Thursday, September 6, 2007

I feel so mechanized right now. I just spent the whole day doing the same thing over and over again facing a lifeless laptop. Pfft. And this morning, i had to take the same bus with this really inconsiderate couple. I thought it's taught to us all through our life that eating or drinking is not allowed? And being in such a small bus, i don't think eating sausage mcmuffin is a good idea for the whole bus was filled with that smell. And it couldn't get any better when they're sitting directly next to me, across the aisle. It is seriously very nauseating and i feel like a pregnant woman going through morning sickness and craving for a sour plum. I should've take note of their face so that i can take the same bus as them again and then, i will well, erm, eat smelly toufu in front of them? Hahaha. Okay, i think i'm too civilised for that to put across nicely to save myself some dignity. But on the other hand, at least the teachers taught me much better than theirs' did. Oh ya, i have my own cubicle at work! Hahaha. I've been dreaming of having my own little office space for a long time and i finally got a taste of it! Of course, it's not mine for long cause the original owner went on materity leave and she'll be back soon though i'm not exactly sure when. And the best part, it's the last cubicle! Hahaha! No one will catch me sleeping if i ever did. I'm not sure if i can post pictures of the office since they made me sign this contract that says i cannot disclose anything about the organization. So i can't really explain what their "anything" means. But i guess pictures of my current desk won't hurt much.

The cubicle is already small enough, and this lady needs 3 chairs! I always trip whenever i move in and out.
I'm bored and i miss the friends! Monotonous causes me to lose my sanity!
Can you believe it? I'm 19 and i'm already legally binded by 2 contracts for a work that only last 6 weeks! Okay, i'm bored.

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