Sunday, February 24, 2008

It has been 2 days since the last paper ended and I’m supposed to be feeling over the moon and delirious since I’ve been yearning for getting a break from school for ever but somehow or rather, the fact of it hasn’t yet sunk in. That small comfortable spot that I’ve set aside in my mind, waiting for it to take the throne once the last paper was over just didn’t really settle in. Afterall, it’s literally the last day of my poly education, that is if everything goes smoothly as I hoped for. It’s a rather scary feeling, having nothing to look forward to other than that little thing called NS, which isn’t really appealing either. Imagine me, already big head and small limbs, having to shave off the hair!! Plus, the free pimples outbreak and becoming charcoal burnt are very appealing giveaways indeed. How exciting right? Tell me about it. Okay, I’m being sarcastic. If you can’t see it, then you must be very naïve to think that I’m actually looking forward to pawn two years of my life away. You know how you’re so accustomed to having a vacation and counting down (and dreading) to the commencement of the next semester but this time, if all goes well like everyone desire for, then there’s really nothing much to look forward to. Which is rather disastrous, in my humble opinion, in a sense that that might be it for certain people’s education path. For them, it will be “Hello” to the working world for probably the rest of their life, until they somehow manages to strike Toto and can live comfortably for the rest of their life just through the interest alone. But that ain’t gonna happen often I got to say. I seriously can’t imagine myself stepping into the working world at just 20. I still feel like a child!! Hahahaha. I’m sorry if I’m sounding like some dumbass ignorant spoilt brat but to me, the fact is that going to the working world means having to carry so much more responsibility and workload overnight. That is going to be one of the worst living nightmare ever. To the friends that are going to really take on this route, hats off to them. Then there are going to be people that are applying for further education immediately or after 2 years for the guys. But past statistics somehow aren’t really motivating actually. I didn’t know that graduating from Poly brings about so much stress. Actually, I can be really serious if I want to be. I like that. Hahahaha. Well, I guess it’s better to focus on the short term first instead of the longer term.

So after the last paper, it was off to plaza for meet up with the favorites for some post-paper activities. We didn’t really do much either. Just shopped around, developed some pictures and talk like there’s no tomorrow. After which, went home for dinner before heading back out again to meet another favorite, LeeLian! It was off to plaza (again) to run some errand, cheap Mac ice cream and talk even more. Both are very simple affairs, but I still enjoy every moment of it because I can’t emphasize enough, it’s all about the company. Furthermore, I miss all the friends like crazy!! So it’s definitely good to get to meet up with them. Then yesterday, one of the people I adore most in the entire world came to my place for dinner. I’m SOOOOOOOOO in love with her, that words can’t really explain my affections. It’s none other than the lovely grandma. All of us had steamboat together and I felt like a fat cow after the whole thing. I love steamboat but it’s not something that I would want to do everyday, especially since knowing about how much calories and fats I’m packing on.

Today, went out with Diana, whom I also misses a lot because we haven’t really gotten a chance to hang out ever since the projects starts piling on. It’s a long time since we last have a laughing-fest like we used to, and I’m glad it’s back on today. I’m going to miss her a lot when she fly back to the Philippines in april. We first went to have lunch at subway, before heading to California Fitness gym at Orchard cause Diana gets a 2 week free trial for a survey that she did. Initially, we had plan on to going to the National Museum of Singapore for the Greek exhibition but the thing at CaliFitness took so long, we had to forgo. But I did gain something from accompanying Diana. I got free 2 weeks trial too!! Hahahaha. That guy, Lawrence, is from the Philippines too, so he was extra nice to talk to. He’s openly gay and acts like one outright, but he has got a character that one will look past of his sexuality. He is downright funny. I guess it’s the Philippines spirit of something but he is cracking joke all the while. I was so caught off guard about everything actually because I thought we’re just going there to collect the trial for Diana but I’m wrong. We were actually toured around the place and I finally got to see what’s inside! Hahaha. It’s pretty cool actually. Then things got off track a little in the middle. Lawrence took me to tour around the changing room, which I don’t think is necessary, but I can’t reject. It’s like, everyone’s there to change and wash off and I’m there to look at them like they’re some kind of zoo animals. He even finds the need to bring me to the shower area, which got me really embarrassed cause for christ’s sake, everyone there is either wrapped in a towel or butt-naked, except the two of us. I feel like I’m some peeping tom or something. Seriously embarrassing. I’m not trying to be mean and stuff but I’m sure I know where to shower if I were a member! So after that little incident, we continue touring around the place before being led to having our body compositions analyzed. God, I was dreading for it, cause I know how unhealthy I am! So first, I was actually 2 kg underweight, surprisingly until I found out the latter. Then it measured my body fat mass. It’s supposed to be 9 kg, but that damn scale just wouldn’t stop rising till it hits 16.1 kg!!!! I was there asking Lawrence if that scale would stop rising, because I’m close to having double of the acceptable body fat mass I should have! Hahahahahahaha. I’m like, having 16.9% more fat than I should have. SHAME ON ME! Hahaha. This is so demoralizing man. Then it measures my muscle. Again, I know my weak spot. The only thing that I’ve having enough of in my body is minerals, which I already forgot what it’s for. Hahaha. Then it analyze the fluid in my body, and the statistics makes me feel like an out of the world creature! Hahaha. Cause another trainer there, told me that my arms are undeveloped whereas my legs are acceptable! I mean, undeveloped? What the hell la. Hahaha. Then they printed out the statistics for us to keep. My overall fitness score is only 64 la!! Sigh. Anyway, Lawrence then introduced us to Fatima, another fellow Filipina, and that’s when Diana and I spent all out energy on. Both Lawrence and Fatima are so funny, they got us entertained for another hour or thereof. I love people from the Philippines! Hahaha. They are so friendly, smiley, funny, energetic, fun and sociable. I just had so much fun laughing at their jokes. Seriously. Fatima asked whether I can be her boyfriend when we were leaving! Hahahahahaha. Diana and I were actually too tired from laughing for 2 hours, we slept on the bus way back home and I didn’t even have the energy to eat dinner. I was that tired. It’s definitely a fun and eye-opening day. 2 weeks of free trial? We would go there as often as we could within these 2 days cause the “kiasu” us wants to take full advantage of it!! They did offer me a really really cheap package and today’s the last day but nah, I still rather spend it on food and shopping. Hahaha.

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