Wednesday, April 16, 2008

This is gonna be real random but here goes nothing! First of all, i seriously think that i need to kick a habit of mine, real badly. That is, punctuality. Most of the time when i meet up with people, i tend to be the one arriving later. Or late. I feel really apologetic but i will REALLY give this issue a deep thought. Secondly, my idol Kellie Pickler just won the first award in her career! It's Country Music Television Music Award!! She won not only one, but all three that she's nominated for in this public-voted award. It may not be as prestigious at the CMA's or ACM's but it's still a great award in the country music scene! Hahaha. Thirdly, i'm still on cloud nine over the fact that i finally found someone to go watch "We Will Rock You" the musical. I think when i see cousin, i'll wet her face with all my saliva due to my excessive kissing. HAHAHAHA. I'm just kidding. Fourthly, i don't know why but absent-mindedness comes second nature to me. Every day, or close to, there bound to be something that i'll forget to do. And i have really bad memory. For instance, i always reminded myself to send birthday greetings to people exactly when the clock strikes twelve but i just seems to forget about it in split second. If not, i'll forget to pay bill, shave, off the heater and all the other trivia thing one can think of. It seems that i need carry an organizer with me everywhere i go. Maybe i should eat more fish and play more mahjong. Fish, i don't mind. Mahjong, a tad too boring for me. Next, i've never entered so many ladies shop in my life. My eyes are screaming in pain due to the overexposure of dresses, skirts and blouses. No wonder they can spend such long hours shopping. Lastly, i know it's a bit too late but i just found more love for Ngee Ann. Received their letter regarding graduation and not only am i graduating with merit, i'll be getting $250 for achieving something i've no idea what it's about. It concerning this HR module i took during the first sem in year 3. But like what most people tell me, if the school is giving you money, take it and don't ask any question. And that is what i'm gonna do. Hahaha. And i really hope the diploma with merit would make my parents just a teeny weeny bit happier after their huge disappointment when i chose to drop out of college 3 years ago. Alrighty, that's enough rambling. Happy Birthday LIYI!!!!!!!

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