Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ever since i've started work, i've this feeling that i'm putting on one kg per day. I feel and look fat. Disgusting. Haha. Might as well use all the money i earn to have some liposuction done. It's depressing knowing that you're gaining weight and, yes i know it's my fault, lazy to do something about it. I think i need to stop whining but i feel the desire to get this out of my chest.
Work on Tuesday morning was fun! Because of irresponsible people out there who decided to appear unannounced for the workshop held by the company over at a building near Great World City, i was asked to deliver their document there, TWICE! So i basically spent the first half of the day, on a cab, travelling to and fro between workplace and Teacher's Network simultaneously. Don't you just love such people at times? I know i do!

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