Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I think the picture entry i just posted pretty much made up for my picture-scarce blog. Seriously, those photos took such a great deal of time to load i felt as though i went for nap twice. Stress from school is starting to mount and i am getting more tense as the day goes. Deadlines never seem to end and i can only pray that i don't crack under the pressure and end up tearing people apart. Oh yes, i need to preach again. Seriously, certain men need to be educated on bathroom etiquette. I don't know whether it's just me or has the way of peeing changed over the years without my realization. They tend to pee AROUND the toilet bowl instead of INTO it. Even my shit is able to think and got turned off. Seriously, that's disgusting and gross. Please clean after your own mess in situation when your hose simply let loose. Or use a urinal. Simple as that. Secondly, mediacorp need to really think twice before approving their scripwriters masterpieces because the quality of their show are simply getting more boring. Why must they ALWAYS have a character portraying the unreasonable shrewd mother-in-law? I happened to catch this 7pm show on channel8 for the first time and saw this character which is equally annoying as the one from the 9pm show that just ended last night. The characters are just too annoying that i rather watch channelnewsasia. Okay, preaching has ended and back to the project.

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