Friday, April 18, 2008

I was "honored" to be invited to the Prince's (Yong Sheng) "palace" yesterday and made a blunder out of myself. You know how it's common courtesy to go and greet the owner of the house and such, so upon reaching, i followed Yong Sheng to his parent's room and i saw two figures there. So i poked my head in and greeted "Hello Aunty and Uncle". Perfectly normal for a guest to do so right? To my dismay, apparently, it's utterly wrong because after my greeting, it was followed by a dazed look on the male figure in the room as well as hysterical laughter coming from Yong Sheng. Turns out, Uncle is acually his BROTHER. Seriously, i felt sooooo bad after that that i wanted to knock my head on the wall. My god. I sure didn't leave a good impression, did i? I kept apologizing but i think if someone were to call me "Uncle", i probably wouldn't be very forgiving. Anyhow, met up with the Prince and Liyi this past Wednesday, cause it's the latter's birthday! It's a pretty simple day filled with many many gossips over many many meals. In one of my previous entry, i stated that i'll try not to be late again, but i failed myself. Haha. Was really late when i met Liyi and when we reached Far East's Subway, Yong Sheng was already there for quite a while. My bad. I love Subway, i really do. I should open one outlet in my place man, then i can have it everyday! Hahaha. After which, it's followed by aimless shopping around town before heading to Raffles City Shopping Centre for.............. Cedele's CHEESECAKE!! I am hopelessly in love with their cheesecake, it's just so so so good. Anyway, can i just say that Yong Sheng is like, the ultimate camwhore hands down! And he literally poses for you if you were to direct the camera onto him. Like i said to them, i'm gonna collect all his pictures and make them into merchandise - such as mugs or dart boards - so that hater and fans can all get a piece of him. Afterall, he is the "PRINCE". Hahahaha. Spent quite a deal of time there doing plain gossiping and talking, before heading to Marina Sqaure for dinner. Liyi and I are HUGE fan of Tom Yum, and the Secret Recipe's outlet in Vivo and Plaza Sing both serve really really good tom yum, so we thought we could expect the same standard at Marina Square. But boy were we wrong. It taste so weird, i don't know how to put it across. It's just bad, seriously. With our tummy stretched to its limit, we set off to chill at esplanade's roof top. Again, we talked and gossipped before calling it a night. And tomorrow's the outing with them, plus Ying and WeiQi, to celebrate Liyi's birthday, again! Hahahaha. Mango Almond Cheesecake. This is, love.
Yong Sheng's truffle, which is so powdery, he choked on his first bite. Hahahaha.
Aww, the Prince showing a slight "imperfection" to his image. YS is so gonna kill me, hahahaha. Well, that's what he get for laughing at that poor aunty on the bus, we happens to have the need to pick her nose.
There's A LOT more to his portfolio. Really, i don't know what else to say other than camwhore. Hahaha.
Today saw me waking up the earliest i've been in a while - 730 am. I know many people wake up during that time, or even earlier, for school and work but since i'm unemployed now, my daily routine revolves around waking close to noon and sleeping around 2 am. So 730 am is a huge feat for me okay. Hahaha. Took my own sweet time getting ready before heading for my medical checkup at CMPB. I seriously have no idea where is that place, other than verbal information given by my brother as well as vague info from streetdirectory, but i'm still lazy to go there earlier. Hahaha. I'm supposed to transfer from train to bus at Tiong Bahru, but i got a tummyache then. So i searched around the mall for a toilet, from first to fourth floor, and it's all closed for cleaning!! Then there's a sign that says to go to the fifth and sixth floor, but there's no escalator leading there! Was so pissed off man. Even my digested products were annoyed, so they chose to stay indoor first. Hahaha. So i finally reached the place at 10.45 am, for my 9.30 appointment. Hahaha. I know, super late, but no one seems to care anyway. I was really unsure of where to walk in that huge place, and i looked like a lost bird the entire time. Hahaha. And every station, i'm supposed to read the instruction on what to do, but i always forget. So i spent quite a while in each room doing nothing, because i don't know what to do until i heard the people talking. Hahaha. I know they're going to draw blood and i was really terrified, maybe because i watched too much Grey's Anatomy, i don't know. So anyway, i nearly suffered from hyperventilation when i'm about to enter the room. Hahahaha. And it doesn't help to have the guy in front of me whining about how painful it was. I was trying so hard to distract my focus. Hahaha, i know this doesn't bode well with my already not-so-masculine image but i thought they're gonna use really thick needle to poke me! Turns out that it didn't really hurt much, hahaha. PARANOIA! Well, at least the person at the dental station seems quite nice. Hahaha. While standing in queue, he chatted with me about my tee (Mr Silly) and shopping. Hahahaha. Then the rest of the station was done pretty quickly until i reached the alptitude test station. Man! Don't they have a lot of questions to ask? Well, i was too tired to think so most of the time, i just anyhow click on any answer that i think deemed fit for the question. I know i shouldn't have, but i'm really tired. Hahaha. Luckily everything was done pretty quickly, and i was out of that place in 2 hours! The remaining of the day was spent at plaza with nazi and liyi, taking a nap at home, getting a slight headache, granny coming over for dinner and tv on the couch. Pretty boring i must say, but i love it. Hahaha. Lastly, i got an interview scheduled next monday!! Crossing my fingers!

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