Friday, November 9, 2007

Happy 20th Birthday, dear Jade! Had a fan-freaking-tastic day out with the poly friends and now i'm physically drained due to all the laughing and cam-whoring. Went to Jade's place this morning with Bee to pass the birthday girl her present. Being me, i had to grab this opportunity to make a fool out of her by giving a fake present first. Because Jade LOVES to add a lot of spices to everything she eat, so i put together a packet of spices and wrapped it up in layers after layers of magazine papers. It's fun seeing the reaction, cause she nearly punched me then. Hahahaha. We did the cake cutting session at her place, ate a slice and head to Plaza Singapura for lunch at Ajisen. Because all 3 of us are fan of spicy food, we ordered the Volcano Ramen and Ajisen Ramen set lunch, which causes me the choke on the chilli oil. Bad move on trying to slurp the noodle like the japanese! After that, we went to Cineleisure to meet Diana (who joined us after her lesson) for dessert at Xin Wang HK Cafe. We had tons of fun reminiscing about the days back when in year 1 and 2. After that, we carried our pregnant stomach and roamed around town before Jade depart to meet her friends in the evening. So the 3 of us went to Crystal Jade for dinner before it's time to head on home. Sounds boring? Not really, cause we spent almost half the day snapping pictures, everywhere we go - Jade's place, on bus 700, Ajisen, HK Cafe, Toys R Us. Of course, we get tons of stares from the people around us but i guess it's alright to have fun every once in a while. More pictures will be up shortly! Happy Birthday! You're older than me now, muahahaha!

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