Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My colleague was attending a walk-in customer today and i happen to stand beside her when conversation went like this.

Granny: Ah boy, you very handsome. Must eat more green apples, kiwi and carrot cooked into soup..... *and other beauty tips*
Me: *blush* hahahaha, thanks. But green apples are very sour, i don't like. I only eat red apples.
Granny: It's very good! Red ones are for old people like us.
Me: Hahahahahaha (in my mechanic laughter again). No la, you're not old.
Granny: *points at to while talking to my colleague* Ah boy here very handsome right? Ah boy, you know any dialect?
Me: No, only a little bit of Hokkien
Granny: You're young, better go learn all the different language, so can work as translator for government.
Me: Hahahahahhahahahahahhaha! Okay, i will! But there's so many languages to learn! Hahaha.
Granny: Then pray to god that you get to learn all the language. *and she goes on about her life*
5 minutes later
Granny: Oh ya, also pray to god that you get a good girlfriend. Nowadays, girls are leading very corrupted life. Did you watch English drama? Aiyo! All the girls are sleeping with different guys. Don't be like this okay?
Me: Hahahahahhahaha! I wouldn't.

Nothing meaningful but she's such a doll, isn't she? She gets extra brownie point for complimenting me, like obviously!! Hahahahaha. But she's so adorable. She then proceed to tell us about her evil sister and how there's a lot of people wanting to be her godchildren, then say that she wanted to treat us fish! Hahahahaha. I had such a good laugh man.


Ting said...

english dramas? oooh! did she watch '
desperate housewives' too? lol!

-Ys- said...

*Potential sugar mummy alert! LOL

Ernest said...

Meow: I don't know, hahahaha. But very funny right!!

Prince: Hahahahahahahahahaha! Please! If you are interested, the next time she's there, i can get her number for you. Hahaha.