Thursday, June 12, 2008

The throat has been an irritant ever since Monday, but procrastination and laziness won over and i only went to consult a doctor yesterday night. He gave me a MC just in case i'm not feeling well for work today, and you know, i wouldn't let an opportunity to rest at home slip by. Well, at least i invested my time properly, as i had the whole day doing things for ME. It's a ME today. Well, selfish day if you would want to make it sound nasty. So, i slept for a grand total of 11 hours, minus 5 minutes cause i had to make a run to the toilet in the early morning. It was good for the body, as i'm only getting around 5 plus hours of sleep everyday. Those bumpy sleep on bus journeys don't count. Hahaha. I really think it's important to have at least 7 hours of sleep, but i seldom practice what i preach. So, i basically did nothing the whole day other than watching my favourite programs (Ellen, Oprah and FRIENDS) and reading a book. I finally got time to read the book i've bought 2 weeks ago, called "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. It's autobiographical in nature, and it's about the author's road to "enlightenment". How i came across this book? Well, not surprisingly, she appeard on Oprah. Honestly, it didn't spur a lot of interest in me when i first saw the interview when she's on, but i just kept bumping into this title lately, i just took it as a sign that i should read it! You can call it fate, whatever. Good news is, so far, it is REALLY good. I had a few good laugh while reading the first few chapters and it's really relatable and engaging. I hope it stays this good throughout, haha. I really can't wait to finish it, hopefully this weekend. And if i'm lucky, i'll learn a few stuff from this book. Anyhow, talking about being absent from work, i called in sick this tuesday as well so that i can send Diana off. I'm really glad that Nazi and Meow were gracious enough to accompany me all the way to Changi Airport and we had a really fantastic day, which i will talk about later on. So in the morning, met both of them and we went to Jurong East as Nazi had interview with this recruitment agency. I thought it'll end around half an hour time, which will be around 10.30, and we'll have plenty time to reach the airport cause Diana's checking in at 12.20. Who knew, the interview ended around 11 plus, and when we got on the train, it's already 11.30! So i got into a mini panic attack, but thankfully, it all worked out well. See, we got off at Tiong Bahru and took a cab there, and managed to reach by 12.10! But, that's not after i ran to the other end of the airport from where she was, before rushing back to the other end. What a close shave. Hahaha. Her other friends were there and though it was slightly awkward, everything still came with the same intention, and that is to send Diana off. We took pictures, hugged and off she fly back to the Phillippines. One thing for sure, i will miss her a hell lot. Diana's friendship IS the best thing that ever came out from my stay in Ngee Ann. Not one of the best, but THE best. I love her lots, to pieces, to bits, to molecules. Okay, i should stop there. Hahaha. Oh man. Now i'm looking back to her comeback, hopefully early next year! After sending her off, the three of us went to Terminal 3 for lunch at Popeye's. My treat. I realized that i haven't treated my favourites anything ever since i started working, so i thought, why not! Too bad Yas isn't there. Well, will make it up to her the next time i see her, haha. Well, having Popeye is not a problem but when i'm having a sore throat, well, let's just say that i've gotten what i deserve. Hahahaha. I just can't resist FOOD! Sad, i know.
I'M STARVINGGGGG! No wonder i'm so fat lately. Sigh. I really need to start some form of exercise.
So we walked around the terminal before taking a train to Raffles City Shopping Centre for some Starbucks. I know, we can have it right at the airport, but we just want to go somewhere else. No reason why, and the decision was unanimous. And this time round, it was Meow's turn to treat! Hahahaha. After getting our drinks, we decided to walk under the sun, away from the crowd, and just enjoy each other's company. I felt really good about it, especially since work is getting dreadful. The friends are really my antidotes whenever i'm feeling the blues. It's really such simple stuff that makes my day.

Meow's a brilliant photographer. I want more meet ups with them!!

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