Thursday, September 20, 2007

I had a BLAST today! Today, during lunch, the supervisor decided to bring the 3 temp staff out for lunch at Holland V and we ended up eating at SushiTei, her treat! Haha. Okay, that's not the reason why i'm so chirpy today, what i just said was simply icing on the cake! I am overjoy today because DAUGHTRY is in town and i went to the showcase at Powerhouse, St James Powerstation!

LeeLian met me after work and we took a cab there, praying that hopefully we manage to squeeze in since it's first come first serve basis and doors will close after it is full. Reached half an hour before the show and the queue was alright, maybe around a hundred or so people in front of us. And though i may be mean saying this but i'm glad in some way that A LOT of people in front of us have to queue again, which allows us to enter faster. You could never imagine what half an hour could do. When LeeLian and I turned around before entering, there seems to be no end to the line. The best part of the whole showcase is that it is a really closed setting and LeeLian and I managed to get into a booth which has plenty of space and we're directly facing the stage, a few rows behind. Initially, we thought of it to be bigger and wanted to hide in some corner to just enjoy the music but we were proved otherwise, in a good way though. It's really damn near to the stage and it's much better than the Simple Plan's we went to a few years back cause there's no annoying little kids to push around. Today's was really chilled and comfortable since there's no one pushing around like the temple during Chinese New Year and people there are just there to have a great concert, maybe except for one girl (insider joke with LeeLian).

Everyone knows i'm a huge idol junkie and being able to catch one of my idol performing live is simply so surreal. Especially when the band is well-known internationally right now with 2 hit singles - It's Not Over and Home - under their belt. They totally set the stage on fire and i had goosebump when they sang a few songs, especially the crowd's favourite "Over You", which is also their latest single. I'm not the kind of person who would scream, screech (ahem, LeeLian! I tell you, that girl has got a pitch that can matc those of Mariah Carey's!) or keeps rocking my head to show that i enjoy the performance. I'd prefer to just stand and listen attentively and clap like a dummy but i REALLY REALLY enjoyed myself. And seriously, don't ever ask me again why i didn't bring a camera cause i'll just start banging my head on anything nearby. After the concert, which is just about an hour, babe and i went to Subway for a really really late dinner (which of course comes at a price of hours of whining from LeeLian! Haha, i'm kidding! ). LeeLian made me feel like i'm treating her like a child slave who starves her and also to because to reciprocate her kindness of accopanying me though she has tons of work to do, dinner plus takeaways on me! Seriously, i really appreciate the fact that the friends are willing to accompany me for such events that i can't find a way to repay them. I'm glad to have friends like them! Pictures tomorrow since it's now 12.23am and i've to wake up at 6 AND i'm damn shagged right now!

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