Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas came early this year! Well, for me, that is. Aunty Irene sms-ed me this afternoon and asked if i'm free to go Christmas shopping with her at Vivo and i agreed, since i was bored to death at home. Yeah, procrastination to it's maximum. Anyway, we changed the venue to Marina Square because i don't really like travelling to Vivo, for the journey is enough to make my butt numb. So we met after her work, i was late as usual, and went to Millenia Walk for dinner first. Oh yes, that's when i received my first Christmas present! She gave me the best present one will never get sick of receiving - monetary gift! Because i didn't went to the Malacca trip with them(her friends and family as well as the 2 other attachment friends), which was her treat, therefore she gave me the money that was supposed to be spent on me as my present! Don't i sound like a gigolo? I know! She also gotten me a book, which seems interesting. I told her that the book is enough but she insists on me keeping the money cause that'll be fair-er to me, and she's stubborn as a bull. Of course, i'm not implying that she's a bull, but rather a form of description, lest people starts saying that i'm mean. After dinner, we went on our Christmas shopping, where she bought snacks for her family gathering use (which i managed to benefit 2 packets of snacks) as well as presents for her close ones. I, on the other hand, bought tee for this Saturday's advanced Christmas dinner with Aunty Irene and attachment people. Before going home, we stopped by Secret Recipe for some cakes and milkshakes. And now, i'm a happy boy! I've decided, i shall call Aunty Irene my godmum now, something which she had asked me to and which i should have done a long time ago. I mean, i feel bad by classifying her as a friend after all that she has done for me, jerry and zhaoyu. So yeap, i think the title "godma" can't be anymore deserving. And while on the way back, there's this uncle who's sitting at the corner on the opposite aisle, that seems to want the whole world to know that he's quarreling with someone at home. Constantly yelling "fuck" to the phone before hanging up on that person - at least twice! I mean, come on! Stop being a sissy! I know my behavior tends to be less "mr macho" but at least i don't whine on the phone loudly, plus shamelessly of course. If you're mad at that person, then stop picking call from that someone! Noise pollutor. And the person on the line is annoying as well. If Mr Uncle is angry at you, and hung up on you, then have the backbone not to call back! Pffft. I wonder what he stand to gain by letting the whole bus hear his "amusing" conversation. It comes to show that age doesn't necessarily makes you any more mature than people who're younger. And vice versa.

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