launched her critically acclaimed and highly promoted debut album "Spirit" in the US last week, after gaining worldwide success. Cracking the US music industry is never easy for British act but after months of preparation, promotion and last minute editing to the final tracklisting for the US version, Leona Lewis bowed at the top spot in the US Billboard Top 200 chart. She is the first British artist to have a debut album at the number 1 slot, and the first UK female artist to have an album atop since 1986! Also, her first single "Bleeding Love" becomes the first song from a brit to achieve number one on the US chart in 21 years. This girl has go on to break so many record! Although it's hard for a british artist to have hits in the US, i personally would be shocked if this girl didn't achieve success. Afterall, she's signed to two highly respectable people in the music industry - Simon Cowell and music mongul, Clive Davis - nothing could go wrong with these two working together! And furthermore, she's achieved so much more exposure compared to other artist. She has went on to appear on almost all highly viewed and rated show. Oprah, Ellen, Tyra Show, Jimmy Kimmel and she'll also make an appearance on next week's American Idol result show. See, it would be a disastrous if she didn't managed to crack the US industry, although it's normal for other UK's act not to. Of course, she's also crazily talented to be so sought after. I'm just so happy for her because her album is REALLY REALLY good. I think everyone should just buy her album, haha. Her ballads are really the album's standout and i just hope at least a couple would be released as singles. They should really stop with "Bleeding Love", it's getting a tad annoying. Not that it's a bad song or anything, but it has been released for close to 6 months now! I'm so looking forward to seeing her perfrom her other tracks but since she is just only recently launched in the US, she gotta promote that song all over again. Thinking of it, i think we're kinda lucky to be living in Singapore, where we get to enjoy music that both countries got to offer. Not that people there are not that lucky, that's not what i'm saying. They have much more music to listen to that i wish were played in Singapore, like COUNTRY MUSIC! Hahaha. But when it comes to mainstream music, i guess we're more exposed to it. I like. Hahaha. Anyhow, i'm just so glad that Leona Lewis made it in the US!
This is gonna be real random but here goes nothing! First of all, i seriously think that i need to kick a habit of mine, real badly. That is, punctuality. Most of the time when i meet up with people, i tend to be the one arriving later. Or late. I feel really apologetic but i will REALLY give this issue a deep thought. Secondly, my idol Kellie Pickler just won the first award in her career! It's Country Music Television Music Award!! She won not only one, but all three that she's nominated for in this public-voted award. It may not be as prestigious at the CMA's or ACM's but it's still a great award in the country music scene! Hahaha. Thirdly, i'm still on cloud nine over the fact that i finally found someone to go watch "We Will Rock You" the musical. I think when i see cousin, i'll wet her face with all my saliva due to my excessive kissing. HAHAHAHA. I'm just kidding. Fourthly, i don't know why but absent-mindedness comes second nature to me. Every day, or close to, there bound to be something that i'll forget to do. And i have really bad memory. For instance, i always reminded myself to send birthday greetings to people exactly when the clock strikes twelve but i just seems to forget about it in split second. If not, i'll forget to pay bill, shave, off the heater and all the other trivia thing one can think of. It seems that i need carry an organizer with me everywhere i go. Maybe i should eat more fish and play more mahjong. Fish, i don't mind. Mahjong, a tad too boring for me. Next, i've never entered so many ladies shop in my life. My eyes are screaming in pain due to the overexposure of dresses, skirts and blouses. No wonder they can spend such long hours shopping. Lastly, i know it's a bit too late but i just found more love for Ngee Ann. Received their letter regarding graduation and not only am i graduating with merit, i'll be getting $250 for achieving something i've no idea what it's about. It concerning this HR module i took during the first sem in year 3. But like what most people tell me, if the school is giving you money, take it and don't ask any question. And that is what i'm gonna do. Hahaha. And i really hope the diploma with merit would make my parents just a teeny weeny bit happier after their huge disappointment when i chose to drop out of college 3 years ago. Alrighty, that's enough rambling. Happy Birthday LIYI!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Monday, April 14, 2008

Brooke White - You've Got a Friend

I am such a fan of Brooke White. She is such a distinctive artiste, and i really hope she score a record deal after idol. This performance may not be the best, but i loved it because it's so heartfelt.

David Archuleta - Angels

I thought he's lost his edge over the last few weeks but this song definitely made me a fan again. The run at the end is just AMAZING. I can't stop listening to it!

Friday, April 11, 2008

After transferring the pictures from the camera to the laptop, i realized that i've taken a crazy amount of 694 pictures over just 4 days of my trip. Right now, i'm very lazy to blog. Hahaha. But i guess i better get started while the memory's still pipping fresh. All in all, it's a great trip. There's many obstacle prior to the trip and sadly, Diana couldn't go in the end due to personal issue. Since the tickets are already booked, might as well go ahead with it, though it's just me and aunty irene. Haha. And in the course of the trip, i've learnt to camewhore by myself, especially since there's no one to take pictures with. Haha.
Day 1

Woke up at 3.40 am to catch the 6.50 flight. Had a total of one hour plus of sleep because my normal sleeping hour prior the trip was around 2, so even though i went to bed at 11, i was tossing and turning till 2 plus. Mummy was rather worried and she didn't had a good sleep too, haha. After all, it's my first time going overseas without them. Went down after Aunty Irene smsed me that the cab's waiting downstairs for me and off i set for the airport. I was pretty excited during the journey to the airport because it has been VERY LONG since i had my last overseas trip, but was rather worried about it at the same time. You know, paranoia working at it's maximum! Haha. Had breakfast, checked it, sit around for a while and i was off flying towards Hong Kong! It great to take a morning flight for i get to witness the break of dawn - the transformation of the sky colour from bluish-red, then slowly to sky blue and when we are very high up in the air, i looked towards the horizon and catch the glimpse of the sun peeking through the thick layers of clouds. It was breath-taking. The minds' filled with so many thoughts, i find myself fidgeting throughout the whole flight and only manages to finish one chapter of "To Kill A Mockingbird". After 3 hours plus of flight, we finally manages to land at Hong Kong International Airport. I think it's pretty cool that we have to get down the plane to board a bus that will drive us to the airport, haha. I think it's so much more fun instead of having a passage that link the airport to the plane.
Underwent the necessary procedure and the airport provide this transportation service that will bring us directly to our hotel and back to the airport when we are returning, all at just a flat sum. While waiting for the coach to arrive, catched a bite a KrispyKreme.
Don't kill me Liyi, if you ever happen to read this. Hahaha. I'm still very sorry i didn't managed to buy back for you. Will go into details about that later on. Well, so the bus came very quickly and we're escorted to our hotel. Got to enjoy the best of Hong Kong's scenery during the one hour bus journey. I love how they have so many high rise buildings and at the same time, they have so many beautiful hills that are so tall and captivating.
Mini bus! I want to take it but didn't have the opportunity.
So we finally reached our hotel around noon, YMCA International House, and though small, it's very clean and lovely.
View from the hotel room
Rested our feet for a while before having lunch at the nearly eatery. My first meal in Hong Kong! But it's not really nice though, haha. Blur me, didn't know that i have to add sugar into my milk tea. I thought milk tea is already sweetened, but it's not. Whatever, haha.
My sweet and sour rib, which is a far cry from what we tasted here in Singapore. Same name, two different league.
Following lunch, we head towards Victoria Peak, one of Hong Kong's tourist attraction and a must go! The hotel's receptionist provided us with this direction that allow us to take the bus and ferry. I love Hong Kong's transportation i must say. It's very people-friendly and comfortable!
On the bus
The ferry ride is super cool. It's really old and it'll sway with the current, so one has to be wary of the footings to prevent from falling into the sea. Hahaha. The ferry ride also allows one to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Hong Kong, be it day or night, and the strong breeze blowing against the face.
ferry ride!!
Going to Central
Took the wrong bus after we alighted the ferry and ended up taking 1 hour to reach the peak instead of the normal 15 minutes. The lack of sleep was talking a toll on me during the bus journey but upon reaching the peak, i was immediately perked up by the mind-blowing view that oversees much of Hong Kong.
The rich people's place.
Tea time! That dumpling-shaped pastry is so bad. I'm never going to be a vegetarian, ever!
Shopped around the mall at the peak before heading towards Madame Tussad's wax museum. I was super excited when i saw the likes of Freddie Mercury from Queen, Tina Turner, Elvis Presley, M. Jackson, Princess Diana etc. Though made of wax, most of the figures are as close to the real deal in all aspect. I got to play with some of the costume there, and i became a blondie for a day and posed with Marilyn Monroe! Hahaha.
Naomi Campbell working it. I'm sure the real life Naomi probably wouldn't have any stranger going so near her without hitting that person.
The gorgeous Elle Macpherson.
Meryl Streep, incredible actress.
Liyi made me take picture of him.
Mr and Mrs Smith, Brad and Angelina.
The late Princess Diana.
I'm sure this don't need more introduction.
The respectable Nelson Mandela.
The late Pavarotti, one of the best tenor.
Benazir Bhutto.
This is, Madame Tussad.
Mr Lee!
I love this pose of Einstein. He looks adorable in this pose!
View from another angle.
Andy Lau
The beautiful Elizabeth Taylor.
Jodie Foster.
Sir Anthony Hopkins
Me and the all time sex symbol, Marilyn Monroe. Hahahaha!
Yao Min's real tall, if they sculpted him according to his real height. I'm only around the number 11 area!
The beatles! That is Paul McCartney
TINA TURNER!!! Proud Mary keep on rolling!!
Freddie Mercury of Queen. I want to watch We Will Rock You the musical SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO badly.
We took the double deckered bus back to the pier, and it's open concept!
The whole exhibit took us around 2 hours, and we headed back to our hotel area after that. Shopped around, had dinner at Yoshinoya (which taste better than Singapore's) and headed back to the hotel around 10 plus. It's considered quite early in HK, since most of their shop closes at 12 midnight. Called HuiYing and when she came back to the hotel with her family, went to her room to find her. Super excited to find your friend there! Chatted with her as well as her mom and aunt until sometime after midnight and it's off to bed. Next day, i'm going Disneyland with her family! Aunty Irene's not going cause she doesn't really want to walk around. Day 2 will be posted soon.

In HuiYing's room.