Sunday, November 18, 2007

It's a desirable weekend this week, with me sleeping in till i wake up naturally instead of having to use modern technology - the alarm clock. And it's no fun when mine's spongebob theme song, which it's annoying to no end. But hey, i would have missed lesson if it's not loud and irritating enough, so no complains! Both days, i spent my time doing things i WANT to do, and not because i'm OBLIGATED to do so. It's so fun cause i get to really relax and enjoy quality time to myself and the family. I love such weekends! Filled with lazing off the couch, watching tv show i like, listening to my cds, staring into space, talking to grandma etc. Projects are such turn off. Pfft. Anyway, met up with LeeLian just now, after dinner at gramp's. I miss her! Thankfully i get to meet up with her because i was just thinking how much i miss the friends. Being around LeeLian is like attending a laugh-fest. Even serious matters tend to get hilarious at times, i don't know why. Everyone needs a LeeLian in their life! Seriously. I miss the friends!

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