Saturday, September 1, 2007

To describe today’s mood as happy is an understatement. Truth is, I had a blast! First of all, met up with Liyi and HuiYing this morning for some sushi! I’ve been craving for it like crazy, to the extent that I salivate every time I think about it, ever since the exam period and they’re nice enough to accompany me and thus, we head off to Cineleisure’s Suki Sushi for their lunch buffet. I seriously think buffet is good for me in some way other than putting my weight in jeopardy cause I’ll eat like a glutton till I am sick to the stomach and I assure you that no one would catch me eating sushi anytime soon for the next 3 months or so. Anyway, I had a really great time catching up with these 2 crazy-yet-entertaining friends and we sure left with a satisfied stomach! After that, went to Bugis for some retail therapy before heading home around evening time. Next semester is going to be hectic and crazy, which makes it rather hard to meet up but I’m glad both of you managed to come out today! Seriously, one wouldn’t feel bored when you have these 2 clowns cum gossip monger around. Of course, I must be a nosey parker myself to enjoy their company! Haha. Anyway, here are some snapshots taken today. Below is a picture of me and my nanny for i'll always throw everything i bring inside her bag every time we meet. Hehe. Thanks!

One would have thought that scallop with cheese would taste heavenly but the answer can be seen from my face in the next picture, taken by Liyi.
It seriously tastes awful. Like crap, to put across nicely.Taken by a bored HuiYing, hahaha!

Last but not least, Ms Ng Liyi's candid shot! Hahaha! I know Liyi is going to slaughter me like a poultry after reading this for she told me before hand not to post this picture. But somehow or rather, when i look at this picture, i can't help but remember what she did while having the buffet. She tooks plates after plates of cream puff just because it's nice and she eat till she's so sick of it right now.

After bidding farewell to the 2, I went on to plaza to meet my favorite babe, Lee Lian!! Ran some errand before we had our “bubble-tea date”. This is a tradition practiced only by the 2 of us and it has been non-existent during the past few months for everyone is busy with their own stuff and I’m glad we get this opportunity to have a proper chat-session with a simple cup of drink. It has been long and therefore, we have never ending things to update each other on – from the relevant to the complete irrelevant and from the important to things that aren’t really our business. I, too, simply enjoy Lian’s company for she knows how to make me laugh like a hysterical kuku-head at times. Had a fantastic day with the friends and I simply couldn’t contain my joy when I was walking home as a smirk is plastered on the face. Though I’m zonked out at the end of the day, it’s still worthwhile for I get to spend some quality time with the people who play a really important role in my life. I simply love all my friends and family and I can’t imagine who I would have turned out to be if not for their love. And when I say love, I mean it in a sense as those between SpongeBob and Patrick and not those of Romeo and Juliet, for those who still retain the mentality of a 5th grader. Lastly, I’m still missing the other 3 friends! There’s a job interview on Monday and I’m damn nervous for I am in desperate need of a job!

Stinky Lian! Haha, i'm just kidding. She's damn healthy for she met me immediately after her run. And she don't stink, i swear. Hahahaha.

Love! More pictures will be up once this durian sends me the picture.

1 comment:

ImpoSsIbLe said...

kns..since when i become ur nanny..then the nxt tym we meet p i bring a small bag that can onli contain my stuff..u can find ur soln thn..haha..look for another nanny pls...i'm not tat old rite...grrrr........