Monday, April 21, 2008

Hallelujah! I've finally secured a job and break free from my "unemployed" status. Looking forward to work is definitely not at the top of my head right now, but i'm glad that at least i'm paid to have a boring life instead of leading an income-less and monotonous life. This, of course, comes with the price of cutting down on social life and adjusting to a healthier sleeping/waking time. I'm not exactly sure how i'm feeling actually. On one hand, it's good to be working and generating some income but at the same time, i can't bear to part with this loose lifestyle i'm leading ever since school ended. I'm spoilt. Well, it is what it is. Too lazy to explain further. Haha. So on Wednesday, i'll be embarking on a new experience with SGX and i just pray for the best. I'm not putting high hope on it being an enjoyable experience but i just sincerely pray that it's not as dreadful as Civil Service College. Oh well, it's outta my hand, so we shall see. Anyhow, my initial plan is to blog about Liyi's birthday outing but instead i ramble on about all the unnecessity. So, first of all, i gotta admit that i am not a good planner. Seriously, i mind too much about other people's opinion that i'm incapable of such duty. Hahaha. All i have in my "repertoire" as an organizer is FOOD. Every activity i can ever think of is somewhat related to food, and i can't help it. Anyway, the day started out with me meeting Yong Sheng to do some last minute touch up on Liyi's handmade gift (present number 1). After which, we met Liyi and WeiQi subsequently. And we're terribly late when we caught up with the latter, and i'm terribly sorry for that. So we first had lunch at Burger King, something i haven't ate in a long while. Subway is my only fastfood outlet currently, haha. Following which, we debated over the next activity for a while before settling down at Anderson's for some fondue. It's back to back food galore. Hahaha.
We talked for quite some time (some meaningless conversation, but fun) before going to the arcade for some cheap thrills. I'm not an arcade person but it's fun to play those stuff once in a blue moon. So HuiYing came immediately after her driving lesson but it's also not too long before Wei Qi had to go attend another of her friend's birthday party. After playing, it's what else but more food! We had dinner at Fish & Co, and i felt like a bloated pufferfish after eating. It's damn filling.
We then went to watch the fountain of wealth, just in time for the little "performance".
It's not long before we're on out feet again, heading towards Clarke Quay for drinks at Harry's. But that's not after we caught some mediacorp filming session and Yong Sheng getting extremely high and agitated over the fact that he saw this friend he hasn't seen in a while. Honestly, i thought he's suffering from some fits or something when he saw her cause his expression was just, plain, erm, star-struck? If i had to choose a word. Hahaha. Maybe he really treaure his friend, i don't know. So, back on track. At Harry's, we each ordered a drink and finger food while basking in the pub singer's fantastic voice. We're lucky to be able to catch her performance because her setlist include Dionne Warwick, Aretha Franklin and Amy Whinehouse! Oh ya, HuiYing ordered this non-alcoholic drink, Virgin Mary, because she's got some problem with the gastric recently and it taste horrible. It's damn blooding disgusting, i tell you that. It's a mixture of tomatoes and chilli. I nearly gagged when i tasted it. And poor girl becomes bummed out for the rest of the night. Hahahaha.
Liyi's governor smile made her smile.
Yong Sheng's Singapore Sling
My jungle juice
Virgin Mary that dampens the mood. Haha
After some chitchatting, (again, nothing concrete, just some meaningless funny conversation) we head on back home. It's a long day, but fun. Hope Liyi liked her gifts - the bottles with messages, Jay's that-basketball-movie-collector's-photo-album and Joanna Wang's Cd. I'm sure she loved the latter cause she had such a sincere reaction that goes somewhat like this "Did i say i like her?". How touching. Hahahahaha. But we love you Liyi! Hahaha.


-Ys- said...

I saw the photos u uploaded. Initially I wanted to upload those unglam ones until I scroll and found out that I have damn lots of unglam pictures too! ARGH~!!

You not bad planner la.. You bad, I'm worse. lol

Ernest said...

Hahaha! Yours is twice as much as ours okay! But if you really want to post, then go ahead. Hahaha. I always post unglam pictures of others too. Well, if you think a whole day food outing isn't bad, then i thank you. Hahahahhahaha.