Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Today's a great day, cause i met the long-lost best bud on bus 184 while going for lunch. It's none other than WeiQi! It's such a pleasant coincident that we both happened to take the same bus at the perfect timing. I haven't seen her for about A YEAR! That's how long i haven't seen my best bud. It's through such wonderful surprises that dawns to me how much i miss this friend of mine. Ah, all the memories of the good ol' days is slowly coming back now. You might realize that as i am typing, the bad memories are creeping it's way back at the same time but i'm trying to live in denial at the moment cause i want to feel happy. Anyway, the happy moment was short-lived cause it's only a fifteen minutes bus journey from school but i'm sure i'll meet this seaweed friend of mine soon! Haha, and i'm the cucumber. Insider's joke. After i got home, i quickly find a comfortable corner on the sofa and flipped on the TV and recorder to watch last night's episode of Grey's Anatomy which i recorded. Can't stand it when Channel 5 puts my favourite show at such crappy timeslot. But anyway, thank god for modern technology, if not i would have missed out on such a great episode. There's not a moment where the adrenaline is not puffing out of the ears. I am at the edge of the seat throughout the entire show and my eyes are permanently glued onto the tv for that 40 minutes. It's such a mind-blowing episode i can't really describe my feelings. Though i know that Meredith wouldn't die, since she's the main lead, but my heart can't help escalating when they're trying to resurrect her. And there's a scene that is done so impeccably, i can't find a word. It's such a great episode. REALLY good. It's the best episode by far. Ever. Hahaha, okay, enough of my geeky rambling. Oh yes! Nearly forgot to mention something. I was listening to 987fm a couple days ago and guessed what, they're playing COUNTRY music! Well, it's just one song but it's the first time i'm hearing it on 987! The chances of hearing country music from radio stations in Singapore is like the chances of a monk eating steak. It's almost non-existent. Throughout this year, i only managed to hear Dixie Chick's "I'm Not Ready To Make Nice" and Carrie Underwood's "Don't Forget To Remember Me" on Class 95 during attachment at the early part of this year and that's it. Now, 987 fm is playing one of my favourite, "Teardrop on my Guitar" by Taylor Swift! Holy cow! Hahaha. Though this song has been released for close to 9 months now and that her third single "Our Song" is close to peaking in the US, it's still great to hear country music in Singapore. Hahaha. Lastly, i came to a realization today. I AM FAT. I feel like a moving lard and it's such a bad feeling. There's not a moment where i don't feel like taking the butcher knife and slice of the flabs. I'm exagerating a little but you get my point! I need come up with a resolution quickly before i blows up. Hahaha. Enough of rambling. Got to go type project report now.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

After a hectic week of school, i guess it's only appropriate to unwind during the weekend! Furthermore, it's spent with the friend, HuiYing! Met her in the afternoon and set off to town for lunch at Subway first, before heading to Borders in search for Aunty Irene's belated birthday present. Spent a great deal of time there looking for the gift cause i don't really know what to get her since she has already gotten everything she needs. Thought of getting her a Bible since she's such a devoted Christian but can't seem to find one with reasonable price yet looks nice, my bad, and thus settled for an inspirational book cause she's always smsing me words of wisdom. Hahaha. Since we're at town and i thought that i'm under a lot of stress, hahahaha bad reason, i went to topman and got myself a couple of tees. Can't help it though i had already told myself to curb the spending. I guess i'll pinch myself harder the next time i check the account balance, hahaha. After that, both of us decided to go to Dempsey Hill and "explore" it a little since we've been wanting to go there for quite some time. Poor HuiYing, her heels gave way just as we're climbing up the little hill. And walking under the scorching sun is no fun at all, cause i was sweating like a pig and sticking my tongue out like a dog. To make things worse, the interior of DOME was full! So we settled down at Ben & Jerry's for drinks and snacks. I really love the interior design of this outlet as compared to the other cause it was decorated like a ranch. Didn't really have a good look at the whole place cause we're really tired and immediately took the nearest seat, hahaha. After Ying's problem with the heels, the top button on my shirt gave way too! Bad day. Haha. So at the end of the day, i went home with a button less and HuiYing went home from wearing heels to wearing flats. But all is good cause going out with the friends is always therapeutic!

Friday, November 23, 2007

The long awaited weekend has finally arrived after a week of projects, filming, ibs and napfa. Wrapped filming today rather quickly cause there's only a couple of shots left, went to plaza to meet Meow for our usual beancurd before going home to take a 2 hours nap. Can i say how great that 2 hours nap felt after going through a couple of sleep-deprived days. 6 hours or less per day is never enough for me cause i'll be extremely restless the next day. The optimal is definitely 8 hours! Now that i've helped Jade's group in their big production filming, i have finally found the casts for my group's smaller production! Marketing Communication module definitely provided us with great insights with regards to the marketing industry. And can i say how cool it is to be able to experience the process of a real production? The FMS students looked professional and being the director is so cool! You get to shout command like, "Silence on the set!", "Camera rolling", "Action" and "Cut". How cool is that, hahahaha. And i had my first "NG!", or bloopers, whatever you call it cause the moment i turned and saw Vanessa smirking at me, i can't help but laugh and forgot what i want to say. Definitely a new experience. It's a tiring process cause most of the time is spent waiting and stoning while the FMS students figure out what they want to shoot, the angle, the lighting etc. Like Jade said, the actors have small roles as compared to the production crew cause all we have to do is act and say our lines. But it's going to be damn embarrassing to see myself in a video, especially when there's close up, which hopefully will not show too much of the flawed complexion. IBS' data gathering call took place this past tuesday and being the first of the day, i was so nervous i nearly threw out my guts. The moment i went into the room, i totally blanked out and forgot all the speech i had rehearsed at home. But thankfully, or luckily, i managed to hold myself together and get through with it. Grade wise, i couldn't ask for more. Satisfied is all i can say. I'm so deprived of the friends, though i just met Meow and talked with Nazi on the phone today. I need my dosage of friends! Anyway, i was bored while waiting for Jade to shoot the scene she's standing in for Vanessa so i took a couple of pictures. This is the students finding the perfect angle and whatever needs to be done.
Testing the shot.
And she's ready to go!
Okay, i'm looking forward to the final outcome yet dreading it at the same time cause i'll look like a wooden block and it'll be super embarrassing!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I am seriously worn out right now. Had Napfa yesterday, which of course, i didn't pass. At least i tried my best. Then i had my acting debut today, hahaha. Spent the entire afternoon shooting and only reached home at 7.30. It's not fun when lesson starts at 8 today and was feeling sore from all the running yesterday. Acting is not fun and it's weird having that big camera right at your face. Managed to shoot majority of the scene today except a couple, which will be shot tomorrow afternoon. And i can't change my shirt! That is definitely not something i would do, hahaha. But i must say that the Film and Media studies students are really good at what they're doing, though i don't understand any shit they're talking about. Okay, i'm tired and blogging nonsense. Will update once my brain is more awake.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I'm in a mood to blog bullshit. IBS is in two days. Thinking about it makes my stomach quesy. And i feel like shitting each time. It doesn't help that LeeLian keeps saying "shit la" in our msn conversation. Yes. I'm talking on MSN (if you count out project discussion) after dinosaurs years.
It's a desirable weekend this week, with me sleeping in till i wake up naturally instead of having to use modern technology - the alarm clock. And it's no fun when mine's spongebob theme song, which it's annoying to no end. But hey, i would have missed lesson if it's not loud and irritating enough, so no complains! Both days, i spent my time doing things i WANT to do, and not because i'm OBLIGATED to do so. It's so fun cause i get to really relax and enjoy quality time to myself and the family. I love such weekends! Filled with lazing off the couch, watching tv show i like, listening to my cds, staring into space, talking to grandma etc. Projects are such turn off. Pfft. Anyway, met up with LeeLian just now, after dinner at gramp's. I miss her! Thankfully i get to meet up with her because i was just thinking how much i miss the friends. Being around LeeLian is like attending a laugh-fest. Even serious matters tend to get hilarious at times, i don't know why. Everyone needs a LeeLian in their life! Seriously. I miss the friends!

Friday, November 16, 2007

This week has been like taking an emotional roller-coastal ride with the rushing of projects to meet deadline one after another. Literally zonked out right now. Throughout this week, i tend to find myself on the brim of snapping whilst during project discussion, which is a bad thing for the group mates are mostly the friends as well. Seriously, i don't know what's making me so tensed up lately and it's scaring me a little cause those emotions are ugly. Think it's time to loosen up a little, which of course does not include binging on food, as much as i would love to, cause it will only create more headaches for me. NAPFA is next week and i seriously don't even give a thought about it cause i've been lazy for the past 3 years and it'll be too late to do any form of "training" right now. I'm just going to go there for the sake of having the word "participated" in my cert rather than a "FAIL". IBS is next week and unlucky me (maybe a blessing in disguise for all i know) is going to be the first to have my data gathering call for week 2. The idea of having to act like a phony salesperson and talk in an exaggerative way creeps the hell out of me. But i'm gonna try my best cause 1) it's 30% of the overall module, 2) it's a one-to-one assessment with the tutor, which can save on the embarrassment of pretending in front of the whole class, and 3) it's just all about the acting. I shall imagine myself to be, erm, Adam Sandler for a day? I don't know! I don't have any favourite actor, hahahaha. Never mind, i shall just imagine i'm just acting. No stress Ernest. Just don't stammer and talk like a monotonous machine-gun like i tend to when i'm nervous. Crossing the fingers! Lastly, have i say how much i love Appreciating Artwork as my IS module? It is freaking interesting and i have gained immense knowledge regarding art. Every week, i just look forward to attending Ms Wendy's lesson cause she's really expressive and witty and her lesson is never boring. I seriously can't wait for the project to start cause we get to go to the Singapore Art Museum, for free! And admire those BEAUTIFUL art pieces.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I think the picture entry i just posted pretty much made up for my picture-scarce blog. Seriously, those photos took such a great deal of time to load i felt as though i went for nap twice. Stress from school is starting to mount and i am getting more tense as the day goes. Deadlines never seem to end and i can only pray that i don't crack under the pressure and end up tearing people apart. Oh yes, i need to preach again. Seriously, certain men need to be educated on bathroom etiquette. I don't know whether it's just me or has the way of peeing changed over the years without my realization. They tend to pee AROUND the toilet bowl instead of INTO it. Even my shit is able to think and got turned off. Seriously, that's disgusting and gross. Please clean after your own mess in situation when your hose simply let loose. Or use a urinal. Simple as that. Secondly, mediacorp need to really think twice before approving their scripwriters masterpieces because the quality of their show are simply getting more boring. Why must they ALWAYS have a character portraying the unreasonable shrewd mother-in-law? I happened to catch this 7pm show on channel8 for the first time and saw this character which is equally annoying as the one from the 9pm show that just ended last night. The characters are just too annoying that i rather watch channelnewsasia. Okay, preaching has ended and back to the project.
Warning, TON (and i really mean TONS of it) of pictures ahead! No word, just pictures! Jade's place.
Bee and Jade.
"Lord, please don't let me age so fast!" I presumed what she would wish for. Haha.


It's Free Kisses Day!

Diana! And handmade cards. Plus weird head at the back.
Again, weird head. Hahaha.
Series of snapshots at XinWang. Candids make us look weird.

These boots are made for walking.

The Cha-Cha Trio. Bringing 881 to a whole new level.
The paedophile. Hahaha, kidding!
Favourite picture of the day.

Monday, November 12, 2007

So a couple of days ago was Meow's 19th birthday. The both of us went out to celebrate (sadly because Nazi and Yas aren't free) and we literally feast of every food we want to eat. It's like a food galore all day long! First, we went to at Saybon at PlazaSing to try their crepe, which was featured in i-weekly a few weeks ago, and got Meow interested ever since. Finally we get to try satisfy Meow's craving! Following that, we went to MarinaSquare in search for some desserts whilst trying to digest the crepe while doing some window-shopping. What she didn't know was that there's actually a surprise, two to be exact, waiting for her. Halfway through shopping, i stopped and said that i want Andersen's ice cream and basically dragged her there. When we entered, there are the surprises!

Ta-da! Presenting to you, HuiYing and Liyi! Hahahaha. So we treated Meow a slice of cake and also ordered the Family Set fondue. It's all about the brown substance people, chocolate. I felt like a blown up doll after eating that and i could instandly felt ten pound heavier around my waist. It's definitely not a good feeling but hey, it's a joyous occassion! I can't possibly be the wet blanket. Haha.

So after all the sweet stuff, the four then set off to Bugis for some shopping effort as well as dinner. Yes, dinner. Don't remind me how much i've eaten that day cause the guilt has been felt ever since then. Ate at V8 Cafe and had their pasta. Taste bland like paper. And felt like a pig, i emphasize again. So after a whole day of activities, it's finally time to go home. Lastly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEOW! Stop saying i'm older than you cause we're 19 now! Hahahaha.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Happy Birthday to the baby of the group, Meow! Baby, in terms of figure according to the day she's born. But when it comes to mentality wise, she and yas definitely claim the top spot in the group cause Nazi and I can never be as "mature" as them. Haha! Full entry tomorrow! Gotta head back to project discussion now.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Happy 20th Birthday, dear Jade! Had a fan-freaking-tastic day out with the poly friends and now i'm physically drained due to all the laughing and cam-whoring. Went to Jade's place this morning with Bee to pass the birthday girl her present. Being me, i had to grab this opportunity to make a fool out of her by giving a fake present first. Because Jade LOVES to add a lot of spices to everything she eat, so i put together a packet of spices and wrapped it up in layers after layers of magazine papers. It's fun seeing the reaction, cause she nearly punched me then. Hahahaha. We did the cake cutting session at her place, ate a slice and head to Plaza Singapura for lunch at Ajisen. Because all 3 of us are fan of spicy food, we ordered the Volcano Ramen and Ajisen Ramen set lunch, which causes me the choke on the chilli oil. Bad move on trying to slurp the noodle like the japanese! After that, we went to Cineleisure to meet Diana (who joined us after her lesson) for dessert at Xin Wang HK Cafe. We had tons of fun reminiscing about the days back when in year 1 and 2. After that, we carried our pregnant stomach and roamed around town before Jade depart to meet her friends in the evening. So the 3 of us went to Crystal Jade for dinner before it's time to head on home. Sounds boring? Not really, cause we spent almost half the day snapping pictures, everywhere we go - Jade's place, on bus 700, Ajisen, HK Cafe, Toys R Us. Of course, we get tons of stares from the people around us but i guess it's alright to have fun every once in a while. More pictures will be up shortly! Happy Birthday! You're older than me now, muahahaha!