Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas y'all! And Happy Holidays! The past week has been filled with tons of meet up with the friends! The essentials to my life. Haha. I haven't been doing anything to the projects and now i'm beginning the feel the pinch. There are, of course, a few highlights during the past week. First of all would be the meet up with my favourite people - Yas, Nazi and Meow! Went to Bugis with Meow and Nazi in the afternoon to have lunch and some window shopping. Honestly, i hate that place. It's boring with a capital B. Bugis street is worse, with the crowd and humidity. Squeezing past people is never my thing, though i tend to exhibit that behavior when i'm boarding bus. And i'm good at that. Haha! So after that, we head back to Bukit Panjang in that freaking humid weather, to meet Yas at Plaza. Under normal circumstances, i would most probably be in a grumpy mood but i weren't that day, because i have 3 wonderful company! We loitered around that area (cause plaza is never big enough to even shop) before settling down at Mac's for ice-cream. Ah, McDonald's, how long since i last patronise. Fast food = bad in my dictionary. So we were cooling ourselves with some sundae, making fun of everyone and taking lots of silly pictures. Our day can be summarised into a story, fictional, that is.

Introducing the cast: Meow and the Great, Nazirah!
That blur-looking fish, Yas, and the camera-ready me!
On a bright sunny day, four friends were chilling out in McDonald's. Everyone was in a rather bad mood due to the weather and thus, conversations were limited. Suddenly, nosey Yas thinks that she could cheer everyone up and thus, she did the following.
She actually robot dance, thinking that she's the greatest comedian on earth. And the reaction she garnered from her Oscar worthy performance?
Plain ignorance from everyone.
Not giving up, she think she's cute enough to play peek-a-boo with the rest. Or ET. Nobody knows what goes through her head actually.
And people are still more interested in the sundae.
Feeling dejected, she then pouts and whine to the group.
Having had enough of her nonsense, mean Ernest then take a scoop of ice cream and say "One more word from you and you'll have this in your nose. Don't want it? Then shush, bitch."

Ernest's response to Yas got everyone laughing. "AHAHAHAHA! Yas the ice-cream nose fish! Hahahahahaha!" Nazi giggles.

Meow then chipped in, "Haha! This should really shut her trap up for good!"

Seeing that everyone is laughing at her, poor little Yas then retorted "Hmmph! You guys are such a meanies. Boo-hoo-hoo. Santa ain't giving you anything this year for being so evil. I ain't gonna friend all you sucker anymore!"
Feeling frustrated, the normally tamed Meow then flare up, and starts throwing punches on Yas.

Now, evil Ernest doesn't seem so mean anymore. He looks just like an angel. *Pukes*Even the good old cutie Nazirah join in the verbal and physical abuse. See, Ernest isn't that bad actually, as compared to the two.

In the end, she finally learnt her lesson and shut up. She's scarred for life.
The end...
Yeap, so that's about it. Yas is outta the group for now. Hahahahaha! I'm just bullshitting. It's all fictional. And we still love Yas. Right now, i just hope she don't slaughter me alive for posting such "flattering" shots of her.

I love these people.

Another highlight was last night's Christmas Eve's outing with HuiYing, Liyi, WeiQi, Shandy and Yong Sheng. Visited Singapore Art Museum, again, with HuiYing first prior to meeting the rest. Watched Alvin and the Chipmunks. Really funny, and those characters are such a joy, especially Theodre. Had such a good laugh watching it. After that, we travel to Boat Quay's Mind Cafe for some board games and snacks. Really fun, though it's like a battle-of-the-voices most of the time because everyone there is talking and laughing at the top of their lungs. But it's really fun, especially the animal-thingy game. When we left the place, it's only 45 minutes to midnight, so we're in a dilemma over where to go. So after walking aimlessly from Boat Quay to Clarke Quay, it was then decided to meet Shandy's boyfriend (am i allowed to say this? Never mind, i just did) at this place called The Arena. On our way there, we got sprayed by random people when it's not even midnight. And this got dear WeiQi screeching and running for help, since she just permed her hair and aren't able to wash her hair yet. Nobody knew what The Arena was, and we just went blindly cause we don't really know where else to go. In the end, it's a club. Good thing is, her boyfriend knew the person who opened the place, thus we went in through VIP way. With the good, comes the bad. That place was dark, smoky, loud and lastly, TUNA-PACKED. Well, that place was, memorable? That's all that i can afford to say. Maybe it's just a wrong place at the wrong time. We don't even belong to majority of the age-group there, hahaha. I feel so young out of a sudden. So we stood by the wall, like voodoo dolls, and try to immerse ourselves into the atmosphere when we're blocking the way most of the time. Well, it's definitely memorable. Shandy feel so bad for bringing us there, but i think we're more to be blamed instead cause we're such "Don't Know" people. So i guess the next time, if there ever were to be any outing, it should be planned and scheduled. Hahaha, lest such experience comes back to haunt us again. Hahahaha. But although yesterday weren't how we had hoped for, i had fun. Really. As long as there's friends around, nothing can be boring. It's the company that matter. Activities are just supplements. Happy Holiday!

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