Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Looking back at the past couple of weeks, i'm still in disbelief that all the projects and assignments are done deal. What's only left are the examinations and if all goes well (pray really hard), we'll be graduating from the third stage of our education path. Wow, i'm really old. At times, i really regret choosing Marketing for this semester but on other occassions (like today for instance), i don't think it's that bad an option actually. Afterall, we learn much more as compared to what we were taught in Human Resource last semester. I love HR, don't get me wrong. It's much easier and simpler than Marketing cause most of the stuff there are theory based. And, it ain't that stressful. Marketing, on the other hand, gives us a more indepth knowledge on the whole marketing experience and we had many first. My group did a banner for the marketing clip competition, and it is placed outside of canteen 1. It may be ugly and simple, but i'm proud of it nonetheless. We shot our first commercial and it's a memorable experience, that's for sure. Then we had a taste on what it's like to be a marketing researcher, from developing the objective, coming up with the questionnaire with the class, conducting fieldwork, and lastly to analyzing all the informations and present it to the customer. A really tough and stressful period but i'm glad to say that we made it through. Gosh, it seems like i aged a lot during this period. Hahahahaha. I'm just kidding. Anyway, during this whole process, there are times where i flare up a little. Okay, maybe not so little but my point is, i admit that i have my share of throwing my tantrum here and there. It's really hard to control the temper when you're lacking of sleep and the hormones are running all over. And it doesn't help that there's clashes of character and ideas. That, i don't deny and i'm really apologetic about it. But somehow or rather, this whole process seems to bring all of us closer together. Well, that might be partly in due to the fact that we see each other everyday, other than the time we're sleeping. Hahaha. But still, i'm really thankful to have the friends in my project group and overcoming all the crazy obstacles together. Why am i so serious in this entry?! Okay, it's starting to nauseate me. I better stop right here before i become too sane for my own liking. Anyway, Chinese New Year is just hours away!! Well, i ain't really that excited about it but it'll be a good time to rest and have funnnnnn!

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