Monday, December 31, 2007

In just a few more hours, we will be stepping into a new year. Though it's going to be just like any other day, i guess it's still good to just take a look back at how year 2007 had been. I don't know how to describe the year, because i'm not sure how to compare this year with the past. Sure, there's the ups and the downs. But i'm uncertain if i should call it an eventful year, since there's no clear definition for the word "Eventful". Overall, I learn. Like it or not, knowingly or not, i still learn. Everyday is like attending a free lesson on life. On some days, i learn more and on the other, maybe not so much. And then i change. For better or worse, who's to judge. Change is good, if i get rid of the bad in me. People may or may not notice, but i like who i am right now. Of course, i'm not meaning physically, cause i'm still going to include "Lose weight" and "Go for botox at age 30" in my new resolution which i never come around to keeping. Though i've change, i'm still me. If that makes sense. And the year wouldn't be completed without the friends and family. The family, i love them to death though i'm like the spoilt brat most of the time. I'm rude to them at times and i get annoyed. But i still love them. Same goes to the friend. Be it friends whom i've known for 7 years, or those that i just get to know. 2007 wouldn't be such a blast if not for each and every one of them. Gosh, i sound so old, haha. Anyway, there are certain incidents or things that make this year so memorable.

1) First time i actually work. Not on my own will, but the school's compulsory attachment program. During which, i had the time of my life, getting to know really WONDERFUL people.

2) Through attachment, i get to know Aunty Irene, who is now my godma, though people tend to think that she's my sugarmummy.

3) Spent my birthday working. Definitely something very memorable, cause i just started work for a few days and was sulking on it. But turns out that it ain't that bad.

4) Worked voluntarily during the holiday, and received my first hard-earned salary. The work experience this time round was so bad, i was wishing that school would start earlier for the first time.

5) Bought my first Britney's album since "...Baby One More Time", and i've loving it.
6) All the meet-up with the friends. Be it friendship that has been running for years or reconnected friendship after previously being lost. Treasure each and every single session.
7) I've changed from being a complete carnivore to an omnivore. Vegetables can never be found in my diet in the past, but i managed to find room to embrace such food. Now, i need to eat fruits and vegetables daily or else i'll feel weird. See, this is a good change. Holy. Cow.
8) I'm not as crazy about American Idol as i used to be, much to the surprise of many.
9) Tried alcoholic drink for the first time at such an old age. Hope that beer belly ain't gonna surprise me in the coming years.
10) Did so much project, i wonder if i'll ever finish it.
Yeap, that pretty much sums up year 2007. Memory is failing me, and i'll include it in the list once i think of more. Wow, one year just go by in a flash. Age is definitely catching up without us realizing, haha.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Dessert at Delifrance with the two friends on 28 of December. Commentary soon, cause i'm still busy rushing reports. I need to stop my habit of procrastinating!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Look what Jade just showed me this afternoon on youtube!
It's my hand!! Hahahahaha.
And that's me, in the circle! Hahahahahahahaha. This is so wrong.
Pretending to be in an office meeting when i've no idea what's going on most of the time.
I'm so not formal looking. I want to hide.
First, my character is called "Richard". Such an old name. Fine. Then i'm 27, old. Never mind. But, why is my chinese name "Tan Chong Ming"? This is one of the worst chinese name ever, those that'll get constantly teased while growing up. It's like, if you're those superstitious uncle who is a habitual gambler, would you call your son "Tan Fa Cai" or "Money Tan"? Definitely not! But fine, since it's ficticious after all.

And lastly, the one last thing i don't wish to see - close up. "Pui"! Hahaha. I can't help but burst out laughing each time i see this video. Congrats to Jade, Bee and Van for being shortlisted, and i sure hope they get the top prize cause i'll stand to benefit! Hahaha.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Lately, i've been going through the monthly "ugh" moment. You know, those days where everything just seems so "ugh". There's no word to specifically describe it. I'm just highly sensitive and easily frustrated with everyone and everything during such times. It happens every month without fail, just like a female's menstrual cycle. I used to think i'm weird and all because come on, one would have thought that such things only happen to girls. So while reading the papers on sunday, this seemingly weird question of mine is finally answered. Who knew. All guys actually went through this period of physical and emotional exhaustion every month! I'm serious. So, yay, i'm normal. But somehow or rather, knowing this answer during my so called "period" isn't really helping the mood. I'm constantly on the edge. Definitely not good to the blood pressure, that i'm sure of. I am just so sick of having to communicate to everyone in the group, trying to relay information after information from one to another. It's like a viscious cycle. You try to initiate a meet-up or ask a question, you sms one person. Then you wait for the answer. Once received, you send it out to the rest, hoping everyone is free. Then if one is not, you got to ask the opinion of the rest. And this cycle goes on and on and on like there's no freaking end to it. I am just so thin towards throwing my hands up and just wait for people to do all the planning and coordinating while i just sit back and do the replying and showing up. I'm not trying to make a big fuss out of it of throw a hissy fit but seriously, it's not funny when "i'm not free" was constantly being used as a reason by a couple of group mates when deadline is next thursday. And this is just one of the many projects that are due soon. I'm terribly sorry if i sound like a lunatic here but if a girl is entitled to throw her princess tantrum during her period, then it's only fair that a guy gets his share of venting his anger during his “period”!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas y'all! And Happy Holidays! The past week has been filled with tons of meet up with the friends! The essentials to my life. Haha. I haven't been doing anything to the projects and now i'm beginning the feel the pinch. There are, of course, a few highlights during the past week. First of all would be the meet up with my favourite people - Yas, Nazi and Meow! Went to Bugis with Meow and Nazi in the afternoon to have lunch and some window shopping. Honestly, i hate that place. It's boring with a capital B. Bugis street is worse, with the crowd and humidity. Squeezing past people is never my thing, though i tend to exhibit that behavior when i'm boarding bus. And i'm good at that. Haha! So after that, we head back to Bukit Panjang in that freaking humid weather, to meet Yas at Plaza. Under normal circumstances, i would most probably be in a grumpy mood but i weren't that day, because i have 3 wonderful company! We loitered around that area (cause plaza is never big enough to even shop) before settling down at Mac's for ice-cream. Ah, McDonald's, how long since i last patronise. Fast food = bad in my dictionary. So we were cooling ourselves with some sundae, making fun of everyone and taking lots of silly pictures. Our day can be summarised into a story, fictional, that is.

Introducing the cast: Meow and the Great, Nazirah!
That blur-looking fish, Yas, and the camera-ready me!
On a bright sunny day, four friends were chilling out in McDonald's. Everyone was in a rather bad mood due to the weather and thus, conversations were limited. Suddenly, nosey Yas thinks that she could cheer everyone up and thus, she did the following.
She actually robot dance, thinking that she's the greatest comedian on earth. And the reaction she garnered from her Oscar worthy performance?
Plain ignorance from everyone.
Not giving up, she think she's cute enough to play peek-a-boo with the rest. Or ET. Nobody knows what goes through her head actually.
And people are still more interested in the sundae.
Feeling dejected, she then pouts and whine to the group.
Having had enough of her nonsense, mean Ernest then take a scoop of ice cream and say "One more word from you and you'll have this in your nose. Don't want it? Then shush, bitch."

Ernest's response to Yas got everyone laughing. "AHAHAHAHA! Yas the ice-cream nose fish! Hahahahahaha!" Nazi giggles.

Meow then chipped in, "Haha! This should really shut her trap up for good!"

Seeing that everyone is laughing at her, poor little Yas then retorted "Hmmph! You guys are such a meanies. Boo-hoo-hoo. Santa ain't giving you anything this year for being so evil. I ain't gonna friend all you sucker anymore!"
Feeling frustrated, the normally tamed Meow then flare up, and starts throwing punches on Yas.

Now, evil Ernest doesn't seem so mean anymore. He looks just like an angel. *Pukes*Even the good old cutie Nazirah join in the verbal and physical abuse. See, Ernest isn't that bad actually, as compared to the two.

In the end, she finally learnt her lesson and shut up. She's scarred for life.
The end...
Yeap, so that's about it. Yas is outta the group for now. Hahahahaha! I'm just bullshitting. It's all fictional. And we still love Yas. Right now, i just hope she don't slaughter me alive for posting such "flattering" shots of her.

I love these people.

Another highlight was last night's Christmas Eve's outing with HuiYing, Liyi, WeiQi, Shandy and Yong Sheng. Visited Singapore Art Museum, again, with HuiYing first prior to meeting the rest. Watched Alvin and the Chipmunks. Really funny, and those characters are such a joy, especially Theodre. Had such a good laugh watching it. After that, we travel to Boat Quay's Mind Cafe for some board games and snacks. Really fun, though it's like a battle-of-the-voices most of the time because everyone there is talking and laughing at the top of their lungs. But it's really fun, especially the animal-thingy game. When we left the place, it's only 45 minutes to midnight, so we're in a dilemma over where to go. So after walking aimlessly from Boat Quay to Clarke Quay, it was then decided to meet Shandy's boyfriend (am i allowed to say this? Never mind, i just did) at this place called The Arena. On our way there, we got sprayed by random people when it's not even midnight. And this got dear WeiQi screeching and running for help, since she just permed her hair and aren't able to wash her hair yet. Nobody knew what The Arena was, and we just went blindly cause we don't really know where else to go. In the end, it's a club. Good thing is, her boyfriend knew the person who opened the place, thus we went in through VIP way. With the good, comes the bad. That place was dark, smoky, loud and lastly, TUNA-PACKED. Well, that place was, memorable? That's all that i can afford to say. Maybe it's just a wrong place at the wrong time. We don't even belong to majority of the age-group there, hahaha. I feel so young out of a sudden. So we stood by the wall, like voodoo dolls, and try to immerse ourselves into the atmosphere when we're blocking the way most of the time. Well, it's definitely memorable. Shandy feel so bad for bringing us there, but i think we're more to be blamed instead cause we're such "Don't Know" people. So i guess the next time, if there ever were to be any outing, it should be planned and scheduled. Hahaha, lest such experience comes back to haunt us again. Hahahaha. But although yesterday weren't how we had hoped for, i had fun. Really. As long as there's friends around, nothing can be boring. It's the company that matter. Activities are just supplements. Happy Holiday!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Singapore Art Museum. Holy cow. 3 months ago, i probably would give you an annoyed look if anyone were to suggest going to this place. But after attending Appreciating Art module with Ms Wendy, i am now showing more interest in this area. And i am loving it. The whole place itself is just, majestic? I don't know. It's just so cool. The art pieces there are simply so alluring, you can't help but be drawn into certain art pieces. It's mind-blowing what a painting can do to you. Oh gosh, i can't stop talking about it! All in all, i am very thankful that the assignmen require us to make a trip down there, or else i'll be missing out on something this great. Next stop, National Meseum of Singapore!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas came early this year! Well, for me, that is. Aunty Irene sms-ed me this afternoon and asked if i'm free to go Christmas shopping with her at Vivo and i agreed, since i was bored to death at home. Yeah, procrastination to it's maximum. Anyway, we changed the venue to Marina Square because i don't really like travelling to Vivo, for the journey is enough to make my butt numb. So we met after her work, i was late as usual, and went to Millenia Walk for dinner first. Oh yes, that's when i received my first Christmas present! She gave me the best present one will never get sick of receiving - monetary gift! Because i didn't went to the Malacca trip with them(her friends and family as well as the 2 other attachment friends), which was her treat, therefore she gave me the money that was supposed to be spent on me as my present! Don't i sound like a gigolo? I know! She also gotten me a book, which seems interesting. I told her that the book is enough but she insists on me keeping the money cause that'll be fair-er to me, and she's stubborn as a bull. Of course, i'm not implying that she's a bull, but rather a form of description, lest people starts saying that i'm mean. After dinner, we went on our Christmas shopping, where she bought snacks for her family gathering use (which i managed to benefit 2 packets of snacks) as well as presents for her close ones. I, on the other hand, bought tee for this Saturday's advanced Christmas dinner with Aunty Irene and attachment people. Before going home, we stopped by Secret Recipe for some cakes and milkshakes. And now, i'm a happy boy! I've decided, i shall call Aunty Irene my godmum now, something which she had asked me to and which i should have done a long time ago. I mean, i feel bad by classifying her as a friend after all that she has done for me, jerry and zhaoyu. So yeap, i think the title "godma" can't be anymore deserving. And while on the way back, there's this uncle who's sitting at the corner on the opposite aisle, that seems to want the whole world to know that he's quarreling with someone at home. Constantly yelling "fuck" to the phone before hanging up on that person - at least twice! I mean, come on! Stop being a sissy! I know my behavior tends to be less "mr macho" but at least i don't whine on the phone loudly, plus shamelessly of course. If you're mad at that person, then stop picking call from that someone! Noise pollutor. And the person on the line is annoying as well. If Mr Uncle is angry at you, and hung up on you, then have the backbone not to call back! Pffft. I wonder what he stand to gain by letting the whole bus hear his "amusing" conversation. It comes to show that age doesn't necessarily makes you any more mature than people who're younger. And vice versa.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

She's the Meltdown of the Year. The train-wreck. The wasted. Worst dressed. Junkie. Worst Mom. All the negative words you can find in a dictionary is used on her, but she's still the queen of all media. One can't help but hound on to her news like a starving dog. Like it or not, she is on the tabloid everyday and she proves that she is still much in demand. I personally don't care about any of her erratic behaviors because we don't know what happen behind close door. But all i know is that she has a brand new video for her second single, Piece of Me, and it's looking AWESOME. I love it. It's none other than the legendary Britney Spears! Seriously, Blackout is such an addictive album, and i am so in love with it. If i can give out Grammy, that'll be Album of the Year for sure! Not because of vocal ability, that i can be honest, but because of the material. The video is miles better than Gimme More, and she actually dances a little in this video, towards the end! Finally, no more stripper dance move.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The paper yesterday was such a "breeze", the term "common test" is now taboo. Maybe i should inform all the friends, so that they'll be aware not to ask, because i'll take each opportunity to whine like a spoilt brat. Anyhow, shall think about it no more because it's the term break! Doesn't it sound nice? I mean, break = holiday! I am happy that it's the break now but at the back of my head, i know that there's tons of projects that needs to be done. Literally, TONS of it. I ain't lying. So after yesterday's paper, met Nazi and WeiQi and the newly opened CoffeeBean outlet at RailMall for what else, but their coffee. Just a short meet up but i enjoyed EVERY single second of it. Like i've said many many times, seeing the friends is therapeutic, and it works especially well after going through such crappy paper. See! I'm whining again! Haha. Had loads of fun laughing hysterically with the friends and i'm sure the whole place was packed with our noise. It's so much fun and there's times where i've to try and hold myself together so as to prevent myself from snorting. I tend to do that when i laugh too hard, and it's bad! I can't laugh like normal people, i wonder why. I either snort like a pig or i shriek like a horse. How amusing. Anyway, can't wait for the next meet up with the friends! I'm always anticipating such activites!
Today, went out with the lovely Diana for lunch and shopping at town. Fruitless trip - how depressing. Anyway, it rained just as we were thinking about having coffee, and everything from then on turns really bad. Everywhere becomes congested. Every cafe we went to were jam packed and full house. We finally end up in Aji Tei (though we initially thought of COFFEE) for drink and light snack. The crowd was crazy everywhere. Definitely dampens the initial mood a little. But we had fun afterall, and that's all that matters.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I am jealous. Green with envy. Because Spice Girls are having their reunion tour EVERYWHERE but not here in Singapore. I know it's weird to like them but, whatever. I mean, they are the Spice Girls! My brothers and i used to jump around to their songs (especially Wannabe) just like how kids nowadays jump to those of Hi5. Ah, the memories. Hahaha. I'm CRAZY over the girls back then and they are my very first idols! My favourite is always Posh Spice, aka Victoria Beckhams. It's so sad to be listener of english music sometimes, even worse when i'm listening to country music, because the artists seldom come to this tiny little dot slightly above the equator. Maybe i should just force myself into being fan of, erm, Rainie? Well, you get my point. Those people promote in Singapore literally on an annual basis. Okay, i'm blabbering nonsense like no other. That's what you get when i'm stucked at home studying for the upcoming test. I become boring. Not that i am interesting on other days, but i become MORE boring than i already am. Maybe i should add some thrills to my life after the common test. First up in the list? I'm gonna pull a Britney! I'll shave off all my hair! Pfft. I'm becoming delusional.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Everything I do today was about one word – “late”. Slept in unknowingly till 8.30 this morning, and only managed to reach the 9.30 revision lecture at 9.45. You might think that it’s only a mere 15 minutes but the lecture already ended then. Pfft. So went for breakfast with the clique before going for class discussion, again. But more things are being settled today, which is a good thing. Well, actually it’s because the opposition parties weren’t around. Hahahaha. I thought this meeting would last around 2 hours, so I already made plans prior but who knew, I was dead wrong. But I left halfway through though, cause I was, again, late. Wanted to take a cab there but for five minutes, none stopped for me. Then the friend, being really nice, told me to take a bus and save my money instead. So the moment I walked back towards the bus stop, two person after me managed to hail a cab each, within 5 seconds! What the hell! Never mind. So in the end, I was late for, well, VERY long. Hahaha. I’m so sorry! By the way, I went out with the dear friend whom I’ve not gone out with for about a YEAR. That’s a really long gap since the last meet up. Yeap, it’s none other than the clucky Wei Qi! Well, at least we managed to meet up, it definitely beats not even being able to meet. So with 2 growling stomach, we went for a really late lunch at Waraku Japanese Restaurant at Marina Square. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m starving or otherwise, but the food taste damn good. Hahahaha. It’s so good to see the best friend after so long, and I had a fantastic time chatting with her. Well, the food may be good but the service is like, non-existent! Hahahaha. No one bother to take our order and no one is around to ask for the bill too! After lunch, we shopped around the mall and those nearby (citylink and raffles), caught Barney live in action (how cool is that. I wished I had gotten his autograph) before going to Azabu Sabo for dessert as well as to rest our aching feet. I had Matcha Milkshake and it’s SOOO good! Luckily WeiQi hates it, so I don’t need to share. Hahahahaha! Hers’ was pretty weird, cause underneath the ice cream and toppings, the rest are all plain jelly. Like, TONS of plain jelly. Hahahaha. Wanted to have dinner but were too bloated so decided to go home. Well, service there was good though. I think they refilled our green tea about, ten times? Hahaha. Really quick when it comes to that, like every 3 minutes interval, one waitress will pop out. It’s such a great day, though I was dead beat by the time I come home. Had a GREAT time laughing, crapping, reminiscing, chatting and bitching with the friend. Well worth each and every second and penny. Can’t ask for more, just that hopefully, there’ll be more such meet up!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My mind is currently occupied with projects, projects, more projects, and Britney Spears. "Piece of me" and "Radar" keeps playing in my head as and when, and i don't know why. Conflicts are inevitable in group work. Imgaine the amount and intensity of it when you're having CLASS discussion for ONE project. Tell me about it. It's like holocaust all over again, but in a class. Anyway, finally met Aunty Irene yesterday for lunch at the Han's cafe near Motion Smith (the best attachment office!) and passed her the gift which has been resting at my place for a while now. I'm guilty of it! Damn. I forgot i have quiz for Appreciating Artwork this Thursday, even though i was just reminded today. Alright, Renaissance , here i come! This entry is crap. Argh. I need more inspiration!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

What's a better way to spend the weekend other than meeting up with friends, and more friends! On Friday evening, met up with my favourite people - Yas, Nazi and Meow! It has been quite a while since all 4 of us met together and i simply miss hanging out with all of them. It's just so comforting to see them. The making fun of each other, the gossiping, the laughter and the catching-up never fails to put a smile on me. It may be a short get-together over a cup of soya milk but it's enough to plaster a smile on my face for the entire day. Our schedules has made it pretty tough for everyone to get together, therefore any form of meet-up is very well treasured.

Yesterday, spent the morning and early afternoon at home slacking before meeting Meow after her Jap lesson for light dinner. After which, we set off to Dempsey Hill to meet up with HuiYing and YongSheng to have a couple of drinks at Harry's. Ya, i know i just went Dempsey with HuiYing last week but that place has too many place that appeal to us. The interior of the Harry's at Dempsey is so much nicer than the one at Boat Quay - better decoration (love the cushions and comfortable high chairs) and atmosphere - but the drinks and food they have are so limited. So after 2 drinks, we decided to head over to their other outlet at Holland V. Finally, they have the complete menu instead of just a paper print out. Ordered their shooters and left satisfied, and broke. It's always great to meet up with the friends. The night was filled with laughter and jokes and talks and wonderful company. Such activities never fail to lift the mood and make one delirious for hours and left me desiring for more of such meet-up!

Meow and I went for light supper after parting ways with HuiYing and YongSheng. Bought some snacks at the coffeeshop near Fajar Sec and went to a bus stop to chat for a while before it's home sweet home!