Friday, November 23, 2007

The long awaited weekend has finally arrived after a week of projects, filming, ibs and napfa. Wrapped filming today rather quickly cause there's only a couple of shots left, went to plaza to meet Meow for our usual beancurd before going home to take a 2 hours nap. Can i say how great that 2 hours nap felt after going through a couple of sleep-deprived days. 6 hours or less per day is never enough for me cause i'll be extremely restless the next day. The optimal is definitely 8 hours! Now that i've helped Jade's group in their big production filming, i have finally found the casts for my group's smaller production! Marketing Communication module definitely provided us with great insights with regards to the marketing industry. And can i say how cool it is to be able to experience the process of a real production? The FMS students looked professional and being the director is so cool! You get to shout command like, "Silence on the set!", "Camera rolling", "Action" and "Cut". How cool is that, hahahaha. And i had my first "NG!", or bloopers, whatever you call it cause the moment i turned and saw Vanessa smirking at me, i can't help but laugh and forgot what i want to say. Definitely a new experience. It's a tiring process cause most of the time is spent waiting and stoning while the FMS students figure out what they want to shoot, the angle, the lighting etc. Like Jade said, the actors have small roles as compared to the production crew cause all we have to do is act and say our lines. But it's going to be damn embarrassing to see myself in a video, especially when there's close up, which hopefully will not show too much of the flawed complexion. IBS' data gathering call took place this past tuesday and being the first of the day, i was so nervous i nearly threw out my guts. The moment i went into the room, i totally blanked out and forgot all the speech i had rehearsed at home. But thankfully, or luckily, i managed to hold myself together and get through with it. Grade wise, i couldn't ask for more. Satisfied is all i can say. I'm so deprived of the friends, though i just met Meow and talked with Nazi on the phone today. I need my dosage of friends! Anyway, i was bored while waiting for Jade to shoot the scene she's standing in for Vanessa so i took a couple of pictures. This is the students finding the perfect angle and whatever needs to be done.
Testing the shot.
And she's ready to go!
Okay, i'm looking forward to the final outcome yet dreading it at the same time cause i'll look like a wooden block and it'll be super embarrassing!

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