Thursday, April 10, 2008

Back from Hong Kong, and i've never missed Singapore so much! Haha. Not that HK is bad or anything. In fact, i had loads of fun but i was pretty homesick! And i burnt a big fat hole in my wallet. It's major shopping spree for all the loved one, and i spent the last two day shopping around the place hunting gifts for everyone. I didn't get much for myself, but it's okay. Highlights of the trip include shopping (do i need to elaborate on that?), Disneyland with HuiYing and her family, Victoria Peak, ferry ride and food!! I went with one luggage and came back with three! Well, the other two are of course much smaller but filled to the brim. It's fun! Will update more soon.


yishi said...


you went HK too?

argh~ i wanna go overseas~

Ernest said...

Hahaha! Yup, i went for 4 days. You went Korea with school the other time right? Korea should be more fun lor! Haha.