Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Today's a great day, cause i met the long-lost best bud on bus 184 while going for lunch. It's none other than WeiQi! It's such a pleasant coincident that we both happened to take the same bus at the perfect timing. I haven't seen her for about A YEAR! That's how long i haven't seen my best bud. It's through such wonderful surprises that dawns to me how much i miss this friend of mine. Ah, all the memories of the good ol' days is slowly coming back now. You might realize that as i am typing, the bad memories are creeping it's way back at the same time but i'm trying to live in denial at the moment cause i want to feel happy. Anyway, the happy moment was short-lived cause it's only a fifteen minutes bus journey from school but i'm sure i'll meet this seaweed friend of mine soon! Haha, and i'm the cucumber. Insider's joke. After i got home, i quickly find a comfortable corner on the sofa and flipped on the TV and recorder to watch last night's episode of Grey's Anatomy which i recorded. Can't stand it when Channel 5 puts my favourite show at such crappy timeslot. But anyway, thank god for modern technology, if not i would have missed out on such a great episode. There's not a moment where the adrenaline is not puffing out of the ears. I am at the edge of the seat throughout the entire show and my eyes are permanently glued onto the tv for that 40 minutes. It's such a mind-blowing episode i can't really describe my feelings. Though i know that Meredith wouldn't die, since she's the main lead, but my heart can't help escalating when they're trying to resurrect her. And there's a scene that is done so impeccably, i can't find a word. It's such a great episode. REALLY good. It's the best episode by far. Ever. Hahaha, okay, enough of my geeky rambling. Oh yes! Nearly forgot to mention something. I was listening to 987fm a couple days ago and guessed what, they're playing COUNTRY music! Well, it's just one song but it's the first time i'm hearing it on 987! The chances of hearing country music from radio stations in Singapore is like the chances of a monk eating steak. It's almost non-existent. Throughout this year, i only managed to hear Dixie Chick's "I'm Not Ready To Make Nice" and Carrie Underwood's "Don't Forget To Remember Me" on Class 95 during attachment at the early part of this year and that's it. Now, 987 fm is playing one of my favourite, "Teardrop on my Guitar" by Taylor Swift! Holy cow! Hahaha. Though this song has been released for close to 9 months now and that her third single "Our Song" is close to peaking in the US, it's still great to hear country music in Singapore. Hahaha. Lastly, i came to a realization today. I AM FAT. I feel like a moving lard and it's such a bad feeling. There's not a moment where i don't feel like taking the butcher knife and slice of the flabs. I'm exagerating a little but you get my point! I need come up with a resolution quickly before i blows up. Hahaha. Enough of rambling. Got to go type project report now.

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