Saturday, March 8, 2008

On Friday, went IT fair with Liyi and HuiYing cause the two wanted to get cameras. The crowd was alright, still manageable i guess. Hahaha. Not a big fan of crowd. The 2 of them ended up getting each a Canon digital camera, which cost a bomb. Well, at least that camera is really worth the price. Friday is also the day i woke up the earliest in a LONG time. My current waking time is around 11.30 and thereabout but on Friday, i woke up at 9.30! An incredible feat, i must say. And i wasn't grumpy at all, which is even more amazing! Hahahaha.
Speaking of spontaneity in my last entry, HuiYing called me at close to 12 noon yesterday and asked me out. Since i'm free till 5.30, i agreed and half an hour later, we are on our way to the zoo. I've been wanting to see my favourite animal, the giraffe, for quite some time already. I don't know why but i just adore giraffes cause they look so tame and approachable, though i wouldn't be so dumb to really approach one if i ever end up in African desert and end up getting stamped flat. It was blazing hot and humid, i literally used up one packet of tissue paper. Adding on to the heat was the fact that i'm wearing black tee and jeans and covered shoes, but that's because i'm going out after that and not because i'm senseless. Hahaha. It's fun actually. I love the zoo, and seeing those animals, my political instinct kicked in and got me feeling stronger and firmly rooted about my anti-fur stand. I know, weird. Hahahaha. But anyway, i was dead beat after touring around that place but i still have to drag myself to town to meet Aunty Irene, the attachment friends, Diana (who is also friend with one of the attachment friend, and whom aunty also knows of ) and aunty's friends. Dinner's at Sakura for their buffet. Lately, i'm not sure what's wrong with me but i just dread eating, simply because knowing the amount of calories i'm putting into my body. But no, i haven't gone to the extend of sticking my fingers into my throat and throwing them out, though i feel like doing so on certain occassions, like yesterday. I had so many servings of salads but i still can't resist those junk food like desserts and fried food. Anyhow, left with a bloated stomach, as usual, and bid farewell to them around 9. Diana and I walked to Raffles City Shopping Centre to buy cake cause i'm meeting my cousin after that. It's nice to walk around town at night, when the weather's more cooling that the day, and having both meaningful and meaningless conversations with the best friend under the moonlight. When we're going home, we did some pretty dumb stuff, which is quite hard to put down in words. But all i know is, i'm willing to put in a lot of effort just to have seat on the bus. Hahahahaha. So i finally met cousin around 11. Passed her her gift and she gave me mine. You know why i love my cousin? Not just because of the fact that she's one of the best cousin and friend, but also because she gotten me Amy Winehouse's grammy winning album - Back to Black!!!!! I freaking adore the album! I'm not a huge fan of jazz but Amy Winehouse's distinctively sultry and captivating voice makes this album hard to resist! Love is a Losing Game is so so haunting, i'm in love with it! Hahahaha. Thanks cousin!! Was damn tired when i reached home slightly after midnight and to make things worse, i'm having this irritating sore throat which is driving me insane. But i'm still on cloud nine though, cause i got this 2 fantastic album - Back to Black and Coco - to listen to. Both are different in all aspect - one is jazz, the other is pop. Amy's voice is sultry while Colbie's voice is soothing. - but i just can't stop listening to them! Hahahaha. Me love some good albums!

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