Monday, December 31, 2007

In just a few more hours, we will be stepping into a new year. Though it's going to be just like any other day, i guess it's still good to just take a look back at how year 2007 had been. I don't know how to describe the year, because i'm not sure how to compare this year with the past. Sure, there's the ups and the downs. But i'm uncertain if i should call it an eventful year, since there's no clear definition for the word "Eventful". Overall, I learn. Like it or not, knowingly or not, i still learn. Everyday is like attending a free lesson on life. On some days, i learn more and on the other, maybe not so much. And then i change. For better or worse, who's to judge. Change is good, if i get rid of the bad in me. People may or may not notice, but i like who i am right now. Of course, i'm not meaning physically, cause i'm still going to include "Lose weight" and "Go for botox at age 30" in my new resolution which i never come around to keeping. Though i've change, i'm still me. If that makes sense. And the year wouldn't be completed without the friends and family. The family, i love them to death though i'm like the spoilt brat most of the time. I'm rude to them at times and i get annoyed. But i still love them. Same goes to the friend. Be it friends whom i've known for 7 years, or those that i just get to know. 2007 wouldn't be such a blast if not for each and every one of them. Gosh, i sound so old, haha. Anyway, there are certain incidents or things that make this year so memorable.

1) First time i actually work. Not on my own will, but the school's compulsory attachment program. During which, i had the time of my life, getting to know really WONDERFUL people.

2) Through attachment, i get to know Aunty Irene, who is now my godma, though people tend to think that she's my sugarmummy.

3) Spent my birthday working. Definitely something very memorable, cause i just started work for a few days and was sulking on it. But turns out that it ain't that bad.

4) Worked voluntarily during the holiday, and received my first hard-earned salary. The work experience this time round was so bad, i was wishing that school would start earlier for the first time.

5) Bought my first Britney's album since "...Baby One More Time", and i've loving it.
6) All the meet-up with the friends. Be it friendship that has been running for years or reconnected friendship after previously being lost. Treasure each and every single session.
7) I've changed from being a complete carnivore to an omnivore. Vegetables can never be found in my diet in the past, but i managed to find room to embrace such food. Now, i need to eat fruits and vegetables daily or else i'll feel weird. See, this is a good change. Holy. Cow.
8) I'm not as crazy about American Idol as i used to be, much to the surprise of many.
9) Tried alcoholic drink for the first time at such an old age. Hope that beer belly ain't gonna surprise me in the coming years.
10) Did so much project, i wonder if i'll ever finish it.
Yeap, that pretty much sums up year 2007. Memory is failing me, and i'll include it in the list once i think of more. Wow, one year just go by in a flash. Age is definitely catching up without us realizing, haha.

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