Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I just received one of the best surprise ever since working here - a visit from cousin!! And she, being the person she is, bought breakfast for me when she's working at Maxwell area. Very far okay! She bought soya milk and doughstick, something i've been craving for a long time. I heart my cousin to death! I'm so touched, seriously. She really made my day. So now, i'm happily enjoying my breakfast filled with luuuuuuuurveee. Hahaha. I still can't stop smiling every time i think about how sweet cousin is. Blessed, is what i feel, to have the best cousin (who is also a friend) one could ever ask for. She knows that i'm having quite a tough time lately and she's being such a sweetheart. I love my cousin! She must be my twin in our previous life, cause she can somehow always read my mind even though i didn't breathe a word.

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