Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Oh man, older women are such funny and interesting people! I have such a love-hate relationship for them right now. Of course, this only implies to strangers, not the close one, cause i have big love for my mummy and grandma and aunties. Anyhow, let's talk about why i love them shall we. I was having such a bad day today cause the scorching and humid weather is really pissing me off big time and not only that, time is passing at an extremely slow rate today. So while i was staring at their humongous plasma tv which sadly only shows Channel Newsasia, this aunty walked in. So, being the person at the express counter, i stood up to tend to her.
Me: Hello, how can i help you? *tried my best to fake a smile*
Aunty: I need to update my address.
Me: Okay! Let me give you a queue number, and our officer will assist you later. You may take a seat over there for the time being.
Aunty: Thanks. By the way, you're very handsome.
Me: *blush again* Hahahaha, thank you.
Aunty: This company is not situated here a couple of years back right? How long have they moved here?
Me: I have no idea, haha, cause i just started working here. But all i know is, they've been here for quite a number of years.
Aunty: Oh, okay. You're not local?
Me: Yes, i am. Hahahaha. Don't i look local?
Aunty: No, your complexion very good, like from Hong Kong.
Me: Oh really?!?! Hahahahahaha, thanks. (Personal conversation going through the head at that moment : Thank god she's standing quite far away, if not she'll sure take back her words. )
So finally, her number is called up and she was attended to. So i went back to dreamland and suddenly, i heard "Handsome boy! Handsome boy!" Turns around, and she standing at the end of the hallway, shouting at me, waving bye bye. Everyone's looking at me then, and i had to laugh so badly. So i bid farewell to her, and continue smiling. Oh god, i love nice aunties! Hahahaha. Then the colleagues starts teasing me, saying how i got one admirer per day. And that i'm an "aunty killer". Not bad right! I never get much of this compliments ever, let alone twice in two days! Hahahahahaha. Of course it made my day, come on! I'm human, vain one to be exact, so it's quite flattering. Hahahaha. But it only happens to the older generation, how i don't mind if they tend towards the younger crowd too. Hahahahahahahahahahaha. In my dream. Moving on, let's now talk about my "hate" for older women. I tell you, they can get super cranky. Got scolded by this customer today because SHE didn't make herself clear and give us the wrong answer, and later on points the finger and blame me for wasting her time. Bloody old hag. Hahahahaha. I know, i'm sucha spoilt brat cause i'm very well 20 into life yet this is my firs ttime getting scolded by stranger. But seriously, i feel like yelling back at her and tearing out her hair. She herself keep signing different signature, and i told her that we're very particular about that, afterall it's their shares we're talking about. Then she nags and nags and nags. I am definitely not cut out for the service industry, to be honest. Hahahaha, but since i've already signed the contract, i gotta clench my teeth and bear with it till end of june. Oh well. And speaking about work, the people here ain't that bad. I don't really wanna go into details lest i jinx it and mess up, haha. But i'm not addressed by my name there, as i'm known as "Xiao Di", aka Little boy. Well, not that i mind though, they can call me anything they want, as long as it's not something awful. Hahahaha. And i'm actually the second guy to EVER worked at the counter, with the first stepped down into the back room. But hey, at least now i'm unique right! Hahahaha. As if! Well, i'm getting restless and the weather isn't helping much. I want to live in an igloo now.

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