Monday, June 30, 2008

The mind is experiencing all these mixed emotions that it seemed impossible to pen it down. In all, it's the "ugh" period all over again, if i really have to find a suitable word to describe it all. I know it's not found in any dictionary in this world, but that really pretty much sums up everything for me. Let's see if i can get all these emotions sorted out in the next few days, and maybe then i'll be able to paint a whole picture of it. On a brighter note, today's the last day of work! I can't say that i'm all that excited over it because i'm officially unemployed (which will lead to going back to being the King of Cheap) and that i'll have to find something to do for 2 and a half months, which is pretty long in my opinion. I can't sit still for long before i start pulling off my hair. And, the people there are really nice, too nice at times even. Today's like a birthday party for me, deducting 15 years off my current age. I got little gifts from the colleagues, chocolates, really nice brownie (which tasted heavenly), famous teh tarik, addictive avocado with strawberry drink and wishes from friends wishing me for my last day at work. How fun is that?!?! Tell me about it. It's a tad sad to leave the nice people but i seriously can't stand that job any more. Initially, i find the whole idea of meeting new people every day that came as a package to being in customer service line very refreshing and interesting, but all that enthusiasm quickly dies down when you encounter one bad customer after another. But i gotta admit, i haven't had the best attitude towards the customers. If i were to rate myself in terms of posessing the skills and attitude required by someone in customer service line, i would probably get a 5 out of 10, or even 4 on some days. So, i guess it's all good that i'm no longer working there! Yeah, i guess that's all i'm gonna say about this. I really can't think of anything else to say actually. On a last note, i finally managed to complete Elizabeth Gilbert's autobio "Eat, Pray, Love" last week. I gotta say, it's hands down, probably the best (if not second) book i've ever read in my entire life. It's highly insightful, brilliantly written with a tad sense of humor here and there and very inspiring. I'm actually really inspired by it and i learn a lot from it. Fantastic book. Like a drag queen would say, "Fabuuuuuuuuuuuulous!"

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I finally got my rusty joint moving again, and hopefully it will sustain. Just came back from jogging with cousin and boy, it's been a while since i last exercise! And, we got lost in Bukit Panjang!! Our hometown, we got lost! We wanted to walk out from the private estate area, but got terribly lost in there with all the crossroads and stuff, we end up running in full circles. At least we get to look at pretty houses and talk under the moonlight. It's kinda scary though, and we both agree that if anyone of us were to get lost there alone, we would freak out big time. Hahahaha. I think it took us around 20 to 30 minutes before we finally find our path back. Haha, what an experience. Anyhow, today's sunday, which means it's back to work tomorrow. How exciting. But this week has been rather eventful, with the meeting of Yas and Nazi on thursday. I was really exhausted, but meeting them never fails to perk me up, especially so when Yas treated us ice creams!! Hahaha. Yeah, we're slaves for food, therefore any food would make you my master. Hahahahaha. Then on Saturday, went for lunch with cousin at plaza, before meeting Prince, my other Xiao Huang and Dajie. Took a bus to town, grabbed some food and drink before the guys and the girls went different ways to shop. Yong Sheng and I went to almost all the malls in Orchard but couldn't find anything, not even a place to rest our legs for some drinks! It's crazily crowded. We then get together again during dinner time and went to Suki Sushi to satisfy our growling stomach. Spent a great deal of time there cause everyone's real tired and after which, we walked all the way to have soya milk and youtiao somewhere further in from Rendezvous Hotel. The chilled drink taste exceptionally nice since we're all perspiring from the long walk over. We chatted for a fair bit over there before embarking our way back home. It's a good day i must say, and i just enjoy meeting up with the friends. Then today, i had lunch with Mr Joshua Yim, CEO of Achieve Career Consultant. You know, the company that gave me my book prize during graduation. I didn't want to go for this appointment initially, when one of his staff called, but i don't feel good rejecting it. So i went ahead with it and though it's pretty weird for me, since it's just the two of us, it went alrught i guess. We had food from "Dian Xiao Er" over at Marina Square, which was fantastic, and we talked for about 2 plus hours. I wonder what's the purpose for today's lunch cause all we did was to talk. But he's a really nice person and offered some words of encouragement. I'm also told to call his HR should i want to work in his company for a month or two, which i'm giving a serious thought about now. Anyway, the mind's blank now. Gotta go catch up on some sleep!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Me love some good music!!

Duffy - Warwick Avenue
I just heard this song on YouTube yesterday and it is freaking brilliant! I was blown away, honestly speaking. All along, i wasn't a fan of hers and "Mercy", cause i think it's too Amy Winehouse-ish, but i was proved deadly wrong with this song. It's a masterpiece!! Haha. I fell in love upon first listen. Incredible. She is DUFFY. So vulnerable, so emotional, so soulful - wow. I think the difference between Duffy and Amy is that the former is more of a contemporary jazz while the latter is leaning more towards old school jazz. I don't know, but i adore both now.

Dolly Parton - Jesus & Gravity
Who doesn't like the legendary Dolly when it comes to country music? She is the diva, the queen! I love Dolly, and i'm surprise that i love all the preview clips of her new album, Backwoods Barbie, her first mainstream country music after years of producing bluegrass album. This song, Jesus & Gravity, does not appeal to me in terms of religious purpose, cause i'm Buddhist, but it's just soooooooooooo nice. Wonderful message and great tune and, it's Dolly Parton!!

Kellie Pickler - Don't You Know You're Beautiful
Do i need to elaborate further? Hahahahaha. Her first single from her upcoming sophomore studio album. Judging from this song, i'm expecting a lot from that album!! That's the magic about country music. They can be so uplifting, so inspiring, so positive and relatable. Great, great, great song. After she's established herself as one of country music's uprising star, alongside Taylor Swift (amazing) and Miranda Lambert, i'm sure a lot of pressure in on her to keep the buzz going with the next album. So if this, and other few new tracks she's performed in concerts uploaded by fans onto YouTube, is how the new album would sound, she's staying for a long time.

Bucky Covington - I'll Walk
This definitely caught me off guard. I think Bucky's great on American Idol Season 5, but i never expect something so awesome to come out from an idol alum who's not even close to the top 5 finalist (he's 8th that year). I think he's really lucky to be sign to a major label cause other than the top 2, the other finalist usually ends up with independant or indie label, and produce album that people never heard of. So i think it's awesome that all the miracle happens in Season 5, with Kellie (thank god!), Daughtry and Bucky all end up signing with a major label. Speaking of the song, it's so so sad! I think this will capture him into a superstardom in the country music scene.

Jordin Sparks - One Step At A Time
After releasing the mega hit collaboration with Chris Brown, No Air, Jordin Sparks' label released One Step At A Time as her third single. This has got to be one of my favourite track off this AI6 winner's debut effort, which i bought 2 months ago. I don't know why, but i just sort of fall in love with this song this week. No reason why. It's actually your typical cheesy bubblegum pop in some way but it's so catchy, and not forgetting that she's a great singer. If her first single, the mightily cheesey "Tattoo" is able to reach Top 5 in the US, i'm sure this song wouldn't have much of a problem.

Great music = love.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I just received one of the best surprise ever since working here - a visit from cousin!! And she, being the person she is, bought breakfast for me when she's working at Maxwell area. Very far okay! She bought soya milk and doughstick, something i've been craving for a long time. I heart my cousin to death! I'm so touched, seriously. She really made my day. So now, i'm happily enjoying my breakfast filled with luuuuuuuurveee. Hahaha. I still can't stop smiling every time i think about how sweet cousin is. Blessed, is what i feel, to have the best cousin (who is also a friend) one could ever ask for. She knows that i'm having quite a tough time lately and she's being such a sweetheart. I love my cousin! She must be my twin in our previous life, cause she can somehow always read my mind even though i didn't breathe a word.
I realized that the entries lately has been really short and random. Well, there isn't really anything worth mentioning either. You know, when you're having a 9 to 5 job, you're already switching to robot mode. So it's all boring and not worth mentioning. Sometimes, i wonder if i somehow shows my emotions too, openly? Cause today, i was just walking into another department and one of the temp was telling me how my smile is getting wider and wider everyday, cause work is ending in less that 2 weeks time. I got the exact same comment for my last job, around the last few days of work too! Oh well. But i am indeed happy, so nothing to complain about. hahaha. Customers are really putting my patience to the test lately. Other than my "happening" job, the other thing interesting in my life this week is reading Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Seriously this is, hands down, one of the BEST book i've ever read. And i've not even finish reading it! I love reading fiction, and still does, but autobiography has really spark some interest in me. This book is so well written, and so inspiring and i can feel that there's a change in me. It may not be obvious in the naked eyes, but i just felt it. Somewhere inside my mind, i felt a change, and i'm looking forward to discovering it. Alrighty, i think i better head back to my book now. At least it's better than me rambling on nothing here.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"When you are doing the work you are meant to do, it feels right. Feelings are really your GPS system for life. Check your ego at the door and check your gut instead. Every wrong decision was the result of me not listening to my voice. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it."

-Oprah Winfrey, delivering a speech at Standford University's 117th Commencement.

Monday, June 16, 2008

It's a hectic day at work and right now, i have at least 20 pairs of eyes looking at me. Well, that's because i'm not serving any queue and they've been waiting for a very long time. Not that i don't want to call queue, but i don't have the access and knowledge, so it's really beyond my control. And i have people coming up to me every few minutes to question/shout (depending on their mood) as to why they are waiting for so long. But seriously, i can't do anything. I'm not Harry Potter or some wizard that i can somehow produce 10 more staff to help at counter. And lately, i'm really not in the mood to be courteous to customers. If they are fierce to me, i'm sorry, i ain't gonna be real nice. Well, i won't talk back or anything. But i'll just give them a really brief response without even looking at them. I just can't stand whiney people, though i'm one myself. So now i'm typing to pretend that i'm busy doing something, so that customer would see that i'm working, instead of gazing on the tv screen.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I can't stop humming to the tunes of Carly Simon's "You're So Vain". I am insanely obsessed with this song! I think somewhere inside of me, a nerve or something must have gotten haywired, if not i wouldn't be singing/humming/thinking this song every five minutes. It's crazy! I love me some old classics!

Friday, June 13, 2008

My colleague, Mummy (that's what we call her since she's pregnant now), bought Vitasoy for me after seeing me drink that for two consecutive days. How sweet is that?!?! Awwww. For a moment, i'm starting to think twice about extending my contract. But that moment of bliss was short-lived, for annoying customers brought me back to reality and make me even firmer about my decision not to extend. Haha. And, Sandwich Shop has got the best sandwich in town! I can't stop eating it!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The throat has been an irritant ever since Monday, but procrastination and laziness won over and i only went to consult a doctor yesterday night. He gave me a MC just in case i'm not feeling well for work today, and you know, i wouldn't let an opportunity to rest at home slip by. Well, at least i invested my time properly, as i had the whole day doing things for ME. It's a ME today. Well, selfish day if you would want to make it sound nasty. So, i slept for a grand total of 11 hours, minus 5 minutes cause i had to make a run to the toilet in the early morning. It was good for the body, as i'm only getting around 5 plus hours of sleep everyday. Those bumpy sleep on bus journeys don't count. Hahaha. I really think it's important to have at least 7 hours of sleep, but i seldom practice what i preach. So, i basically did nothing the whole day other than watching my favourite programs (Ellen, Oprah and FRIENDS) and reading a book. I finally got time to read the book i've bought 2 weeks ago, called "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. It's autobiographical in nature, and it's about the author's road to "enlightenment". How i came across this book? Well, not surprisingly, she appeard on Oprah. Honestly, it didn't spur a lot of interest in me when i first saw the interview when she's on, but i just kept bumping into this title lately, i just took it as a sign that i should read it! You can call it fate, whatever. Good news is, so far, it is REALLY good. I had a few good laugh while reading the first few chapters and it's really relatable and engaging. I hope it stays this good throughout, haha. I really can't wait to finish it, hopefully this weekend. And if i'm lucky, i'll learn a few stuff from this book. Anyhow, talking about being absent from work, i called in sick this tuesday as well so that i can send Diana off. I'm really glad that Nazi and Meow were gracious enough to accompany me all the way to Changi Airport and we had a really fantastic day, which i will talk about later on. So in the morning, met both of them and we went to Jurong East as Nazi had interview with this recruitment agency. I thought it'll end around half an hour time, which will be around 10.30, and we'll have plenty time to reach the airport cause Diana's checking in at 12.20. Who knew, the interview ended around 11 plus, and when we got on the train, it's already 11.30! So i got into a mini panic attack, but thankfully, it all worked out well. See, we got off at Tiong Bahru and took a cab there, and managed to reach by 12.10! But, that's not after i ran to the other end of the airport from where she was, before rushing back to the other end. What a close shave. Hahaha. Her other friends were there and though it was slightly awkward, everything still came with the same intention, and that is to send Diana off. We took pictures, hugged and off she fly back to the Phillippines. One thing for sure, i will miss her a hell lot. Diana's friendship IS the best thing that ever came out from my stay in Ngee Ann. Not one of the best, but THE best. I love her lots, to pieces, to bits, to molecules. Okay, i should stop there. Hahaha. Oh man. Now i'm looking back to her comeback, hopefully early next year! After sending her off, the three of us went to Terminal 3 for lunch at Popeye's. My treat. I realized that i haven't treated my favourites anything ever since i started working, so i thought, why not! Too bad Yas isn't there. Well, will make it up to her the next time i see her, haha. Well, having Popeye is not a problem but when i'm having a sore throat, well, let's just say that i've gotten what i deserve. Hahahaha. I just can't resist FOOD! Sad, i know.
I'M STARVINGGGGG! No wonder i'm so fat lately. Sigh. I really need to start some form of exercise.
So we walked around the terminal before taking a train to Raffles City Shopping Centre for some Starbucks. I know, we can have it right at the airport, but we just want to go somewhere else. No reason why, and the decision was unanimous. And this time round, it was Meow's turn to treat! Hahahaha. After getting our drinks, we decided to walk under the sun, away from the crowd, and just enjoy each other's company. I felt really good about it, especially since work is getting dreadful. The friends are really my antidotes whenever i'm feeling the blues. It's really such simple stuff that makes my day.

Meow's a brilliant photographer. I want more meet ups with them!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

I was flipping through the Straits Times at my gramp's just now and something caught my attention. Under the column for Top Selling Book in Singapore, i saw something familiar. It's "The Last Lecture" from Randy Pausch. I wanted to blog about it one month plus ago, after seeing him on Oprah, but it totally slipped my mind. Everyone should go listen to the lecture, it's up at YouTube i'm sure. I really admire his spirit and i'm humbled if i ever were to learn anything from him or his lecture.
I haven't been in the best of mood lately, and i am puzzled myself as to feeling like this. Work is becoming dreadful and i can't seem to find any ounce of motivation every single morning. I'm just having the "blah" moment this week. You know, those days where you can't seem to find a word to describe your mood. I'm restless, highly sensitive, impatient with customers and, just, blah. It's just a whole bundle of negative energy that roots from nowhere and i can't seem to expel it. AND! I'm constipated. Like, me. The king of shitting, being constipated. How wonderful can it be. Haha. But, meh, i can't be bothered more. I'm sure i've better things to do then drowning in my own misery. So on Friday, met up with the Poly peeps - Diana, Joanne and Yong Ming - for dinner! Didn't get to hang out with them much on Graduation Day, and this shall serve as a compensatory graduation dinner. The day was chaotic, with me forgetting my phone in the morning. S.O.S call to my Dad, and he brought it to my workplace during lunch time. I know, i'm sucha spoilt brat. Then i'm supposed to meet Diana at 6 but who knows, last minute call for Emergency Debrief which ends at close to 6 and have absolutely nothing to do with me! Okay, so i finally got to meet Diana and all, then we made a few blunter before finally managing to reach Harry's at close to 7. So about 15 minutes later, everyone was present and after debating for a while, we decided not to eat there anymore! So we made a quick dash for the door and headed for Bah Kut Teh! It's deeeeeeeeelicious, and cheap! Haha. It was a satisfying meal indeed. After dinner, we made our way opposite to Paisley & Cream at Central for some sugar rush. Can i just say how much fun i had that day? Gosh, i can't seem to remember the last time i laughed so hard, my jam and tummy hurts. There was time i even had to pull myself together to prevent from snorting. To add icing on the cake, the desserts there were finger-licking good! Especially their Panna Cotta, which was heavenly. Blueberry plus Cheese is the best combination for a dessert, just like when you pair Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie for a movie, Puuuuuuuuurfection! It's such a great night out with the friends and though Diana is going back to the Phillippines, i'm still glad we managed to have such a great time. I need more dosage of my happy pills!! Oh, there's also discount on our desserts, which we didn't know of until we paid for it! Awesome!

Jiesung's signature pose, haha.

This was Yong Ming's first camwhore shot, but he did not bad. Just that Diana was cut into half. Haha.
I tried, but failed to capture bee.
And we finally got one right.
This has got to be one of the most randomly posed shot.

The boss and the secretary. You know, those hanky panky kind, hahahahaha.
Diana and her Poly husband. I miss my Amanda!
After playing for a while, we realized that the store room was not locked. So the nosey two peeped in to see what's hiding inside. Well, nothing interesting.

So we saw this picture, and decided to give our own interpretation to it.
I laughed so hard for 5 minutes before holding myself together for this shot, and burst into another fit of laughter.

This is a night to remember.

Friday, June 6, 2008

At the end of the day, you just got to... you got to let it be.