Friday, March 28, 2008

My musical preferences has taken a weird twist in the time machine and currently, i'm in love with songs from the 70s and 80s.
"Total Eclipse of the Heart"
"I'm The Only One"
"9 to 5" - the most relevant song EVER etc
And i'm such a huge fan of Amy Winehouse now.
Love her old school jazzy vibe.
"You Know I'm No Good" is overplayed on my player
Diana called the night she went back to the Philippines and we had a very brief conversation that lasted about 10 seconds.
Hahaha, but it still made me smile.
Cause i miss the friend like crazy, and i don't know why because we didn't see each other every day even when she's here in our tiny island.
Okay, this entry is lame.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Met my favourite people yesterday after so long, and i miss them terribly. It's always great to see them and just talk to them. Anyway, Nazi told me, possibly, one of the funniest yet lamest joke EVER! Here's how the conversation goes,
Nazi : Do you know who Bjork is? ( She pronounces it as Bee Jork)
Me : I know. But it's pronounced as Byork. Anyway, ya, i know her. She's weird and her music is creepy.
Nazi: Ya. Do you know what she had for breakfast?
Me: What?
Nazi: Lunch
HAHAHAHAHA! I'm not sure if people really gets the joke but i think it's hilarious yet lame, all at the same time. I was trying so hard to contain my laughter cause we were in the library and of course, i had to resist giving her a punch. But this is definitely the best joke she's EVER told me. Trust me, the others are really really boring. Anyway, i'm not sure why it's so funny, but it is. Oh god. I'm still laughing now. I think it's because she tricked me into really guessing what would Bjork, someone so weird, have for breakfast. And i was really anticipating something quirky like Bull's testicle of something thereof but i was really caught off guard by her answer. I guess that's where the punch of the joke lies.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Met the poly clique at Taka's Crystal Jade for Diana's farewell dinner cause she's leaving tomorrow. Till now, both of us are still in a deluded state over everything, choosing to believe that she's still in Singapore and that i will call her up in two days to ask her out. That's how pathetic everything is. I think it's kind of good that the brain decides to put on this brave front and keep consoling myself with the fact that i'll see her again for graduation in May, but ignoring the fact that she's only back for a week and after dividing among all the friends, i'll probably only see her for one more day. And if things went really really smooth, i'd see her in april, but chances of that are pretty low, so i wouldn't count on that much. We treat today just as how we would treat each other on any other day, that is till the time i have to alight the bus and bid goodbye to her. A wave of emotion just came and hit me right across the face, and it's really really hard to say goodbye. I don't like to get too emotional, but i know i will miss her like crazy over the next two months. I can still remember the day our friendship blossomed - the first and only class chalet we had in year 1. It all started over the fact that she reminds me of another best friend of mine (LeeLian), a packet of kitkat, 2 mochi ice cream and a 2 seat bicycle. I'm not going to go into details about the rest because it's all going into the gift i'm giving her when she comes back in may, so it's best not to disclose it here and defeat the whole purpose of it. I don't know how long i will remain deluded and how will i feel when the protective wall i've created comes crumbling down, but all i hope for is to be able to hold all emotions together till May. If there's anything that i want to say to her, it'll probably be summed up in this song by Leona Lewis, called Footprints in the Sand. Take care my friend, and see you in May. You know i'm gonna miss you, haha. Okay, went to brush teeth and stuff after typing the above parahraph and i've decided not to wait anymore. Diana, you know i cannot wait to tell people things that're on my mind. And here's what i want to say to you:

"I'm not good with talking and my favourite way to communicate is through words, so bear with me. Like you said, even when Singapore is flooding and when water level reaches the neck, i would probably still be sitting in front of my laptop blogging, haha. Anyway, thank you so so much for the 3 years. It felt like 30 to me. Shoot, can't believe i'm actually tearing up now when i'm typing. Hahaha, didn't know that protective wall is so vulnerable, should've checked it durability, sorry. So, 3 years, boy it's sucha ride. There's so much i'll miss when you're gone, i mean, when you're in a completely different country, instead of being gone "gone", you know what i mean. There's so much memories that we shared and i thank you for that. Remember how you used to distribute flyers with me just cause i'm lazy to work and wanted to earn some extra bucks? We would go around bukit panjang and cck and slip those paper into letterboxes. And then there's the time where you would walk me home after school, before muay thai, and we would sit at the bus stop opposite my place and talk cause we've too much to talk about. You would miss 75 after 75 just because we're too talkative. Then remember the time i went over to your house, and we cooked that pasta we thought is the best? Then there's this period when i'm having this imaginary enemy of mine, and we would joke about it often. Nostalgic, isn't it? But i'm glad we shared all these. And thank you, for being there. I remember how whenever i'm feeling like crap, i would just ring you up at anytime and you're always there to listen to me. Thank you, for the many crazy laughter we shared, only you can understand my joke. I love how we would always laugh till our stomach hurts and our tears are rolling down. Thank you, for just being you. You're the one who always share the same sentiment as i did over different issues. You always know where i'm coming from, and you understand me when no one would. You would let me complain non-stop whenever i'm pissed off with people, and you never seem to mind. Over the past year, i've cultivated this habit of looking at art pieces, and you're always there to accompany me. Thank you. And thank you, for all the treats you would give me - from subway to crystal jade. And thank you, for all the meaningless phone conversations we had, where we talked about everything, from our love for britney to our future. There's many things i wanted to try, but was weary, but you're always the push that i need and because of that, i've did stuffs that i wouldn't normally get to do. I can't thank you enough. And i'll miss you like crazy. Thank you for the many walks we had, the wonderful meals we had, the gossips we shared and the conversations we made. There's so much i wanted to tell you, but the brain's pretty screwed right now. All in all, have a safe trip, take extra care of yourself in philippines and see you again in may. I'll miss you, and you know i love you, my friend. "
I'm sorry it's not well drafted, and rather more spontaneous. Hope you don't mind.

You walked with me
Footprints in the sand
And helped me understand

Where I'm going

You walked with me
When I was all alone
With so much unknown
Along the way
Then I heard you say

I promise you
I'm always there
When your heart is filled with sorrow and despair
I'll carry you
When you need a friend
You'll find my footprints in the sand

I see my life
Flash across the sky
So many times have I
Been so afraid
And just when I
I thought I'd lost my way
You gave me strength to carry on
Thats when I heard you say


When I'm weary
Lord, I know you've been there
And I can feel you when you say


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Some delayed pictures from previous outings. First up, zoo!! HuiYing's excited about her new camera, and i mean, she's REALLY excited about it.
I have to take picture with this signboard, which i don't really know how to, since it's flat and pretty, dead.

See, i told ya, she's excited about the camera!!

But at least they come in handy. Ohh, love is in the air! Hahaha. HuiYing take good pictures y'all!

I'm curious as to what goes through the white tiger's head when it's close to feeding time and there's tons of walking flesh just across you. Hmm.

This little thing, came up behind us out of a sudden, and scare the hell outta me and huiying that we ran. Hahahaha.
Some oversea tourist thinks they're funny but giving a loud shriek at these two poor birds out of a sudden. I wish that they somehow would flap their gigantic wings onto their face and show them who's the boss! Respect the animals people! Schmuck!

I'm literally raining sweat like a waterfall. Cool huh?
HuiYing and her best companion. Aww!

I HATE REPTILES. They give me goose pimples.
Gotta be my favourite picture of the day. Just happened to pass this little dragonfly by and asked HuiYing to snap it.

I'm forced to take a picture with my favourite animal. But it's okay, i really like them a lot!!
How can you not like a giraffe!!!

Sigh, i guess they're feeling way cooler than us.

Llamas! They have pretty pretty long eyelashes that can charm every male in the house! Haha.

My birthday surprise!

Look at my gigantic card. Love it to death!

Thank you!

Dinner treat at Secret Recipe.

Before heading to Underwater World!!
I'm way beyond excited. Great times!