Friday, July 27, 2007

One more individual assignment to go before all the projects for this semester comes to an end. Finally there's some time to catch a breather from all the tensions mounted during all the projects before the start of the examinations, which is just less than a month away. I think it's time to rejoice for the group because we're finally able to breakaway from one slimy twat. Right now, i am basically humming Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway in my mind. Totally irrelevant but yeah, i've no idea why i'm thinking about it either. Anyway, I'm so deprive of my dosage of meet up with the friends. Oh ya, an incident that took place a couple of days ago which makes me feel so bad for the tutor. As you can see, we have a really nice tutor who's willing give us a few tips by telling us which chapters will come out for the exam and personally, i am very satisfied and grateful. Of course i am! 7 sure-to-come-out topic instead of studying all 12 theoretically-based chapters! It is, to me, something everyone should be happy about but this is just plain assumption on my part. Well, there's this particular classmate, who seems dissatisfied with it and pestered the teacher to provide more information, like which part of the particular chapter will come out etc. If you're kidding, fine. But she is dead serious. Of course, the tutor isn't going to compromise, which i think he shouldn't as well. This somehow can't appease the highness herself for she starts whining about how other teachers does the same ( which is not at all true, only partially. I think only like a couple nice one did that). My blood just boils. Well, you can't blame me for how the brain choose to function! Haha. I mean, seriously, just be happy that someone is nice enough to provide such a wonderful hint and do not step over the line! Did she ever wonder who she is to demand so much? She might just as well ask the tutor to send her the questions privately. Then the tutor told her that if she didn't catch the other hints, it means that she didn't go for lecture and she seems rather annoyed and replied "NOOO!" sternly. Come on, so what if the tutor said wrongly. Pfft! Talk about mannerism here! Well, thank goodness she's the only one or else everyone in the future will just die from excessive spoon-feeding. At least the rest of the class is appreciative. Well, i guess we pretty much can't help having a few ignorant wilful brat around but we should be thankful it's not in the majority. A day to rejoice! HAHAHA, i've no idea what i'm talking about.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Met up with the other two attachment friends as well as Aunty Irene on Sunday for a movie and dinner. Watched The Condemned and i was bored to death in the cinema with the predictable storyline and constant fighting. Almost 90 percent of the film consists of violent - killing, punching, yelling, fighting and even more fighting. It's like, all the scriptwriter knows is write about, what else but, FIGHT! Damn boring. I've no idea why they chose to watch this movie but at least i know i should try to be more decisive in the future when i'm out with them, haha. Because i'm pretty sure i wouldn't choose a movie that is plain boring and predictable. Anyway, dinner at IMM's BaliThai. The fantastic food, wonderful ambience and the company make the dinner very enjoyable. I love their BBQ platter! It's great to meet up with the people from Motion Smith and it makes me miss the other colleagues a lot! Can't wait for study break to come so i can go down and join them for lunch soon. I don't know why but my attachment is one of the period i enjoy myself the most. I've nothing but praises for the colleagues over there. I miss how they would include me in their "gossip-behind-the-boss'-back" session, their smoking break, their sing-along-to-class-95 session and many more. Those are the memories. I really enjoy my 7 weeks stay there and i miss the nostalgic days. Okay, enough talking about them or else i would go on and on and this entry would never end. Anyway, some meaningless pictures.

The green curry has too much coconut for my liking.
The boneless chicken wing is suitable for lazyass people like me!

The platter!!!! I can't get enough of their marinated bbq squid. It's DAMN nice.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Okay, so i'm going to give it a shot on the topic "Me". Well, how do you begin in the first place? People normally start off by describing their personality and preferences, like how they're "cheerful" or "optimistic" or to a dramatic extent, a person you describe as being "emo". Here's something i have to disagree, or beg to differ to put it across nicely. Maybe it's just me but i just don't agree to how a person can be described simply using only words of an extreme and not a mixture of both ends. As in, people normally describe themselves as "cheerful" , "sensitive" or "optimistic" and seldom would they include antonyms like "insensitive", "pessimistic" etc. I think it may be due to my weird affection towards math and equation but i really do believe in having a balance for everything. For example, i wouldn't brand myself as being "cheerful" because i'm not a giggly persona all the time. The word "depress", or simply "grumpy", would come along occasionally. Maybe the cheerfulness happens most of the time but surely the depression would sunk in at certain occasions. Or i can say i'm a sensitive person but that's not the case all the time. I am, in fact, sensitive and insensitive. I can be really nice and tolerant at times but there are also times when i'm simply being an ignorant schmuck. See, everything balances in my dictionary. They may not necessary balance in the way like how 50grams = 50 grams but at least to me, our personality is filled with characteristics of both extremes. And maybe because of the influence of my course, i don't know but, over the years i've realized another thing that plays an important role in our daily portray of personality - decision making. For example, during the downside of life, i could choose to use the word "pessimistic" as my personality of the day, which is really easy because everyone feels like crap during such period. On the other hand, i can choose to discard the word and instead, pick the toughest word "optimistic" and display it for the day. Okay, in simpler terms, i can simply choose how i want to react to every situation, no matter how easy one option seems as compared to the other. I'm not sure if i'm making any sense here because this is the very reason why i can never bring myself to describe ME (Ernest Ng) most of the time. But at least i gave it a shot now. So to summarize, if i were to describe myself in , say, a few sentences? It would be how i believe that the combination of both ends of personality characteristics are embedded in everyone and how we would spend the day is about decision making.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Life has been pretty much revolving around projects and presentations and tutorials lately so it has been pretty much monotonous so there's nothing much worth mentioning. School life aside, a blog entry recently posted by renown blogger, Xiaxue, catches my attention lately. The entry is about the few bloggers whom she think is the most disgusting, haha. I think it is really really cool for her to speak openly about her feelings, as defaming as some may sound. but if we were to strip away the sarcasm and negativity, everything is plain honesty, which is something very commendable. Well, of course i'm saying about all this because i'm not the one taking the jab but seriously, it is very hard to find someone who is so open about his/her view and thoughts. Anyway, i think this entry is worth checking out because it's rather funny at some parts.
All along, i've one issue which is bugging me. I have always wonder, how would i describe myself? It seems to me that everyone could easily write a whole chunk of essay describing themselves but i seriously suck at it whenever i try figuring it in my head. It's just some complicating that i just give up after a while. Maybe i should really crack my head and give it a try one of these day.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Was talking to a friend on the phone the other day and she told me her realization on how i'm not easily affected by how people perceive me as a person. Okay, i must admit i do care about the physical appearance though, as in my weight (which is really hard to control with my crazy diet) and maybe the skin (pimples!) etc. But overall, i don't really care much about how people think of me. I mean, it's not that i don't feel a thing. Of course, it does get to me initially (very well since because i'm made of blood and flesh) but after a while, it just somehow disappear like it's being flushed out of my system. I mean, i am me and there's nothing more i can do about it. It'll be so tiring for me if i have to change myself just because i want to change other people's perception of me. And when i say other people, i'm talking about people whom doesn't have any impact in my life whatsoever. They can think whatever they want of me and i'm fine with it. What's most important is that my friends like and accept me for who i am and i am happy with being myself. I think that's what matter the most. We can't really blame people for not liking us because; number one - we aren't exactly being saint and liking everyone in this world. We do have our share of people we dislike. Number two - we aren't running for president. We don't need everyone to like us, not even the president get hundred percent votes anyway. If people don't like us, well, we just have to deal with it. It's not that i am born being able to ignore other people's view of me but more of the years of experience and how this issue being a way of life.


After adjourning for months, the stingray dinner is finally made possible on wednesday. After lesson ended, we made a short detour to IMM to run some errand before heading to Clementi with 6 growling stomachs. We made full use of all the amounts chipped in and the food was really satisfying, especially the seafood friedrice recommended by Jade. Dessert after that before going home to prepare for the presentation taking place the following afternoon. It was a simple dinner but with wonderful companies that creates laughter throughout the whole night.

Claypot chicken and stingray!
Sotong, Sambal kangkong and another plate of stingray. The seafood fried rice was not in the picture because it was inside all our stomachs minutes after it was served.
All the chilli gave me a sore throat the very next day and i could be heard making all sorts of weird noises trying to clear my throat during the sharing session. Well, the price you pay for eating without thinking of the consequences!
Today, Joanne and I skipped lecture and went for breakfast since the group is not going and we're already in school.

Her ba chor mee

We ordered beancurd from 2 different stalls because we want to see which is nicer, and i still think the one where i bought mine is nicer.

Beancurd is definitely one of the best food ever invented. So after that, we walked back to school to work on our projects for another couple of hours before i have to leave to meet my makan buddy, Meow! Went to have cakes at IMM's Secret Recipe.

My order, Chocolate Banana.

Meow's Chocolate Fudge.

And fries, which were deeply regretted later on. We have no idea how fulling the cake could be. The first few tastes were really nice but after a while, i just feel like puking everything out and the fries definitely did not make the situation better. Leaving with 2 very satisfied yet guilty stomach, we went for a jog after going to BBDC to help Meow in the registration for the theory test. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that my house doesn't has a weighing machine because i think i'll most probably faint at the sight of the scale pointing at my weight. Haha.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Video for American Idol's sweetheart, Katharine McPhee, self-titled debut album was premiered yesterday on Yahoo. "Love Story" was the second single off the gold-selling album and is, in my opinion, one of the best song from her album. It's funny how i hated her guts back when she's on idol and now i'm such a fan of hers. Her CD turns out to be pretty amazing and needless to say, the video is mightily hot. Or shall i say, va-va-voom!

And also, i'm going to dedicate the next part of the entry to my friend, Meow! After introducing her to this show, she became obsessed with one of the character. Word - OBSESSED. She's crazy, i'll tell you that. She yada-yada non-stop about how cute this character is bla bla bla and i'm so bored of it. I merely introduce her to this show! Not to make my ear suffer. So meow, below is picture of your current crush, Mark (played by Michael Urie) , from the US hit show, Ugly Betty. And of course, below is his signature pose. Hahaha! Hope this will cure your withdrawal symptoms.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Finally a hotel has agreed to let us conduct an interview with them, just two days before the sharing session! Went to Hotel 1929 this morning with the group and i really like the concept of boutique hotels! They may appear small but the modern, up-scale furnitures they use and decorative makes the hotel really stands out among the well-known hotels we've known. The interview went really successful and after our post interview debrief, Joanne came over and we worked on our part for the presentation. Overall, the day went very well! And of course, i get to indulge in an afternoon nap, which has not happen in a million years. Satisfied!
On 7th July, i'm sure everyone know what took place - Live Earth. I was so excited about this event and yes, maybe i did learn a bit more about the environment and such but it's the performance i'm more excited about! Who know, they showed crappy performance most of the time by artiste i don't even know and i have to go to YouTube to look for the only performer i'm anticipating - Kelly Clarkson! She set the stage on fire with Since U Been Gone and Never Again but it's the song, How I Feel, that stands out because it's such a fun summer song to listen and sing along to. Got to love her!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Just like every other week day, school is inevitable. Everyone basically did the same thing over and over, which is attending lecture with probably only 30% of the population paying full attention while the others either immerse themselves in their own world or talk to the friends. Project meeting after TD lecture to do the final touch up and editing while waiting for two of the groupmates. Finished my part and left earlier to meet up with Meow! Wanted to do some shopping in town but was too exhausted and famished that we just give up the idea and instead, went to have lunch at Marina Square. Had subway and i just love their macadamia nut cookie. It's addictive. With our hunger satisfied, we shopped around the mall for a while before settling down at Starbucks because our legs are giving up and we're simply too lazy to walk anymore. Another reason for going there is to fulfil the cravings which we've abstain for so long due to it's sinful nature - Mocha Frap. I hate Meow for introducing me to this drink but i'm thankful for it at the same time. Reason being (please refer to the following equation)

= 30 minutes of Happiness + 300 minutes on the treadmill (according to my non-scientific calculation)

OR in simpler term,


Okay, i got to admit, i'm highly addicted to this sinful drink and you've no idea how much willpower it took me to keep away from drinking it. It's not that i want to be calculative over the amount of calories but being the lazy person as i've mentioned, exercise comes once in a blue moon. So it's definitely not a good idea to have intake and no means of discharging it. There's only so much which our shit could do for us. Anyway, back on the topic. We just basically spend the rest of the afternoon well, sitting there and just chill and unwind. With the urban music playing in the background, whatever stress from school or outside are just thrown away at that moment. Of course, i couldn't keep my mouth shut for too long or else i'll suffocate from simply not talking! Other than immersing ourselves in the peaceful environment and scenery, we did talk a little, take silly pictures of each other, mimic and laugh about some people and let the afternoon slowly creep by.
Before long, it's time to set off for home and i couldn't believe i'm so easily convinced by Meow that we should just alight at the first stop after Diary Farm Road and walk the remainding journey home to ease a little bit of the guilt we feel for breaking the "we should jog at least once a week" promise. Oh well, walking is a good form of exercise too i guess. At least it did leave me sweating like a dog. Days like this just pass by in a blink of the eye and it's back to reality, rushing to meet deadlines and calling hotels which most probably hang up on us in 1 minute. Anyway, shall let the pictures do the talking now.
(Me snapping Meow's pictures, and she is really reluctant i must say)

( and vice-versa)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Projects are taking a toll on me. It seems to get tougher and tougher to handle each year. ( before i'm assumed to be stupid, i must clarify that i clearly understand that this comes along with the advancement of my education. Yes, i know that, but i'm just whining in this case ) Well, maybe it wouldn't be that difficult if the industry we chose to analyze on isn't hospitality. We can't possibly change the industry since we'd already interviewed one, and all we need is a small hotel. I think my group called altogether more than 20 hotels today, ranging from backpackers to cheap run down hotel, but we were rejected by almost all. The handful of nicer people only told us to send them the interview questions first, which is already telling us "No" is the best way possible. Right now, i don't even have to urge to call anyone. Tomorrow's going to be another dreadful day for joanne and i. Three of our groupmates either have lesson or committment, leaving the two of us going to different hotels personally and try our luck. The tutors suggested that since asking by phone is impossible, we might want to try our luck by going down directly, which is what joanne and i are going to do tomorrow. It's going to be another rejection-filled day and all i can do it to pump more air in my skin so that i wouldn't get frustrated with the amount of setbacks we're going to face tomorrow. I think a miracle and maybe a tad of luck would be great for tomorrow.
And to make things worse, i'm starting to miss my friends. Real bad. Social life has drop to almost non-existent and it's even harder now that the deadlines are drawing near. It's so contradicting. On one side, i can't wait for the submission date to be over so that i can meet my friends again yet at the same time, i don't want it to due so fast because we barely started on it.

Monday, July 2, 2007

If everyone is entitled to a wish per day, i would wish that my sweat glands wouldn't be so rich from tomorrow onwards and that the amount of sweat i produce each day would reduce by half. Amen to that! Projects deadline are drawing near and the tension is slowly building up. I think i should try and master the art of meditation soon so that i wouldn't be affected by my surrounding environment. And also, i need to inject some eagerness and enthusiasm in me so that i can concentrate on the tasks and instead of choosing to procrastinate. Sometimes, i just want too many things when i should be contempted with what i have. I don't know how to describe this feeling but it's really a pain in the butt. It just makes me so frustrated even though i know i'm the only one who could make things right. Anyway, i don't think i'm making any sense here so there's no point in continuing this topic.
Seriously, i have no idea why i even bother to log in today when i'm in such a foul mood and have absolutely nothing to talk about. I'm just sitting down here, staring at the screen blankly before squeezing out a few insignificant sentences half an hour later and none of which doesn't even reflect how i'm feeling.