Friday, July 6, 2007

Just like every other week day, school is inevitable. Everyone basically did the same thing over and over, which is attending lecture with probably only 30% of the population paying full attention while the others either immerse themselves in their own world or talk to the friends. Project meeting after TD lecture to do the final touch up and editing while waiting for two of the groupmates. Finished my part and left earlier to meet up with Meow! Wanted to do some shopping in town but was too exhausted and famished that we just give up the idea and instead, went to have lunch at Marina Square. Had subway and i just love their macadamia nut cookie. It's addictive. With our hunger satisfied, we shopped around the mall for a while before settling down at Starbucks because our legs are giving up and we're simply too lazy to walk anymore. Another reason for going there is to fulfil the cravings which we've abstain for so long due to it's sinful nature - Mocha Frap. I hate Meow for introducing me to this drink but i'm thankful for it at the same time. Reason being (please refer to the following equation)

= 30 minutes of Happiness + 300 minutes on the treadmill (according to my non-scientific calculation)

OR in simpler term,


Okay, i got to admit, i'm highly addicted to this sinful drink and you've no idea how much willpower it took me to keep away from drinking it. It's not that i want to be calculative over the amount of calories but being the lazy person as i've mentioned, exercise comes once in a blue moon. So it's definitely not a good idea to have intake and no means of discharging it. There's only so much which our shit could do for us. Anyway, back on the topic. We just basically spend the rest of the afternoon well, sitting there and just chill and unwind. With the urban music playing in the background, whatever stress from school or outside are just thrown away at that moment. Of course, i couldn't keep my mouth shut for too long or else i'll suffocate from simply not talking! Other than immersing ourselves in the peaceful environment and scenery, we did talk a little, take silly pictures of each other, mimic and laugh about some people and let the afternoon slowly creep by.
Before long, it's time to set off for home and i couldn't believe i'm so easily convinced by Meow that we should just alight at the first stop after Diary Farm Road and walk the remainding journey home to ease a little bit of the guilt we feel for breaking the "we should jog at least once a week" promise. Oh well, walking is a good form of exercise too i guess. At least it did leave me sweating like a dog. Days like this just pass by in a blink of the eye and it's back to reality, rushing to meet deadlines and calling hotels which most probably hang up on us in 1 minute. Anyway, shall let the pictures do the talking now.
(Me snapping Meow's pictures, and she is really reluctant i must say)

( and vice-versa)

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