Saturday, September 29, 2007

Yesterday, Meow and I went to town to meet dear YiShi for dinner during her one hour break. Brought her to ThaiExpress as her birthday treat from us as well as passing to her the small gift we made ourselves, which i hope she likes. Haha. The one hour meet up may be short but worthwhile and fruitful for the three of us haven't been out together for quite some time. Happy VERY belated birthday Yishi! Yesterday, i realized how much Thai food has grown on me over the past few months for i used to detest this cuisine like nobody's business, especially TomYum Soup. But it has now become one of my favourite delicacy! I want more Tom Yum Soup, though it's not really good for the digestive system (you know what i'm talking about).

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ever since i've started work, i've this feeling that i'm putting on one kg per day. I feel and look fat. Disgusting. Haha. Might as well use all the money i earn to have some liposuction done. It's depressing knowing that you're gaining weight and, yes i know it's my fault, lazy to do something about it. I think i need to stop whining but i feel the desire to get this out of my chest.
Work on Tuesday morning was fun! Because of irresponsible people out there who decided to appear unannounced for the workshop held by the company over at a building near Great World City, i was asked to deliver their document there, TWICE! So i basically spent the first half of the day, on a cab, travelling to and fro between workplace and Teacher's Network simultaneously. Don't you just love such people at times? I know i do!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Going to work can be such a chore at times. The mood practically plummeted to below ground level with the thought of having to see that particular person again. I seriously don't appreciate having a person of equal level as me ordering me about and asking me to clean her shit for stuff she don't want to do. If i have to use a vocabulary to describe how annoying she is, i seriously doubt i can because the word is going to be too profound and beyond my limit. I am personally anti-confrontation ( i hope to think so ) but there is a limit to everything. And i am at the brim of the maximum level i can withold so on the day which i wake up on the wrong side of the bed and she has to provoke me on such a day, i seriously don't mind sharing a piece of my mind with her. The "Ernestiousnism", as i would like to call, quoted from the renown philosophy Confucianism. Everytime she says something irritating, i tend to practise the art of ignorance and though i may seem rude by not "following her order", i think it's better than replying her for one has no idea the capability of their retorting skills. And i don't really want to risk having a bad image among the other colleagues cause, afterall, i'm going to work there till school starts. I seriously need to learn how to pretend that she doesn't even exist! I can definitely say that any form of friendship between us is impossible, haha.
Let's put work aside and talk about my favourite thing - Country music! There's so much going on with the country scene these few weeks with the released of new materials by several top-notched artistes! Firstly, the video for Carrie Underwood's inspirational single, So Small, is finally released! This is an obvious sign to show that the album is dropping soon! Haha, yes, October 23! Can't wait! Here are a few screencaps.

Man! Does she look like she's about to use to F word or what? Haha.
Next up, the legendary country diva finally returned to the country scene and released her 31st (!!) studio album, Duets, featuring collaborations with REALLY famous singers in each song. The first single was the remake of Kelly Clarkson's Because of You and i really love the song that has the country twist to it. You can do no wrong with Reba! This single stormed up the chart and Kelly and Reba even went on to Oprah to performed it recently! Other collaborators include Justin Timberlake, Rascal Flatts, Kenny Chesney, LeAnn Rimes. Doesn't all these names gave you the slightest temptation to purchase this album or what? And the album is really awesome. Reba is 52! She doesn't even look her age (i know there's airbrushing and stuff but she really looked younger than her age when she's on tv) !

My two favourite singers!

Next up, Rascal Flatts is releasing their new album within days!! ARGH. So damn many albums to buy but i'll only allow myself to purchase Carrie's since i've already gotten so many album this year. I'm such an idol junkie. But it's worth it though! Haha. But it sure doesn't hurt spreading music around! Rascal Flatts never fails to produce memorable charttoppers from their albums - including God Bless The Broken Road, My Wish, Me & My Gang, What Hurts The Most and just recently, Take Me There. I'm sure this will be as good as their previous few!

Lastly, country has recently found themselves another rising starlet ( other than my Pickler, of course ) who already gotten 2 consecutive top 5 hits under her belt - Tim McGraw and Teardrops on My Guitar. She is a force to be reckon with and honestly speaking, her album is packed with hits! My absolute favourite is Mary's Song (Oh My My My) and you simply got to listen to it! LeeLian, who apparently and obviously ain't a country listener, is now deeply addicted to this song. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot!

Okay, enough of my country music rambling. I want all their albums! Well, shall see first. If there's surplus from my shopping trip, maybe i'll get Reba's!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Picture post!

Powerhouse @ St James Powerstation

The stage

Because i forgot to bring the camera, we ended up taking pictures using our handphone. Don't ever remind me again. They took the stage at minutes before 8.

After the concert, we dragged our wobbly feets to Subway for late dinner.

Did i say that LeeLian loves being on tv? Hahaha. I'm just kidding. Well, the VJ of Channel V wanted to interview both of us individually but the camera-shy me declined the offer to talk about Britney Spears (i'm rooting for ya! Haha) while LeeLian graciously took a few minutes to answer their question.
Satisfied stomachs with cookies takeaway!

You can see how starved LeeLian was!
Lastly, my prized possesion from this wonderful surreal experience!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I had a BLAST today! Today, during lunch, the supervisor decided to bring the 3 temp staff out for lunch at Holland V and we ended up eating at SushiTei, her treat! Haha. Okay, that's not the reason why i'm so chirpy today, what i just said was simply icing on the cake! I am overjoy today because DAUGHTRY is in town and i went to the showcase at Powerhouse, St James Powerstation!

LeeLian met me after work and we took a cab there, praying that hopefully we manage to squeeze in since it's first come first serve basis and doors will close after it is full. Reached half an hour before the show and the queue was alright, maybe around a hundred or so people in front of us. And though i may be mean saying this but i'm glad in some way that A LOT of people in front of us have to queue again, which allows us to enter faster. You could never imagine what half an hour could do. When LeeLian and I turned around before entering, there seems to be no end to the line. The best part of the whole showcase is that it is a really closed setting and LeeLian and I managed to get into a booth which has plenty of space and we're directly facing the stage, a few rows behind. Initially, we thought of it to be bigger and wanted to hide in some corner to just enjoy the music but we were proved otherwise, in a good way though. It's really damn near to the stage and it's much better than the Simple Plan's we went to a few years back cause there's no annoying little kids to push around. Today's was really chilled and comfortable since there's no one pushing around like the temple during Chinese New Year and people there are just there to have a great concert, maybe except for one girl (insider joke with LeeLian).

Everyone knows i'm a huge idol junkie and being able to catch one of my idol performing live is simply so surreal. Especially when the band is well-known internationally right now with 2 hit singles - It's Not Over and Home - under their belt. They totally set the stage on fire and i had goosebump when they sang a few songs, especially the crowd's favourite "Over You", which is also their latest single. I'm not the kind of person who would scream, screech (ahem, LeeLian! I tell you, that girl has got a pitch that can matc those of Mariah Carey's!) or keeps rocking my head to show that i enjoy the performance. I'd prefer to just stand and listen attentively and clap like a dummy but i REALLY REALLY enjoyed myself. And seriously, don't ever ask me again why i didn't bring a camera cause i'll just start banging my head on anything nearby. After the concert, which is just about an hour, babe and i went to Subway for a really really late dinner (which of course comes at a price of hours of whining from LeeLian! Haha, i'm kidding! ). LeeLian made me feel like i'm treating her like a child slave who starves her and also to because to reciprocate her kindness of accopanying me though she has tons of work to do, dinner plus takeaways on me! Seriously, i really appreciate the fact that the friends are willing to accompany me for such events that i can't find a way to repay them. I'm glad to have friends like them! Pictures tomorrow since it's now 12.23am and i've to wake up at 6 AND i'm damn shagged right now!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'm seriously drained out right now and though i really want to blog about something, or anything, i'm just too lazy to even move my fingers! On most weekdays, if i'm not meeting any friends, i reach home around 730 and sleeps at 11. So i guess there's pretty much nothing to talk about. Lastly, new picture of my all time idol and inspiration, Kellie Pickler, was released and she's looking gorgeous as usual! This is also the itune cover for the song she specially recorded for Christmas, Santa Baby! Okay, this entry is ridiculously boring.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

It has been quite a while since the family went out together, other than to Grandma's place for dinner. Went to Mr Prata to have, what else but, prata. We have been wanting to go to this place since some Channel 8 show recommened it few months prior but somehow or rather, it only took us till now to go and have it tried. Frankly speaking, the food there is really disappointing, a far cry from how the show had decribed it to be. I tried mushroom murtaba and i feel as though i'm having onion roll for their servings of it is humongous as compared to the mushrooms. The excessive onions not only adds a litter bitterness to the taste, it stinks our mouth badly. Other than that, the curry wasn't strong enough AND the teh tarik ice i had was so diluted even before the ice melted. Utterly disappointed. But the nasi briyani did managed to give the place a few credit for the chicken is really tender and juicy. The setting of the place is also rather unique cause they use garden chairs and tables and we seems to be eating at a backyard, but slightly more dirty and squeezy. Definitely different from the normal prata shops we eat in with only stools and round tables and of course, coffee shop settings. This place wins by its setting but i don't think it matter much cause good food can overshadow a place setting anytime, especially since we're only eating pratas! Anyhow, food comes secondary. Being able to spend time with the family is what matter most. Though i may be rather temperamental at times, i really love spending quality time with the family. And friends! Dinner's at grandma's and though there's no hugs and kisses, i do miss grandma during her one week trip to Xiamen. She may not be the best cook in the world but nothing can beat home-cooked dishes i guess. I seriously can't stand that weekend is drawing near so fast and it's back to work tomorrow. How dampening!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Met up with Jade last night after work at Jurong East to have dinner cause the both of us simply have too much bad things to complain about. Initially, the plan was to eat at Long John since she’s having the cravings for it but because yesterday was also the released of our result, we thought we might want to have something better. Therefore, we end up having dinner at this Korean fast food joint which I can’t remember the name. Frankly speaking, this is actually my first time tasting Korean food! I feel like a country bumpkin, haha. I don’t know why, Korean dishes never seems to fascinate me. But it was rather good actually, except the kimchi. Simply not to my likings. Oh, I am a fan of their deep fried assorted mushrooms! Really really good! It’s definitely therapeutic to load off all the unhappiness at work and share it with someone and knowing that I’m not the only one with crappy co-workers. We actually spent hours just talking about our bad experience from the eatery, to the library, to plaza’s NTUC and the interchange. Of course, we talked about other happier, light-hearted things we well cause we aren’t two cynical whiners, in case some of you don’t know that. Haha. Overall, I had a fantastic night and I’m definitely looking forward to the next! Speaking of which, yesterday was the released of the results as mentioned earlier. Satisfactory is the word, I guess. Well, I didn’t fare that badly for those that I thought I would but there are also a couple which did not reached the expectation. So it’s pretty much good and bad all mixed together. Oh well, it’s already over so time to move on! Bibim bap, i think that's the spelling.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I think i shall no longer talk about work cause all i'll do is complain and complain like an old hag. It's that bad! Well, i'm glad i have the friends. I know that they don't really go out at night so the fact that they are willing to meet me after work makes me so happy beyond words. It really means a lot and though it's only a really short meet up, it definitely chased away the blues temporary (it always return during work) and makes me really chirpy. And i feel so bad that Meow has to sacrifice her show just to wait for me. Much thanks!

MTV Video Music Award was held last Sunday at Las Vegas and i'm sure the talkabout was definitely Britney's comeback performance. I was so looking forward to it for i really hope she get her act together and pulls off a good one to show the world that our iconic pop princess (though a mama now) still has what it takes to be a pop sensation. But the performance was lacklustre and she seems so lost. I feel so bad. The media, of course, takes this opportunity to dig on her again and i just feel so bad for her. She used to be on the top but these few years, she simple became a target of the media frenzy. I hope her comback would come real soon cause her first single "Gimme More", off her very much stalled-yet-anticipated studio album, is really catchy! Very much of a dance track ( i know, not my type, but still it's good) and it's already blasting mainstream radio chart. For those who haven't heard of it, seriously, where have you been hiding?
Another news making the headline was of course, none-other than current teen sensation and Disney's biggest star, Vanessa Hudgen's nude photo leaking onto the web. Poor girl. For a minute, she has that girl-next-door image who is the on and off-screen girlfriend of another Disney star, Zac Efron. Now, she's just the girl who takes naked pictures of herself for her boyfriend. Poor girl and goodbye to money-making Disney. I wonder what is wrong with people lately. I mean, if you're real eager to show your boyfriend your body, show him in real life then! What's the point of taking a 2D picture? Being a celebrity sure comes with a price. But it's not all hate for Vanessa Hudgen i guess because she just made all teenage boys' wildest fantasy comes true.

Monday, September 10, 2007

For the first time in the week since i'd started work, i am actually grateful that i have to transfer bus at the bus stop opposite NgeeAnn. Normally, i would hate the sight of it cause it means that i'm literally going to school every day for one year. But this morning, i wasn't for immediately after i got off 75, i felt a sharp pain signalling from my stomach. I couldn't care less about running across the overhead bridge dressed in formal attire for the matter on hand is the most important. I shall spare the details about it but it's definitely like a massacre. Friends of mine would know that i am a big shitter and i ain't gonna lie. Like Jade said, i leave a part of me everywhere i go. How true. Sometimes, i wonder to myself as to why i need to shit so much for one has no idea the problems it cause but on the other hand, it's good to know that there's discharge from my intakes! Haha, please pardon me with the gross details for those with weak heart. Anyway, work today is just bad, to add up to the inevitable monday blues. Everything about work today is nothing but disastrous. Having two other temp staff should be something to rejoice about but when it turns out that they're of different frequency than i am, i somehow wishes that i had worked alone. If i was the only one the company hired, i could at least indulge myself in some self-pity sessions but the feeling now is like much worse than that. It makes me miss all the friends like crazy and i keep popping sweets like they're some happy pills. Sugar-free or mint only, to prevent adding more headaches regarding the weight. I think my attachment has spoilt me to the core. I'm like the pampered prince down there with so many people to talk to. I get to just rest as and when i want and gossip with the colleagues and share snacks with them. Almost everyday, breakfast would also be on my table when i reached the office and i always have someone who would entertain or talk to me. I miss those days. Working at the current place is like working in a world where robots take full control and i am doing the same thing over and over again. I'm just in a bad mood today and having eye bag that looks like someone just gave me two punches on the face doesn't help in making me feel any way better than i already did. But i'm glad i have friends and cousin who are willing to listen to my little whining session.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

I feel so mechanized right now. I just spent the whole day doing the same thing over and over again facing a lifeless laptop. Pfft. And this morning, i had to take the same bus with this really inconsiderate couple. I thought it's taught to us all through our life that eating or drinking is not allowed? And being in such a small bus, i don't think eating sausage mcmuffin is a good idea for the whole bus was filled with that smell. And it couldn't get any better when they're sitting directly next to me, across the aisle. It is seriously very nauseating and i feel like a pregnant woman going through morning sickness and craving for a sour plum. I should've take note of their face so that i can take the same bus as them again and then, i will well, erm, eat smelly toufu in front of them? Hahaha. Okay, i think i'm too civilised for that to put across nicely to save myself some dignity. But on the other hand, at least the teachers taught me much better than theirs' did. Oh ya, i have my own cubicle at work! Hahaha. I've been dreaming of having my own little office space for a long time and i finally got a taste of it! Of course, it's not mine for long cause the original owner went on materity leave and she'll be back soon though i'm not exactly sure when. And the best part, it's the last cubicle! Hahaha! No one will catch me sleeping if i ever did. I'm not sure if i can post pictures of the office since they made me sign this contract that says i cannot disclose anything about the organization. So i can't really explain what their "anything" means. But i guess pictures of my current desk won't hurt much.

The cubicle is already small enough, and this lady needs 3 chairs! I always trip whenever i move in and out.
I'm bored and i miss the friends! Monotonous causes me to lose my sanity!
Can you believe it? I'm 19 and i'm already legally binded by 2 contracts for a work that only last 6 weeks! Okay, i'm bored.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My Angel

On most nights, before i go to bed, i have the habit of listening to a few songs first. Usually, they're some of the current favourite cause there's just too many songs to listen to. So yesterday, i was browsing through the songlist before "My Angel" catches my eyes. I clicked on it and got lost in my all time idol, Kellie Pickler's voice. I know the lyrics to the back of my head and i have listened to it upteen times but it has never affected me the way it did while listening last night. Halfway through the song, images of Grandpa flashes through my mind. It has been long since i last thought of him. Yes, he does crosses my mind on certain days but i can't remember the last time i actually remember HIM - his voice, his looks, his actions. And i misses him terribly. It has been what, 10 years, since grandpa passed and yesterday, i miss him more than i did for the past years added altogether, if this feeling can be quantified. I don't know the reason for the sudden emotional roller coaster ride. It may be all the stuff that is going on right now but i doubt so. I guess maybe, it's just right to think about grandpa every now and then even though he may be gone because after all, he did provide me with quite a lot of wonderful childhood memories. This particular song i'm talking about, My Angel, talks about how Kellie used to spend her days with her late grandma and what she wants to say to her and it's just so nostalgic. It reminds me of that one day when Grandpa took 3/4 years old (can't remember the age exactly) me to the beach and we spent the whole afternoon doing nothing but enjoying the scenery. I remembered sitting under a big tree only to discover it was covered with ants after it crawled all over us. He then bought ice-cream for me and i had it smeared all over my face, chocolate flavoured, and he didn't clean my dirty mouth and cheeks until we reaches home. Just a normal typical grandpa-grandson bonding activity but i still remember it clearly until now. It's the simplicity in life that etched so deeply in the heart. I also recall all the times we went to his place and would always have Yakult in the fridge specially for us. I was spoilt under my grandpa's love back then and i enjoyed every second of it, not knowing how much of a memory it would bring to me now. I guess i'm lucky in some way for i was the one he dotes on the most back then as compared to the other grandchildren and at least i get to spend some of my childhood with the presence of my grandpa, unlike others. Yes, i know and realizes i am lucky as compared to many many other. But i regret the fact that i can't reciprocate the love he has given me as a child who doesn't know what love is back then, and is getting a grasp its meaning now. I miss him and i think it's only right that we don't forget the people who are no longer physically a part of our life. It's good to think about Grandpa every now and then. If there's regrets in life, i would regret my behaviours towards him during his last days and i regret not remembering whether i told him how great and wonderful a grandpa he is and that i love him so much i don't think i ever told him before. Speaking of which, i still remember during one of the ching ming festival years ago, i drew a card and burned it for grandpa. Hahaha, okay, i was really silly at that time.
Anyway, on a lighter note, first day of work couldn't get any worst. I was actually late for a good 20 minutes! And the job scope is seriously monotonous and boring and the environment is like working in a desert. I'm sure one would have know the amount of human activity in a desert - NONE! Okay, other than those moving tribes leading their camels. There's still so many days to go!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Agency told me to start work today and while on the way there this morning, i took out the contract ( yes, i have to sign this legally binding contract when i'm just 19 and working for 6 weeks ) to make sure i didn't miss out on anything and immediately, something strikes me. It states on the contract that my employment period starts on the 5th of Sept and today's the 4th. I thought it's some typo error and i called the agency but to no avail. So i figured that maybe i should just go to the office since i'm already nearing. So i reached rather early, much more than my likings, and sat in the lobby for a while before the agency finally called back. Indeed, damn that girl, work only commence for me tomorrow. What else can i do then to head on home, again. I seriously don't think waking up at 6 in the morning and having dressed up to the nines only to be told to go home is funny. Neither do i think being involved in this individual dress rehearsal is necessary. Anyway, shalln't complain much for at least i get to rest for one more day and get the news that work starts at 9 instead of 8.30! Haha.
Lately, one of my idol, Katharine McPhee, has taken a series of photoshoot and most of her photos are simply breath-taking. I really like the one she took for InStyle magazine cause it's really really cool!

Lastly, Carrie Underwood's sophomore studio album, Carnival Ride, following her majorly successful debut album "Some Hearts", is set to be released October 23! This country superstar is set to break records again, with her new single So Small setting country radio stations on fire! Her first album went on to sell sextuple platinum, making her the highest selling idol ever, slightly outselling my favourite idol, Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway. Here is the album cover!

I'm not really liking this cover but who cares! As long as the songs are great, it's worth buying!