Sunday, June 8, 2008

I haven't been in the best of mood lately, and i am puzzled myself as to feeling like this. Work is becoming dreadful and i can't seem to find any ounce of motivation every single morning. I'm just having the "blah" moment this week. You know, those days where you can't seem to find a word to describe your mood. I'm restless, highly sensitive, impatient with customers and, just, blah. It's just a whole bundle of negative energy that roots from nowhere and i can't seem to expel it. AND! I'm constipated. Like, me. The king of shitting, being constipated. How wonderful can it be. Haha. But, meh, i can't be bothered more. I'm sure i've better things to do then drowning in my own misery. So on Friday, met up with the Poly peeps - Diana, Joanne and Yong Ming - for dinner! Didn't get to hang out with them much on Graduation Day, and this shall serve as a compensatory graduation dinner. The day was chaotic, with me forgetting my phone in the morning. S.O.S call to my Dad, and he brought it to my workplace during lunch time. I know, i'm sucha spoilt brat. Then i'm supposed to meet Diana at 6 but who knows, last minute call for Emergency Debrief which ends at close to 6 and have absolutely nothing to do with me! Okay, so i finally got to meet Diana and all, then we made a few blunter before finally managing to reach Harry's at close to 7. So about 15 minutes later, everyone was present and after debating for a while, we decided not to eat there anymore! So we made a quick dash for the door and headed for Bah Kut Teh! It's deeeeeeeeelicious, and cheap! Haha. It was a satisfying meal indeed. After dinner, we made our way opposite to Paisley & Cream at Central for some sugar rush. Can i just say how much fun i had that day? Gosh, i can't seem to remember the last time i laughed so hard, my jam and tummy hurts. There was time i even had to pull myself together to prevent from snorting. To add icing on the cake, the desserts there were finger-licking good! Especially their Panna Cotta, which was heavenly. Blueberry plus Cheese is the best combination for a dessert, just like when you pair Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie for a movie, Puuuuuuuuurfection! It's such a great night out with the friends and though Diana is going back to the Phillippines, i'm still glad we managed to have such a great time. I need more dosage of my happy pills!! Oh, there's also discount on our desserts, which we didn't know of until we paid for it! Awesome!

Jiesung's signature pose, haha.

This was Yong Ming's first camwhore shot, but he did not bad. Just that Diana was cut into half. Haha.
I tried, but failed to capture bee.
And we finally got one right.
This has got to be one of the most randomly posed shot.

The boss and the secretary. You know, those hanky panky kind, hahahahaha.
Diana and her Poly husband. I miss my Amanda!
After playing for a while, we realized that the store room was not locked. So the nosey two peeped in to see what's hiding inside. Well, nothing interesting.

So we saw this picture, and decided to give our own interpretation to it.
I laughed so hard for 5 minutes before holding myself together for this shot, and burst into another fit of laughter.

This is a night to remember.

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