Friday, February 29, 2008

It's the leap year and on this rare occassion, it's also the birthday of a very very special friend - WeiQi! A very important friend in my life and i really hope she enjoyed herself and like what we did for her. Anyway, here are the pictures from the planning process to the actual big day. After IKEA on Tuesday, HuiYing, Liyi and I went to Causeway Point to buy puzzle and after dinner, it was off to HuiYing's place to start piecing the puzzle. We managed to complete close to half of the puzzle on the first day and finish it on the next. Working hard.
And going mad when we're going nowhere with it.
Like i said, crazy.

The completed work!
Putting a layer of glue on it to stick everything together and give it a glossier look.
While waiting for the glue to dry, we played card and looked at photographs.
Then, on Thursday, met them again (for 3 days straight! haha) after my birthday celebration with the poly clique and work on the final surprise for WeiQi.

And while i was writing, the 2 went mad again and start posing with the paper.

Criminal 1.
Criminal 2, who seems happy about it. Well, obviously since the name was Mrs Chou. You know, Jay Chou.
Criminal 3.
Then we saw the following name and can't help but have the same reaction.
He is none other than, the Prince of Pending.
It's done! We managed to convince the waitress at Mind Cafe to pass it to us in an envelope upon bill, and claim that it's a promotional voucher which we've won after spending more than a certain amount.

Then it was the actual day. People present includes the following.
I had a hard time deciding what to wear and HuiYing chose this for me. Haha.
The birthday girl was slightly late and this is her making her grand entrance.
Opening her first present at Suki Sushi.

Present 1!
Human marketing.
Then it was off to Mind Cafe. Look at YongSheng's ,aka Prince of Pending, competitive expression.

The birthday girl, who also happens to be good in almost all the game!
And, there are of couse people who went crazy because they simply suck. HAHAHAHA. I'm kidding.

And i finally won ONE round. I think it's the only round i won.

Fierce okay!

I think this is the lamest game, but yet it's also the favourite.

When we're about to leave, everyone went to the toilet and when i am done, look at what happened to my camera in just a few minutes.
The Prince's self image. Wow. Rare collectibles okay. Maybe i cna fetch a good price with that. Okay, i take that back on second thought.

Finally, it's bill time! She really thought it's voucher, and wanted to share with us.
Her reactiona upon the truth.
Actually, in that envelope is only the messages. The actual gift is with Liyi, and we only give it to WeiQi 5 minutes later. Rival!
Strategic planning. It's only a GAME!!
The common target among everyone. See how lonely he looked. Hahahaha. I'm just kidding.
Suddenly, halfway through the games, the cake was brought out and caught the girl in surprise.

Since it's only her fifth actual birthday, how could we miss having party hat!

Gift number 2! Gift voucher.

Much efforts invested in this, and it's worth it.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!! Hope she love everything and enjoy herself.
After WeiQi and Shandy left, the rest of us went to have dinner at Secret Recipe while WeiQi wait for her parents to come fetch her for their celebration. After WeiQi left and dinner was done, we head for The Cathay with ice cream in our mind. I have to leave minutes after reaching because i have to go off and meet LeeLian at town so no ice cream for me. Which is good i guess, since i'm having 16kg of FATS. Hahaha. I can't get over that. So babe and i quickly shopped around Taka and Wisma since it's near closing time and she needs to get a dress by yesterday. We combed the entire Forever 21 until around 10.20 pm but still didn't get anything. Good thing is, Babe's friend decided to lend her the entire closet to choose from. I think this is much better than settling for the second best she could find at Forever 21. On the way back home on bus 171, Lee got bored and did some crazy stuff, again. Doesn't come as a surprise to me actually.

Taking picture of the guy who keeps looking at LeeLian when she's taking pictures of herself.
Taking my "sexy" leg.
Disturbing the couple behind us.
In front of us.
And the person next to her - me!

Molestation! Hahahahahahaha.

1 comment:

-Ys- said...

Ernest~!!! LOL.. Funny Post~ WHAHAH~!! I like I like.. But I think I really ke lian lo..

Every1 hates me. LOL~!! And sorry la.. You all finished the puzzle too quickly liao.. Thurs I free all day lo.